The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 267 Chenchen, hand in the money

Chapter 267 Chenchen, hand in the money (4)
"Uncle, how did you get the money?" Gu Qiu looked at Zhao Hechen suspiciously, those medicinal herbs were only worth more than 200 renminbi, and for an ordinary family, some of these taels of silver have never been seen in a lifetime.

"Chenchen earned the money." Zhao Hechen looked at Gu Qiu with a smile, but refused to say the specific reason.

Gu Qiu didn't ask any more questions, she was originally a maid, and even though she wanted to pretend to call him brother-in-law in front of others, she definitely didn't have the right to ask the bottom line.Besides, if you tell the lady about it later, my uncle will definitely not hide it.

Thinking of this, Gu Qiu didn't care anymore, and went directly to the shop with the money.

Zhao Hechen followed and prepared to carry things, but saw a jewelry store opposite, stared at it blankly and then looked away.

Gu Qiu picked and picked for a long time, and finally got everything ready. She returned the rest of the money to Zhao Hechen, frowned and said, "I don't know why, but the things used for weddings have increased a lot all of a sudden. Money, and some incense candles are out of stock, why do so many people want to buy these things? It's really strange."

Zhao Hechen recalled what the shopkeeper said before, and he had already thought about it in his heart, but he didn't take Gu Qiu's words.The two went directly to the outside of the city gate, saw Mr. Lin was already waiting there, apologized before getting into the ox cart.

The bullock cart was walking leisurely, and it was already evening when the two returned to Xiaohe Village.Princess An was surprised to see the two carrying so many things.

Several people tidied up their things, and Gu Qiu brought in the things he bought for Duan Yunsu, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to take over the work from Princess An.

During dinner, Zhao Hechen inadvertently talked to Prince An about the news he heard from Ji Ren Tang today. Seeing the slightly changed expressions of Prince An and Princess An, Zhao Hechen pretended to be ignorant and asked what it meant, but He was sent back to the room by Prince An.

Seeing Zhao Hechen walk out of the room, Princess An sighed and said: "It seems that the person above is doing really well."

"I never cared about the draft in the past, and I never thought that one day it would happen to me." Prince An closed his eyes slightly, and opened them after a long while and said, "We also know what the person above is thinking. We are demoted to civilians because the men in Prince An's Mansion are lame and stupid, and there is no threat to him."

"But Yunsu said that your legs and feet can be cured. When she is confinement, she plans to use acupuncture and moxibustion as an auxiliary treatment. You can also stand up and take a step or two to try. And Xiaobao..." Princess An looked at the wheelchair, the prince will leave it one day.It's just that if the people above get the news, then...

Prince An said in a deep voice: "At least in front of outsiders, I must continue to be limping, and Chen'er must continue to be stupid. Xiaobao is too young. When Xiaobao grows up, his foundation has already been firmly established, and he will not be able to grow up." Now the prince must have a plan in private, and Zhao Fang's news will come soon."

"My lord's meaning..."

"There will be another turmoil in the capital, Yunsu is also born now, and what originally belonged to us must be taken back." Prince An gently held Princess An's hand: "Although it is quiet here, it is not our root after all. .”

Looking at the smoke rising from the farmyard outside the door, and the green farmland, Princess An sighed.Although it is poor here, the days without struggle and struggle are really comfortable.It's just that a man has his ambitions, and he still has a little bit of reluctance to admit defeat in his heart. This trip to the capital is probably inevitable.

In the other room, Duan Yunsu was touching the material that Gu Qiu put down, thinking about how to cut it, when the door opened and then closed again, seeing Zhao Hechen walking in with a smile on his face, leaning over He picked up Xiaobao and kissed him.Xiaobao giggled, at least he gave him such a good face as a father, and instantly made Zhao Hechen so happy that he couldn't find Bei.

Duan Yunsu gave him an annoyed sideways glance, smiled and became happy. Will he be so happy that he will be called Daddy in the future?

"Chenchen, I heard from Gu Qiu that you earned a lot of money today?" Duan Yunsu said casually, seeing Zhao Hechen's pause, he affirmed some of Gu's thoughts in his heart.

"My lady is really smart, so I just earned a little bit, a little bit." Zhao Hechen approached her flatteringly, and grinned at her, as innocent as he could be.

"How much is a little bit? Give the money to Susu?" Duan Yunsu looked at those dark eyes like Xiaobao's, and suppressed a secret smile in his heart.

"Oh, the money is all for the lady." Zhao Hechen replied blankly, hugging Xiaobao with one hand, and digging in his bosom with the other hand for a while, and put three taels of silver in front of Duan Yunsu.

"Huh?" Duan Yunsu looked at the number, and raised his eyebrows lightly at Zhao Hechen.

When Zhao Hechen saw it, he directly handed over the two taels of silver in his sleeve, and said pitifully: "My lady, it's really gone."

Duan Yunsu looked at the five taels of silver and smiled softly, but he didn't make things difficult for Zhao Hechen: "Chenchen will make money to support his family."

"Yeah, Chen'er is amazing." Zhao Hechen raised his chin proudly.

"Of course, Chen'er is stronger than before." Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Zhao Hechen laughed and came over, hugged Xiaobao and kissed Duan Yunsu's face, Xiaobao rolled his eyes and was having a good time with a small bubble on his mouth.

When Zhao Hechen saw it, he stretched out his hand in surprise and poked it.The bubble disappeared, Xiaobao blew another one, Zhao Hechen poked it again, and so on.Finally, Xiaobao pursed his mouth and frowned, and was about to cry. Daddy is so annoying!
As if Zhao Hechen was facing an enemy, he hurriedly followed Yunsu's example and patted his back to coax him. Duan Yunsu was happy to see him in a hurry, and didn't intend to go up to help.He must have experienced it, so that men can know that it is not easy for them to be mothers.She watched Zhao Hechen's originally black and bright eyes gradually become darker, and then thought about the past situation carefully, and asked casually: "Just now Gu Qiu came, and I heard that Chenchen can find out a lot when he goes to the town. information?"

"It's what the shopkeeper in the town said." Zhao Hechen replied smoothly.

"Chenchen doesn't like to call me Susu anymore like before."

"My lady is also very nice..."

"Chenchen won't yell about sleeping with Susu anymore."

"Mother said that Chen'er would quarrel with the lady to take care of her body..."

Duan Yunsu squinted his eyes slightly, watching his movements of patting Xiaobao become slightly stiff, and suddenly smiled: "Chenchen can't lie, can he? Yunsu can tell when Chenchen is lying. "

"That's that, why did Chen'er lie?" Zhao Hechen put the baby into Duan Yunsu's arms, scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

Why?Duan Yunsu thought about it, but he really couldn't think of a reason. Who knows if this person suddenly had some crooked idea, maybe just to tease her?There is a black line hanging on Duan Yunsu's forehead, how can Zhao Hechen be such a boring person: "When I am out of confinement, I will show Chenchen a good look, and go up the mountain to pick some herbs, maybe you can use them. Although I I can't get out and I can't see what Chen Chen has done, but I always feel that it is a little different from the past, maybe if I hit you with a stick, Chen Chen will be the same as before?"

(End of this chapter)

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