The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 277 Open Your Heart

Chapter 277 Open Your Heart (3)
"That's true, but Chen'er has been smart since he was a child. Although he has not been seriously taught how to deal with others these years, he will definitely learn it soon, and we can let him do it by then." Prince An thought of this Some relief.When he gets old, there will still be a man in the family who can take care of everything, and the family will not decline any longer.

Speaking of Zhao Hechen's side, he knocked on the door and waited patiently outside, but he couldn't wait until Duan Yunsu came to open the door, thinking that there were only Duan Yunsu and Xiaobao in the room, and worried about the people inside. Will something happen to people.Zhao Hechen was anxious and kicked the door open.

I saw Duan Yunsu lying on the bed with his eyes closed, patting Xiaobao lightly with his palms, and he knew that he was not asleep.

Zhao Hechen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it's okay, it's really scary.

"My lady." Zhao Hechen took out something from his bosom and handed it to Duan Yunsu: "Chen'er carved this by himself in the past two days. It doesn't look good, so don't dislike it."

Duan Yunsu raised his eyelids and took a look. In front of him was a wooden hairpin carved out of wood, with a simple peach blossom engraved on it, which seemed clumsy.Seeing the stretched out hand, there were several scratch marks on the fingertips, her heart softened, and she took the hairpin over and played with it in her hand, but she didn't speak.

Zhao Hechen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Yunsu was willing to talk to him, then he could coax her back.

"Miss, Xue Shaochen sent someone over yesterday, and Gu Qiu's slave status has been cancelled, and the documents of the good people have also been sent over." Zhao Hechen almost forgot about this, and hurriedly took out the things together.

Gu Qiu sat up slightly, took the document and read it, then carefully folded it and put it aside.

"I know why you are angry with me. I didn't even think about pretending when I woke up, but then I remembered what you said before..." Zhao Hechen's voice was a little hoarse, and with a bit of depression: "I originally said There's nothing wrong with coming out, but I'm afraid in my heart, so it dragged on like this..."

Duan Yunsu couldn't help sitting up straight when he heard him talking about this.She is not an unintentional person. Seeing Zhao Hechen's lonely appearance these days, she also feels distressed.But if this person doesn't talk about it for a day, I always feel aggrieved in my heart: "What did I say, as for asking you to do this?"

Seeing that Duan Yunsu also talked to him in a good voice, Zhao Hechen sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to hold the little white hand, and struggled twice with that hand, but he refused to let go: "At that time you were not married Me, one day I sneaked into the General’s Mansion, originally thinking of going out to play with you, but I heard you and Gu Qiu talking about it.”

Zhao Hechen met Duan Yunsu's eyes, and unconsciously grasped the small hand with his big hand, frowning, and finally expressed his worries: "You said, marrying a fool is better than marrying someone else. If it wasn't for Seeing that I am stupid and innocent, I will not have no objection to this marriage. You said that what you value is not glory or wealth, but my childlike, most simple and innocent temperament. "

"Yunsu, when I wake up, I will never be able to think about what I did back then. I want to take over my father's burden, plan and plan, and go to that dirty place, intrigue and intrigue. If I change If you are sinister and cunning or cruel and cold-blooded, it is no longer what you want."

"Sooner or later, we will return to the capital, and we will fight for it. The quiet and leisure you originally wanted is gone. Everything will change. I am very afraid that I will not be able to give you the life you want, so I want to continue pretending. Even if I pretend for the rest of my life, I still want to keep you by my side."

The reason for this is so simple, it sounds more like a joke to outsiders.But thinking about it further, it was just that this person cared too much about her feelings.

Duan Yunsu pursed his lips tightly, his eyes were slightly hot, but he didn't forgive him directly, instead he felt aggrieved in his heart: "Is this how you look at me? Could it be that after so long, you still don't know What exactly do I want?"

"All I want is to treat each other sincerely. I said that at the beginning because I couldn't find a person worthy of entrusting my life. Later, I took all the kindness you treated me to my heart." Duan Yunsu's eyes With a touch of hurt: "Don't you think I'm the one who wants extravagant comfort? What I want is not a fool, but a person who is worthy of dedication. If I don't love you, I will give birth to children and support the family for you." Dao? Even if you become unrecognizable by everyone, as long as you still treat me wholeheartedly in your heart as before, even if you want to be cruel and ruthless and turn the world upside down, so what."

Zhao Hechen hugged him tightly, his voice choked up: "I'm sorry..."

"I don't want your sorry, why do you look at me like that?" Duan Yunsu's head was in his arms, his hands tightly clutching his clothes, tears finally fell down.

The clothes were sticky and wet, and Zhao Hechen's heart was burned by the scorching tears, and his heart was in pain.He looked at Duan Yunsu's tears, kissed her cheeks pitifully, and tasted the salty bitterness: "I'm too stupid to make you so sad. I should have told you frankly at the beginning. If you want to leave, I will tie you by my side with a rope for the rest of my life, and I will never be able to leave."

"You can't do this in the future..." I can no longer doubt my love for you.

"it is good."

"You are inexplicable." Inexplicably, I have thought so much, should I say you are too sensitive or too stupid.


"You're an idiot." It took so many days to say such a simple thing.


It took a long time for Duan Yunsu, who was leaning against Zhao Hechen's arms, to stop sobbing. Zhao Hechen hugged him tightly, feeling the peace and satisfaction in his heart that he had never had before.Duan Yunsu had never expressed his love so clearly before, this time he was thinking too much, but the result was not bad.At least I understand in my heart that no matter what he looks like, there is someone who is willing to accompany him sincerely.

He looked down at the person in his arms, but saw that she seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed, her eyes were so red and swollen that he felt pain in his heart, and he pitifully put her on the bed.

Duan Yunsu opened his eyes slightly in a daze, but still held onto Zhao Hechen's clothes with one hand and refused to let go, clearly expressing nostalgia.

Zhao Hechen's eyes softened, and he gently walked beside her, and stretched out his big hand to hug her directly.I haven't slept well in the past few days, and I became confused after a while.

As it was getting late, Gu Qiu picked vegetables from the field with a basket, and Xiao Hei jumped into the vegetable basket unwilling to be lonely.Gu Qiu lightly smiled and carried it away together.Looking at the sky, Gu Qiu picked a few more tomatoes and planned to make dinner.

In the courtyard, Princess An was spreading chicken food, looked at the still closed door, smiled and shook her head.The more you care about it, the easier it is to think about it, and it will be even more difficult if you get into a dead end.But the two of them stayed together for so long, and there was no noise in the room, so they should be fine after all, right?

(End of this chapter)

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