The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 275 The Beauty Trap

Chapter 275 The Beauty Trap (4)
The master and wife originally asked the young master to come over to be a small county magistrate, but seeing that he was not stable enough, she wanted to grind him down, but she didn't expect the young master to act so casually.

That's what Zhao Hechen was waiting for, and said with a smile: "Master Xue is really happy, since this is the case, then the grass people will not be polite."

"When did you know the identity of my young master?" Renqing sounded the alarm, could it be that this person really has some bad intentions!
"The people in the town mentioned it, and the grass people remembered it." Zhao Hechen smiled faintly. He glanced at the room Duan Yunsu entered, and seeing that he hadn't come out, he said, "Master Xue, let's talk in another place."

When Duan Yunsu prepared the prescription and came out, there were no people in the courtyard. She looked at the open door of the opposite room, and several people happened to be inside, so she walked softly along the wall.

The few people didn't know what they were talking about, they seemed to be very involved, and they didn't even notice that Duan Yunsu came over.Duan Yunsu was about to go into the house, but he heard Zhao Hechen speak.

"Master Xue, I will trouble you with this matter. After the matter is completed, Caomin will send the painting."

"Brother Jiang, you are too polite. Hearing Brother Jiang's capital accent, he doesn't even look like an ordinary person. How could he end up in Xiahe Village?"

"It's a long story, but it's just some disputes in the family. Lord Laoxue is concerned."

"Why make Mr. Xue so indifferent, I'm about the same age as you, so just call me Brother Chen."

"If this is the case, the grassroots will be more disciplined, and I dare to call you Brother Chen."

Outside the door, Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened. What he had guessed and noticed was indeed correct. Chenchen might have already woken up, but for some reason he wanted to keep hiding it from everyone.The original Chenchen didn't know how to communicate and be courteous, let alone how to deal with people in the officialdom.

She suppressed all the thoughts in her heart, walked in with a smile on her face, handed the medicine to Xue Shaochen, and said: "This medicine needs to be changed every day, and there is a small white bottle that is used to treat scratches." Take the medicine, be careful not to get it in water."

Xue Shaochen got up and found that his feet were no longer in severe pain. He secretly thought that the little lady's medical skills were good, and thanked her with a smile.

After Xue Shaochen left, Zhao Hechen told her that Gu Qiu had been entrusted to him.Duan Yunsu affirmed the thoughts in his heart, and he was not in a hurry anymore, thinking about how to get Zhao Hechen to recognize him.Thinking about it again, this guy is actually hiding it from everyone, how should I punish him?

Originally, everything was extremely peaceful, but in just one day, even Xiahe Village heard the news of the palace draft. Many families with daughters were anxious, they all had the same idea, and hurriedly married their daughters!Those who were engaged to get married were okay, but those who were not optimistic about others suddenly became flustered.

Duan Yunsu guessed whether this incident had something to do with Xue Shaochen's arrival, could it be that this person released the news?Thinking of that "routine matter", this Xue Shaochen is a member of the court no matter what, why would he be so daring?But thinking about Xue Shaochen's casual temperament, maybe he really likes to mess around.

That night, Prince An received a letter from afar. He opened the letter paper that was rolled into a short section, and it was Zhao Fang's handwriting.

Duan Yunsu was preparing to go back to his room after acupuncture with the prince, but he was very curious about the contents of the letter.Zhao Fang's letter must be related to the capital.

After reading it carefully, Prince An put the letter paper on the candle and lit it. Looking at the ashes of the paper, he said after a long while: "Zhao Fang and his old troops have secretly joined forces with the Prince's troops. There is also news from the capital. The Second Prince has been enthroned for quite some time, and instead of returning to the fief, King Cheng has been stationed in the capital, the meaning of which is really intriguing."

"Second prince, this time, is it considered that he has lured wolves into the house?" Princess An said.

Prince An said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid that King Cheng is also harboring ulterior motives. It would be good if the two of them stand in a stalemate. It just gives the prince a chance."

"The new emperor has only been enthroned for a while, won't the capital be in chaos again?"

"The new emperor's foundation is still shallow, and he can't directly take over King Cheng's troops. If King Cheng doesn't withdraw his soldiers and horses back to his fief, there may be another disturbance."

Princess An shook her head when she heard the words, and sighed: "It's all uneasy, it's not the common people who are suffering."

Ever since she came to Xiahe Village, Princess An understood the difficulty of the people below, but what's the use of her understanding, the current emperor doesn't care anymore, and it is impossible for her to have the opportunity to speak.

Duan Yunsu frowned and pondered, seeing that it was getting late, thinking of Zhao Hechen and Xiaobao in the house, worried that he would not be able to take care of him alone, so he went back to the house.

In the room, a dim yellow light was beating. Zhao Hechen was lying sideways beside Xiaobao, propping his head with one hand, and gently teasing Xiaobao with the other, his eyes full of tenderness.Xiaobao waved his pink lotus-like arms joyfully, grabbed Zhao Hechen's big hand, looked at Zhao Hechen with round black eyes, and smiled cutely with his small mouth.

Duan Yunsu walked over softly, seeing Xiaobao like this, couldn't help but kissed him lovingly.Seeing that Zhao Hechen also had an expectant look in his eyes, Duan Yunsu gave him a coquettish look, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, seeing his satisfied face, couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Duan Yunsu picked up Xiaobao, patted his back gently to lull him to sleep.Xiao Bao smelled his mother's familiar scent, and was still jovial, but slowly calmed down.Duan Yunsu thought of the news he had just heard from the prince and concubine, so he directly told Zhao Hechen to listen.

The man didn't have any reaction after hearing it, but he was more concerned about the eagle he had captured.

"Has Chenchen heard of the word 'boiled eagle'?" Duan Yunsu watched Xiaobao smack his mouth, seemed a little sleepy, and continued to coax him by humming a little tune.

Zhao Hechen got up from the bed, his clothes were slightly open, revealing his firm chest, without shoes on, he walked up behind Duan Yunsu barefoot, stretched out his arms to hug him, and murmured: "My lady, hurry up and tell Chen'er... "

"Then Chenchen should tell Susu first."

"Tell Susu what?"

Duan Yunsu saw that this guy was pretending to be stupid, so he just ignored him.Zhao Hechen became anxious when he saw it. Seeing that Xiaobao seemed to have fallen asleep, he stretched out his arms to hug him, put him in the small shaker he had made before, and looked at Duan Yunsu eagerly.

Duan Yunsu recalled Zhao Hechen's reaction when they were making out in the courtyard before, rolled his eyes, turned around and smiled charmingly: "It's nothing, let's go to bed earlier, we'll talk about it tomorrow when we get up."

Zhao Hechen glanced at her suspiciously, seeing that she had taken off her coat and seemed to be really going to sleep, so she said "oh" and planned to go directly to bed.

"You haven't taken off your clothes yet, so you're going up?" Duan Yunsu shot him a glance and walked forward, smoothing the hair scattered on his shoulders casually. He stroked his chest lightly, glanced at the Fu Pei still hanging on his chest, and reached down to undo his belt for him.

(End of this chapter)

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