The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 266 Chenchen, hand in the money

Chapter 266 Chenchen, hand in the money (3)
"How much is this painting?" Zhao Hechen casually pointed to a landscape painting.

"This is drawn on high-quality rice paper, and the ink won't fade. Brother, don't you think the artist is not light? It costs at least half a tael of silver." The scholar said one by one.

Zhao Hechen looked at it and said nothing, a man in Chinese clothes came behind him at some point, looked at the painting with a look of distaste in his eyes: "Does this cost half a tael of silver? I can see that ten cents is enough."

The scholar's face turned red, and he pricked his neck to retort: ​​"My lord, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand painting, how can this thing be so cheap."

"Paintings are not cheap in the first place, but this fine brushwork can only be so much." The young man waved the fan in his hand and said leisurely.

Being belittled so bluntly, the scholar's face turned red, and his voice became a little louder, attracting many people around to look over: "You don't want to buy and leave, why talk like that!"

"I can't even bear this little unpleasant remark, no wonder I'm still a seller of paintings." Mr. Huayi sneered: "Whoever said that I don't buy paintings, if I like it, I will move back home, but You have to be able to do this.”

Zhao Hechen looked down at the suet jade pendant on his waist, his eyes darkened, and said, "Master, if I can make the painting you want, how much will you pay?"

The young master stopped the paper fan in his hand, and finally took a look at Zhao Hechen. Although this man was dressed plainly, the aura between his brows was impressive.He folded the paper fan with a "snap", tapped his palm and said, "This little brother is quite confident, Renqing, how much money do you have?"

The servant named Renqing wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said bitterly: "Master, the money given by Madam has been almost spent, only ten taels of silver are left."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huayi stared at the servant, gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you lying to me, how could there be ten taels left?"

"Master..." Renqing was about to cry, but she walked all the way, went to the gold and silver pawn shop, and then went to the restaurant, followed behind and paid the money in front of the purse.The young master is very happy, seeing the money that has flowed away makes him feel distressed, and now he still asks why he has no money.

"Ten taels is ten taels." Zhao Hechen looked at the man with a smile: "I just drew it directly, this young master must not break his promise."

Seeing that the man in front of him was full of confidence, Mr. Huayi couldn't help becoming interested.He walked directly to the scholar's booth just now, drove the person aside, reached out to touch the rice paper on the table, nodded reluctantly, completely ignoring the scholar's darkened face.

There are more than one or two domineering people on this street. As a scholar who set up a stall to make a living, he didn't dare to directly contradict him. What's more, he had seen this person before, and his status in this town seemed to be quite high.

Seeing that everything on the table was neat, Zhao Hechen dipped in ink and drew without saying a word.The young man in Hua Yi looked at the falling lines, and slowly put away his playful face, and stared at the vaguely outlined outline with deep eyes.

The scene in the painting could not be simpler, farmland, people, cooking smoke, and a faint winding river. The imagery in the painting is quiet and peaceful, which makes people calm down unconsciously.

About half an hour later, Zhao Hechen made the last stroke, and was about to draw up the pen to sign it, but stopped.He put the brush aside, and said with a smile, "Young master, are you satisfied?"

"Why didn't you mention the words?" The young man in Hua Yi saw that he was still moving, but he stopped suddenly, and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"More money?" Zhao Hechen asked casually.

Mr. Hua Yi choked, this man clearly knew that he had no extra money on him!When the ink in the painting was completely dry, he rolled it up and handed it to the servant behind him, saying, "Where's the silver, why don't you bring it?"

The servant presented the last silver with a bitter face, and looked at it again reluctantly. Mr. Hua Yi felt ashamed of him, so he threw a fan on his head: "This is my silver, young master, what are you looking at!"

Zhao Hechen took the money, stuffed it into his arms, turned around and was about to leave.The young man in Huayi stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm, then put his hand on Zhao Hechen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Xue Shaochen, what's the name of the little brother? Where does he live? We know each other."

Seeing his young master reporting his name, Renqing, who was behind him, said nervously, "Master, madam told me before..."

"Go, go." Xue Shaochen waved his hand, ignored Renqing, and entangled Zhao Hechen again: "Brother, I'm afraid this painting has been around for a while? Where can I get better? Why don't you come to my side?"

"Young master, young master!" The boy's voice came from a distance, and the man seemed to be very anxious, and ran over with sweat on his face, panting as he spoke: "Master, there is a distinguished guest at home, the master told you to hurry up!" go back."

"Honored guest? What honored guest? Go away, go away, haven't you seen the young master, am I busy?" Xue Shaochen said indifferently.

When the boy saw him, he winked at Ren Qing who was beside him, and grabbed him suddenly, and carried him back in the direction of going back, apologizing, "Master, I'm sorry, madam said If you don't want to go back, you will be dragged away, the young one is just following orders, young master forgive me!"

"Hey, you guys let go!" Xue Shaochen struggled, unable to break free, and shouted at Zhao Hechen: "Brother, what's your name, I will look for you later... Hey, don't pull me, I will do it myself Walk!"

Looking at the few people who were leaving, Zhao Hechen turned around and left indifferently. The scholar sighed: "It really is a powerful family who lives so wantonly, how can we work so hard for three meals like we do."

"Don't be envious, he is also talented, otherwise he wouldn't have become a county magistrate at a young age." Another scholar at the stall next to him said.

"Who knows, I heard that the family has a big background. It's a pity that the little brother didn't seize the opportunity just now."

Several people sighed regretfully when they heard the words, they could only climb up if they could be appreciated by the nobles, otherwise they would be stuck in this small town as a poor scholar for the rest of their lives.

The voice of the conversation was not small, and it was transmitted into Zhao Hechen's ears word for word.He paused slightly, turned his head and glanced at the direction Xue Shaochen left, his eyes flickered slightly.

Looking at the sky, Zhao Hechen walked to the grocery store, but when he looked back, he remembered that only Gu Qiu knew what to buy for the full moon wine. Remembering that he had said to wait at the city gate, he had no choice but to turn back first.

Halfway there, he saw Gu Qiu's figure.She was full of anxiety, and when she saw Zhao Hechen hurried up to greet him: "Where is my uncle, Gu Qiu has been looking for it for a long time." Seeing that Zhao Hechen had no accidents, she finally felt relieved: "Young master is walking too fast. Soon, Gu Qiu can't keep up. How much money did my uncle change? Let's go buy some things first."

Zhao Hechen took out the ten taels of silver from his bosom, ignored Gu Qiu's stunned face, and said to himself: "Sister Gu Qiu bought what mother said, and also bought a piece of cloth for her to make new clothes. , parents also want to buy a lot of delicious food. Don't worry, Chen'er will make money."

(End of this chapter)

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