The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 279: Natural Disaster

Chapter 279: Natural Disaster (1)
After a while, Duan Yunsu put down the makeup in his hands, took a look at Gu Qiu, nodded with satisfaction, and helped her up.

This is when a fight broke out outside, and Fu Yang had nowhere to use his brute strength. Seeing a few people deliberately coming to find fault, he grabbed a wooden stick in the yard and beat them up.

The mustache scolded angrily: "Sure enough, it's the poor people who came out of the poor mountains and rivers! Just let me go in and arrest people!"

"Why is this lord so angry? My sister has bad legs, so she walks slowly." A delicate voice came from the room, and Duan Yunsu hugged Xiaobao with one hand, and brought Gu Qiu out with the other.

Inconvenience?The mustache looked at the woman in the red wedding dress who was limping over, and then looked back at Prince An who was sitting in the wheelchair.Goodbye, the bride's appearance is really mediocre, with thick eyebrows, thick lips, and dark complexion, she is actually a girl and a boy.

His eyelids twitched, such an ugly person married back home?I don't know how the groom suffered!
Seeing Gu Qiu's appearance, Fu Yang and Prince An were taken aback and laughed sullenly.Is this Duan Yunsu's handwriting?To be able to transform a good girl's family into such an appearance, this is a cautious person.

"My lord, look at this..." An officer and soldier frowned at Gu Qiu's appearance. It was impossible to choose such an appearance.

That mustache was already furious in his heart, why should he stop him when he looks like this, it's just a joke of him!He snorted fiercely, his eyes fell on Duan Yunsu, and he could hardly move his eyes away.

"Then take the girl next to me and let's go!" Bazihu ​​ordered.

girl?Didn't you see Duan Yunsu combing the woman's hair?Zhao Hechen's face turned dark when he heard this, and he was tired of working if he dared to hit his wife!Draft?It doesn't matter whether Zhao Huanyi can bear it!
"This lord is old-eyed and dizzy? This is my wife, who even gave birth to a child, and she is not the girl with a yellow flower in your mouth." Zhao Hechen took a step forward, looked at the gleam in the mustache's eyes, and captured Duan Yunsu without a trace. block.

How could the mustache do what he wanted? Such a beauty, let alone Xiahe Village, would not be able to be raised even in the city.Looking at the small appearance, tsk tsk, if you grab it and give it to your superiors, you will definitely be able to please the superiors, and when you get promoted, it is not a matter of one sentence: "Don't think that you want to wear a woman's hair in a bun." If you have fooled the past, this person will be selected as a show girl, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future, and you can also follow the officialdom to prosper."

That person directly tried to lure the few people present with benefits, but his vision was really bad.These few people are not real farmers. They have seen too much wealth and honor for a long time, how can they not understand what is going on!

The three officials received the wink from the mustache, and went forward directly to drag him away.With a flash of Zhao Hechen's body, he snatched out the saber from one of the men with a "clang", and swung the saber down towards the outstretched hand.Looking at the blood stained on the knife, Zhao Hechen's lips curled up, and there was a bloody gleam in his eyes.

Duan Yunsu's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, no wonder Zhao Hechen didn't want to tell her when he was sober, that he was completely different from the pure and simple before, as if he had subverted his temperament.When his innocence was gone, it was replaced by coldness and bloodthirsty.

When Zhao Hechen saw Duan Yunsu staring at the blood on the tip of the knife without knowing what to think, his heart tightened, and he quietly put the knife forward, not wanting her to look at it.

The officers and soldiers never expected that these people would really be able to fight. Since ancient times, the people have not fought with the officials, so these people are rebellious!The officer and soldier whose hand was injured, looked at the deep knife wound on his hand, his face turned pale with pain.If it wasn't for his quick reaction, maybe this person would have thought of chopping off his entire hand!
"You guys are against the sky! Come on, take them all down! If you dare to obstruct my official duties, they will all be taken away and put in prison!" The character Hu snarled angrily.

It's just that when they came, they only brought these three people with them, one was injured, and the other two felt timid in their hearts, shrinking back and not daring to go forward.

Zhao Hechen took a step forward with a sneer, and those people looked at the chill in his eyes, and retreated unconsciously.I saw the cold light reflected from the long knife in his hand, Zhao Hechen's eyes fell on the mustache, his eyes narrowed, and he pointed the knife at the man, and a cold voice sounded: "My lord, why does he look frightened? But you think that those who stay in the country are the ones who are at your disposal? You also have to see that your backstage is tough enough, don’t blame me for not reminding you if something goes wrong!"

The mustache looked at the tip of the knife and his body trembled. Seeing Zhao Hechen's imposing manner and killing intent in his eyes, he didn't look like an ordinary person.Hearing this, could it be that this person has some background? !

Duan Yunsu laughed inwardly. Speaking of the backstage, they didn't seem to have any. Zhao Hechen was bluffing.But seeing that character mustache almost pissed in fear by the knife's finger, I felt a burst of joy in my heart.

"Who are you?!" the mustache pretended to be calm.

"He's someone you can't afford." Zhao Hechen flipped his hand, inserted the long knife into the ground leisurely, and said with a sneer, "You try to take my wife away, and I'll let you know clearly. Who are you offending!"

The most basic thing for a person who can hang out in the officialdom is to be able to observe words and demeanor.Bazihu ​​looked at Zhao Hechen's fearless expression, and looked at the few people at the small banquet who were very calm.These people didn't take him seriously at all, and after a long time, he also became suspicious in his heart.

If Xiu Nu didn't collect enough, he could still think of a way, but if he offended someone now, then he wouldn't even have a chance to think of a way.You better be careful, you little sesame official.

Mustache wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking about how to round up the words.

It happened that another officer and soldier ran over from a distance, and it turned out that he had sent to inquire about the news earlier.At that time, when he came to select a candidate, he saw that all the girls in the town and village were married, and felt strange. He thought that the person who caused the trouble would be caught, so he sent someone to investigate.

"My lord, I found several girls in the nunnery, and they were all sent up to the mountain to hide by the family!" The officer clasped his hands.

"Is that true? Hurry up and lead the way, I will personally go and arrest the man!" Hearing that, the mustache immediately found the steps to come down, and he didn't care about anything else, he just wanted to leave here quickly.

Seeing a few people wanting to leave in a hurry, Zhao Hechen pursed his lips, pulled out the knife on the ground without any effort, threw it at the mustache's feet, and said in a cold voice: "My lord, it is better to leave. "

The man with the mustache stepped back a few steps, looked at the sharp knife that almost hit his toe just now, his face turned pale with fright, and he stammered, ""

A few people left in a panic, Zhao Hechen put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't know what was going on in his heart.Duan Yunsu took a step forward with Xiaobao in his arms, and was about to speak, when he saw Zhao Hechen's expression changed instantly, and he said pitifully and resentfully: "Why doesn't the lady be painted as ugly like Gu Qiu, Chen'er said frightenedly ..."

(End of this chapter)

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