The genius doctor lady is crazy

263 Chapter 3 Going Out the Door

263 Chapter 3 Going Out the Door ([-])
That little Hei Jian returned home, his four short legs thumping violently.When Zhao Hechen saw it, he immediately let go of it.

"Da Lang, you're back? Is this the rabbit you caught in the back mountain? It's so cute." When Mei Hua saw Zhao Hechen, her eyes lit up, and she stood up straight away.

Gu Qiu's face turned dark when he saw it, it turned out that the plum blossom was looking around just now, just to find her uncle!

"What big man, Miss Meihua, please speak more carefully, the reputation of the girl's family can't stand the torment." Who is Princess An, and she has seen a lot of bad things in the deep house. If you still don't understand what Meihua is thinking, That was a waste of time.

Mei Hua was embarrassed by the words, she secretly glanced at Zhao Hechen, and said, "Brother Jiang, I'm here today..."

"Mother, can my lady have lunch?" Zhao Hechen directly interrupted this man's words, and turned to look at Princess An.

Princess An patted her head: "Look at me, I almost forgot, this lunch is ready, but your father hasn't seen it yet, will you see him when you come back?"

Zhao Hechen shook his head. The ancestral hall and the back mountain are not in the same direction, so he has never passed by: "Chen'er, go and look for it?"

"Wait a little longer, mother will send the lunch to Yunsu first, so don't starve." After finishing speaking, Princess An went to the kitchen, and went directly into the house with the meal.

Seeing that several people directly ignored her, Mei Hua felt anxious.Who in the village has ever treated her like this, she looks pretty good, why doesn't this Jiang family boss even look at her!
"Brother Jiang, I wonder if you can sell that rabbit to me? I feel lonely at home alone." Mei Hua glanced at the white rabbit that was running around happily, her eyes flickering slightly.

Zhao Hechen's voice turned cold: "No, that's Xiao Hei raised by my wife."

She clearly saw that he had just been captured, why was it raised by her wife.The smile on Mei Hua's face collapsed for an instant, and soon recovered: "If you have a baby at home, it's better not to keep these things that shed hair."

Gu Qiu sneered when he heard the words: "Girl Meihua, who doesn't have furry things in the village? How did those dogs get here in front of the village? I don't need you to remember my little white rabbit."

Seeing that Gu Qiu had been using her to make things right, and Zhao Hechen didn't want to talk to her as expected, Meihua was so annoyed that she yelled directly into the room: "Miss Su!"

Zhao Hechen's eyes sank: "Why are you looking for me, Susu?"

"See a doctor for my mother." Seeing that Zhao Hechen finally took the initiative to talk to her, Mei Hua was overjoyed and put on what she thought was the most beautiful smile on her face.

Gu Qiu panicked with anger, her uncle was so stupid, he didn't expect someone else to stick to him!Besides, there is nothing valuable in this house, and I don't know what this person is planning: "Brother-in-law, this plum blossom girl said that my younger sister will not sit in confinement, her mother is the biggest, and she has to wait for her now." Going to see a doctor for her is serious."

Mei Hua's expression darkened when she heard this, and she said loudly, "When did I say that, don't try to add fuel to the picture!"

What about adding oil and vinegar?Gu Qiu raised her eyebrows, as long as her son-in-law can believe it, her lady is working hard to bear children for the Zhao family.At this time, a woman came to the door, so of course I had to drive him out.

Sure enough, when Zhao Hechen heard it, his face turned black: "Go out."

"What?" Mei Hua couldn't believe what she heard.

"Get out!" Zhao Hechen didn't even bother to chat with this person anymore, so he raised his foot and planned to walk into the house.I haven't seen Xiaobao and Susu for such a long time, and I'm worried about it, but this woman is talking here and there, it's really annoying!

Seeing that Zhao Hechen was really going to leave, the plum blossom suddenly had an idea in her heart. She pretended to go out, and when she passed by Zhao Hechen, she sprained her foot and wanted to fall on Zhao Hechen.A cold light flashed in Zhao Hechen's eyes, he turned slightly to one side, stretched out his feet and kicked her mercilessly.

Mei Hua never expected that Zhao Hechen would be so ignorant of pity and love, that he would beat women!She fell to the ground hard, and the sand rubbed her skin so badly. Seeing that this man didn't get in, she was furious and cursed loudly: "I'm just a fool, I think I think highly of you when I talk to you." , How dare you kick me!"

Zhao Hechen smiled suddenly, kicked up a pole lying on the corner of the wall, and held it in his hand: "Idiot? Isn't that what it is."

He directly dropped the pole on the person on the ground, and the plum blossom screamed and hurriedly got up, with a pain in his shoulder, and screamed: "The idiot hit someone! The idiot hit someone!"

As soon as the cry came out, Zhao Hechen no longer had any scruples, and directly hit the man on the threshold, kicked him out, and threw the pole on the ground with a "bang", watching the plum blossom cry in pain, Smiling and squinting his eyes, he said, "Sister Meihua, it's time to leave."

Zhao Hechen closed the door with a "bang", patted the non-existent dust on his body, and walked directly inside.

That Gu Qiu was so shocked by this instant change that only the big mouth remained. When Zhao Hechen saw it, he smiled and leaned over and said, "Sister Gu Qiu, Chen'er won't hit you, don't worry."

"Uncle... Uncle, is it really okay to beat her?" After all, my family is a foreigner, so it would be bad if they got stiff?Well, although just now she really wanted to drive people out of the door.

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Hechen heard the words, he immediately stopped his raised steps, and looked at Gu Qiu with a smile in his eyes: "She will bother Chen'er again, but Chen'er can use a knife."

Gu Qiu suddenly calmed down, well, at least he just hit the door, and his life is still there.But she didn't dare to forget that my uncle had bad temper sometimes.When he was in the palace, he was angry and attacked more than once, it was really a killer, with white knives in and red knives out, without any scruples.

Gu Qiu shuddered, hoping that Meihua could hold back her little thoughts, otherwise she wouldn't know how she died.

In the room, Duan Yunsu was looking outside suspiciously, and asked: "Mother, who is outside, but there is a commotion?"

It was a woman's voice, and she clearly heard the man calling herself, as if scolding her Chenchen.The scream was so sharp, it was really harsh.

Princess An waved her hands indifferently, held down Duan Yunsu's half-sitting body, and said, "It's okay, Chen'er is outside, and he can take care of it."

Duan Yunsu was even more confused, what's the matter with Guan Chenchen?She looked in the direction of the door, she could hear some but not see, she really wanted to go out and have a look.

On the second day, something new happened in the village, and everyone under the old pagoda tree was talking and laughing.It turned out that the Jiang family's son was such a fool that he even knocked out the guests!
"Who said this, but did someone see it with their own eyes?" Aunt Lin happened to pass by, and she couldn't help interjecting when she saw the discussion among the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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