The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 264 Chenchen, hand in the money

Chapter 264 Chenchen, hand in the money (1)
"Isn't it plum blossom? I heard that she wanted Mrs. Su to see a doctor for her mother, but who knew she was beaten up."

"That's right, even hitting women, isn't that a fool, what is it?"

Aunt Lin frowned, and said in disapproval: "The one who beats a woman is a fool? How many men in the village still beat their own wives, so there are quite a lot of fools in Xiahe Village."

As soon as the words fell, someone laughed: "That's right, you don't want to be clear, Madam Su is sitting on confinement, looking for some kind of illness. Then Meihua must have done something to annoy her, so she said this in a fit of anger It is also possible to ruin the Jiang family's reputation."

"Plum Blossom is such a good girl, why would she do such a thing? I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding." A woman fanned a few times with a straw hat, and muttered: "It's really a big day, like at the end of last year." There is a lot of snow, and this year is so hot, I always feel that the weather is different from previous years.”

Peasants rely on the sky for their food, and they are most concerned about the harvest in the field. After hearing what the woman said, everyone put aside the topic just now, and took the woman's words, and you talked about it one by one. .

Aunt Lin also walked away when she saw it, wondering if she should go to Jiang's house.She is not optimistic about this plum blossom, every time she sees her eldest son Shusheng, her eyes are drawn, it could be something good.

Prince An didn't come back until late noon. A child about eight years old was pushing Prince An's wheelchair. He had a simple smile on his face. His small white teeth stood out on his dark face, and a drop was hanging on his forehead. Khan, seeing Princess An, called out a little shyly: "Hello, Master."

Princess An was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was addressing her: "You are Aunt Lin's second son, right? The teacher's mother cooked lunch at home, can you eat it?"

"Master, I am not called Gousheng now. My husband gave me a nickname, Sicheng." The little boy looked down at his toes in embarrassment. The teacher said, "Sheng" means light.The husband also praised him for his good reading, which made him very happy.

Scholars are often looked down upon. Some people just find someone with knowledge to name their children, which is understandable.Prince An looked at the boy behind him with a smile, and said hello: "Since you're here, let's stay for dinner together."

He shyly shook his head: "Mother must be waiting for me, I'd better go home."

After the little boy finished speaking, he ran away directly. Prince An smiled and shook his head when he saw this.

"Why did I come back so late today? It's useless to worry about." Princess An complained that he had inconvenient legs and feet, and couldn't run when something happened. Fortunately, he was respected in the village as a gentleman. How can you rest assured that he will go out like this every day.

Seeing her slightly frowning brows, Prince An's heart warmed up, and he handed over the flowers in his hand, coughed, and said a little embarrassedly: "When I was about to come back, I saw Xiao Sicheng holding such a flower So, I asked him where he had..."

It was a bunch of hibiscus flowers in full bloom, and the pink petals were slightly wilted by the sun. Seeing the slightly hot eyes, Prince An's face was stained with rouge.She stretched out her hand to take it, but she said stiffly: "Come back quickly in the future, who cares about these few flowers."

Seeing her expression, Prince An didn't understand, so he smiled.

But Zhao Hechen next to him didn't think about being polite, he glanced at Prince An, then at Princess An, and said, "Mother is blushing."

Princess An glared at him, how could this child tear her down!

Prince An was even happier when he saw it, and was about to laugh out loud, but was choked back by Zhao Hechen's next sentence.

"Chen'er knows that mother likes hibiscus flowers, so Chen'er finds saplings and plants them directly in the yard to see how courteous Daddy is."

"This brat!" Prince An angrily wanted to throw the book in his hand on him, but thinking that he had written it word by word, he couldn't bear it anymore, and stared at Zhao Hechen with his beard blowing.

Seeing Prince An's return, Gu Qiu hurriedly brought his lunch inside the room, and said, "My lord is hungry too, the food is ready."

Seeing Zhao Hechen pushing the wheelchair to go in, she turned around to tidy up the yard, but she saw a dirty little boy standing blankly beyond the fence, staring at the people inside.

"Who are you? Are you looking for Mr.?" Gu Qiu walked over and asked.

The little boy stood quietly without speaking, looked up at Gu Qiu quickly and then lowered his head.Gu Qiu saw that the sun was at its fiercest time, wouldn't the child get sunburned by standing like this?

Prince An was going to go in, but when he heard Gu Qiu talking, he turned his head and recognized him immediately: "That's a child from the village, who has been standing outside the ancestral hall these days, why are you here today? ?”

Seeing the doubtful eyes of several people, Prince An explained: "People in the village call him a fool. His parents have already left, and he is left alone in that dilapidated thatched hut. These days, he is standing outside the ancestral hall, thinking Listen to the get out of class too."

There was some pity in Princess An's eyes, he was just a child, he was young without father and mother, he didn't know how he survived: "You are sir, since you want to study, why didn't you accept it?"

Prince An sighed and said, "People in the village say he is the nemesis. His family members are all dead, but he is the one who has a hard life. How could he agree to let him enter the important place of the ancestral hall?"

"Fate is hard? It's good to be alive." Princess An didn't know if she had a child at home, and her heart became a little softer. Looking at his skinny body, she said, "Let him come in for a meal." , sorry to see you."

Although there is nothing good in the house, it is better than the child who is full and hungry.

The boy raised his head in surprise when he heard Princess An's words, but quickly lowered his head.Gu Qiu opened the door and took him in. Seeing him coming in but not leaving, he just picked his black fingers and said cautiously: "Sir, I don't need to eat, sir can you teach me to read..."

Seeing that the people inside looked at him and said nothing, the little boy became even more anxious: "I don't have any money, but I can work for my husband. I can do anything, really!"

"Let's talk about it after eating." Zhao Hechen looked at his trembling feet and said.

Afterwards, Prince An had nothing to do, so he personally examined him.I saw that the child could memorize the lessons he taught in the ancestral hall stutteringly, but he still couldn't read the words.It's not bad to be able to memorize it just by listening to it, not to mention memorizing some of his explanations.Prince An felt that this child was really talented in reading, and most of the children from poor families were hardworking in their studies. After thinking about it for a while, he agreed to let him come over in the afternoon and teach him how to read.

(End of this chapter)

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