The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 276 Open Your Heart

Chapter 276 Open Your Heart (2)
It's just that when he woke up the next day, the man was gone, and when he came, let alone explaining, Duan Yunsu became angry.

You said that you have come to your senses, and it is not unreasonable to continue pretending to be her, after all, the current situation is also special.But you have to tell your family first, what is it to fool the family like this!
Duan Yunsu felt aggrieved and uncomfortable in his heart, so he thought about closing the door and keeping quiet.

Princess An originally thought that there was some friction between the young couple when she saw it, and it would be healed after two days.Husband and wife, which one is not fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.But after several days, these two people still look like this, Princess An was in a hurry.

Zhao Hechen followed Duan Yunsu silently, not even going up the mountain.Duan Yunsu was doing his own thing, even when the family was eating, the two of them never said a word.

Even Prince Youzi and Ding'an couldn't stand it, Duan Yunsu shouldn't be the one who made trouble for no reason, and Chen'er liked Duan Yunsu so much, so he wouldn't deliberately make Duan Yunsu angry.He thought about whether he should call the two of them and just speak directly, and they would give a judgment directly as elders, and no one would help anyone else.

"Fu'er, I think it's better to call Chen'er to ask for clarification, he has lost energy these few days, and I don't know what the two of them are doing." Prince An sighed.

"I'm also worried when I see it. Ever since Yunsu got married, the two of them have been happy. Now that the days are calm, the two of them are at odds. It's really strange." Princess An put down the needle and thread in her hand , got up directly and planned to call Zhao Hechen in.

Zhao Hechen was standing in front of Duan Yunsu's house, frowning into a frown, with a bit of loneliness in his eyes, when he heard Princess An calling him, he looked up at the door before turning around and leaving.

As soon as Zhao Hechen came in, seeing his slumped appearance, Prince An angrily smashed the book on the table: "A man is a man, just be patient in everything, why are you still making trouble with Yunsu like this. You go directly Apologize to Yunsu, and don't freeze anymore!"

Zhao Hechen looked at Prince An's brows tightly wrinkled, and his temples had gray hair at some point, and his heart ached.He thought of what happened over the past ten years, and how his parents had broken their hearts for him. A deep sense of guilt rose in his eyes. He knelt down with a "plop" and kowtowed to them with a voice Choked up: "Father, mother, the child is unfilial, and you have suffered all these years."

Seeing that Zhao Hechen's eyes were clearer than ever before, and his face was no longer the ignorance of that child, Prince An's eyes were filled with unbelievable shock, and he tried to stand up, but found that his whole body was shaking. trembling.

"Chen'er, you..." Prince An's voice trembled.

Princess An reacted, and the needle and thread in her hand fell to the ground with a "snap", and her body froze completely.

Zhao Hechen clenched his fists, his face still had the confusion and ignorance of the past, and his eyes were slightly red.Time passed year after year, and after his birthday, he was already twenty and four. Since he fell off his horse when he was eight years old, it has been 16 years in a blink of an eye.In the past 16 years, I have been foolish and foolish. My parents must have exhausted so much thought for him, so that he can live without worry, marry a wife and have children.

The faces of my parents are no longer the youthful appearance they were back then. When I wake up and take a closer look, it is already full of wind, frost and vicissitudes.But I haven't been able to repay their love at all.

"Father, mother, it's not good to be a child..."

Princess An came over, knelt down on the ground, stretched out her hand and stroked his cheek lightly, so many years of forbearance and persistence made her feel sour, her tears finally burst, she covered her mouth and choked up sobbing, only vaguely heard A "silly boy".

Even Prince An, a big man, couldn't help but mist up his eyes.

It happened so suddenly, before they had time to make preparations, the child was already standing in front of them completely.Just like when he woke up back then, Chen'er was suddenly stupid.The hopes, disappointments, and despairs of the past are finally kept alive today, but is it true that God is taking care of their family?
"Get up quickly, what does it look like kneeling." Prince An's face was sullen, but there were tears in his eyes.

Zhao Hechen supported Princess An to stand up together. Princess An patted the dust on his body, and smiled with joy. Her tears and smile carried the tenderness that belonged only to her mother.

"Okay, that's good. Does Yunsu know?" Prince An's voice was still trembling, but as a father, he couldn't talk to him as intimately as Princess An.Thinking of his willingness to call him in, he held back the excitement in his heart.

"It was the day Xiaobao was born, and the baby woke up." Zhao Hechen still remembered the scene at the time. He was in a coma at that time, but he could hear someone talking in his ear every day, but his eyes were so heavy, no matter what. Can't open it.That day when he heard Yunsu's heart-piercing screams from afar, he felt as if his heart was being torn apart, as if he had exhausted all his strength and finally struggled to escape from the darkness.

He never thought that what he saw when he woke up again was Xiaobao's birth.

Although his mind was clear at that time, he only remembered Duan Yunsu who was walking behind the gate of hell for giving birth to his children.Looking at the newly born Xiaobao again, I just felt that I was stunned, and I had already forgotten what I was supposed to do.

"Why didn't you tell me when you woke up? But it's because of Yunsu that you're angry?" Prince An grasped the key point.

Zhao Hechen lowered his head: "I don't know when Yunsu found out, my child, and it became like this later."

Princess An wiped her tears and sighed: "Yunsu's heart is full of you, and now you are hiding it from her like this, anyone would be angry. You didn't explain clearly, that's why Yunsu gave birth to such a big baby." angry?"

"My son knows how to do it, but there are some things that my son has not considered carefully." Zhao Hechen said in a low voice.

"Then hurry up and explain what you thought at the beginning, and now you have said it outright, and Yunsu will definitely forgive you." Princess An pushed the man out of the door directly, and the young couple quarreled It has to be resolved quickly, the longer it is left on the table, the worse it will be.

Watching Zhao Hechen knock on Duan Yunsu's door, Princess An sat back, picked up the needle and thread on the ground and wanted to continue embroidering, but found that her hands were trembling and had already stopped listening.

"It's really God's blessing." Princess An let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing to wake up, you're crying so much." Seeing the tears in her eyes, Prince An felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"I'm happy." Princess An wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "The young couple quarreled, so it's no wonder Chen'er didn't know how to deal with it. Chen'er has been ignorant for so many years, and this is the first time that this relationship has happened. Encountered. It used to be like a blank sheet of paper, but this feeling is unpredictable, Chen'er can do this, it is already pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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