The genius doctor lady is crazy

262 Chapter 2 Going Out the Door

262 Chapter 2 Going Out the Door ([-])
The shopkeeper remembered that among the embroidered pieces that Gu Qiu had brought, there were some delicate ones, so he offered a high price to let Gu Qiu try it.Gu Qiu thought for a while, and then took over the job.

Princess An smoothed the embroidered surface, looking at the embroidered half peony flower, she was slightly absent-minded.

Peony, this is the most noble flower, it was common in the past.

But...Princess An looked at the wild flowers in the corner of the courtyard and smiled.This wild flower also has the beauty of wild flowers, and it really shouldn't be compared with it.

In the afternoon, Princess An looked up at the sun.In the past, Prince An should have returned at this time, but for some reason he still hasn't seen him today.

She also lost her mind about embroidery, thinking of Duan Yunsu in the house, she must be too busy to stay alone, so she packed up her things, turned around and entered the house.

"Yunsu, what do you want to eat today?" Princess An stepped in and asked Duan Yunsu, who was holding her head.

"Mother is an experienced person. It's up to Mother to decide what Yunsu should eat now." Duan Yunsu said with a smile.

Now that she wants to breastfeed, some things cannot be eaten casually, and the taste should not be too strong, for fear that the milk will be affected.

"Then mother, just watch and do a few things. When the child is weaned, Yunsu will be comfortable." Princess An came over, reached out to hug Xiaobao, but suddenly said in surprise: "Ah , Xiaobao spits out little bubbles?"

Duan Yunsu looked at the little guy beside him tenderly, and said, "Yes, Xiaobao is different every day."

Seeing each other every day, I can find that it is different from the past, and every first time a child can surprise his parents.

This morning, Duan Yunsu thought that Xiaobao was not feeling well. She is a medical student and knows that children are so young, if they are sick, they will spit bubbles, such as pneumonia.She was shocked at the time, and hurriedly took Xiaobao's pulse, and felt relieved when she saw that everything was fine.Presumably, Xiaobao's salivary glands have begun to develop, and now he is spitting bubbles and playing by himself.

"I remember that Chen'er only spit bubbles at the full moon." Seeing Xiaobao's cute appearance, Princess An couldn't help kissing that pink and smooth little face: "But it's almost the same, wait When Xiaobao is full moon, the family will invite people from the village to come and have fun, to add some blessings to Xiaobao."

Thinking of the full moon, Duan Yunsu touched his body and suddenly became happy.After the confinement period, I quickly take a shower, and wash it thoroughly from beginning to end!

Princess An didn't know what was going on in her mind, and said, "Yunsu's confinement should last for forty days. There are many people in the family who are too busy to come. It is only serious that you take care of yourself."

Duan Yunsu froze instantly.

There was a sudden knock on the courtyard door, and everyone in the room looked out.Princess An put Xiaobao gently beside Duan Yunsu, and said, "Mother, go and have a look."

Walking out of the yard, I saw Gu Qiu coming out of the kitchen after drying his hands.Looking through the low door, I saw a fifteen or sixteen year old girl standing outside, she looked pretty good.Gu Qiu thought for a while, but really couldn't remember who this person was, so he looked at Princess An, and saw that she also looked puzzled.

Gu Qiu went up to open the door and said, "Who are you looking for, Miss?"

The woman was wearing calico clothes, her fair skin didn't look like a regular farm worker, even those ten fingers were very white and tender.She smiled when she heard the sound: "It's good for my sister to call me Meihua. I came here to find Mrs. Su."

"Sister is confinement, I'm afraid it's inconvenient." Seeing her looking around, Gu Qiu felt displeased, and moved forward slightly to block her sight.

"Only you two at home?" Mei Hua saw Princess An on the side, and saw that although she was wearing coarse cloth, her temperament was different from that of the women in the village, so she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

When Gu Qiu heard the name of plum blossom, Gu Qiu had some impressions. There was no young man in the village who didn't know plum blossom. Because of her good looks, many people wanted to ask her to go back.Just looking at her white appearance, she looks more noble than the ladies in the town.How can a girl from a small village not have to work?

Besides, she said that the young lady is inside, so why ask who is at home? Could it be that the young lady you are looking for is not her family?

Gu Qiu's eyes were dark, and his tone was a bit cold: "What's the matter with Miss Meihua, let me pass it on to you?"

Unexpectedly, the plum blossom came in without saying hello, looking at the two rows of vegetable fields and the only three chicks, she couldn't help frowning, as if she had some disgust.

Yoha, still disgusted?Gu Qiu sneered in his heart, this person is really inexplicable, how many people in the village are as poor as them, as for running over to give her winks?

The plum blossom sat down on a small chair in the yard and said: "I want to ask Mrs. Su to see my mother."

Gu Qiu just rolled his eyes, and even the kind-hearted Princess An couldn't look down on her, and said, "My wife is confinement, how can I go to see your mother?"

"But my mother was too sick to get out of bed, so..." Mei Hua frowned in embarrassment.

"Your mother can't get down to the land, and it's absolutely impossible for me to let my daughter-in-law go out to meet the wind. Miss Mei Hua should go to the town to ask for a doctor." Princess An said softly.How could he have broken Yunsu's body for someone irrelevant.

The plum blossom choked, but still didn't give up: "My family can pay more for the consultation fee. Mrs. Su has been sitting for a long time this confinement, so it won't be a day or two?"

Gu Qiu snorted coldly, why can't this person understand human speech?

"My family is not short of these coins. Miss Plum Blossom has time to chat here, why don't you borrow Grandpa Lin's ox cart and drive to the town." Gu Qiu picked up the broom and swept the ground vigorously. Next, the plum blossom frowned and gave way.

"What Gu Qiu said is correct. This is exactly the truth. Miss, go home quickly." Princess An also ignored this person, walked to the side of the medicinal herb in the yard, carefully turned it over and continued. basking.

Seeing this, Plum Blossom seemed to be angry too: "Isn't Miss Su a doctor? How can she not have medical ethics. How many women in the peasant family can confine themselves to confinement for a full month, and I don't see what will happen!"

"Who said my daughter-in-law is a doctor?" Princess An squinted at her, her voice was cold: "My wife is just the most ordinary woman, but she is kind enough to see a doctor once or twice. , I, Yunsu, am a noble person, so what's the matter with you if I want to let her have a full confinement?"

Mei Hua's face was flushed red, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was open and she didn't know how to choke.

It just so happened that Zhao Hechen came in with a shovel in one hand and Xiao Hei in the other. When he saw the plum blossoms inside, he frowned slightly, and put the shovel on the foot of the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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