The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 280: Natural Disaster

Chapter 280: Natural Disaster (3)
The constant stroking made the clothes open wide, watching the exposed shoulders, the sunlight through the branches and leaves fell on them, exuding a jade luster, making people want to take a bite.

There was a slight chill on his chest, and Duan Yunsu regained his senses slightly. Looking at the postures of the two, even his skin was stained an attractive pink.She stretched out her hand to push the person in front of her, but he stretched out her hand, and she was trapped in front of the tree again.

Zhao Hechen directly suppressed her, preventing her from resisting.

"Chenchen, it's time for us to go back..." Duan Yunsu's heart trembled when he saw his scorching gaze, this person didn't intend to kill her here, did he?This barren mountain...

"Hey, my name is Xianggong." Zhao Hechen reached under her with one hand, felt her delicate body tremble, and smiled with his head lowered.

"Sister... we should go back." Duan Yunsu leaned against the tree trunk to barely stand still, his face as red as rouge.

He is really stubborn, and he never forgets to go back at this time.Thinking that Xiaobao might be hungry too, Zhao Hechen left a deep imprint on her chest, and she let go after hearing a muffled groan: "Lady, let's come back sometime..."

Duan Yunsu gave him a coquettish look, but the eyes had already been dyed a little charming by Huan Ai, which made Zhao Hechen's heart flutter, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

She tidied up her clothes in a hurry, and messed up her hair twice.Zhao Hechen smiled and twirled a fallen leaf stuck to her hair. Seeing that her hair was messed up, he reached out and pulled out the hairpin from the topknot.

Three thousand black hair fell down, Zhao Hechen's eyes were dark, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly, played with her hands between her hair, picked up the mahogany hairpin and put it on gently, and put her into a girl's bun.

Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to smooth the hanging black hair, and smiled at him with affection in his eyes.

The two went down the mountain hand in hand. When they returned to the courtyard, Duan Yunsu saw that Princess An was the only one taking care of the vegetable field. Then he realized that Gu Qiu was married, and there was one less person in the family from then on. , I couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

She went forward to take Princess An's vegetable basket, and said: "Mother, let me come, you go in and massage your muscles and bones with Daddy."

Princess An paused, and when she came back to her senses, Duan Yunsu had already taken the vegetable basket, so she put down the green vegetables in her hand and said, "Then I'll go in first, and you don't have to work too hard, Xiaobao just started crying. After a while, I must be hungry at this time. What are you two doing, why did it take you so long to come back?"

"Mother, my husband and I brought back three ginsengs." Duan Yunsu took out the things and said with a smile, "After I have finished processing them, I will take some to make soup for my parents."

Princess An has seen that ginseng a lot, but she has never been as happy as seeing her today: "You keep it, you need to take it out later, even if you go to the town to exchange some silver, it's great."

Princess An looked at Duan Yunsu with a smile, saw a little red plum on her neck, then looked at the thick bun, and said with a smile: "It's better for Yunsu to wear a girl's bun. Look, those who look at Shui Ling are really taking advantage of that brat."

Duan Yunsu blushed, and put down the basket in his hand: "I'll go and see Xiaobao, mother, don't worry about it, I'll be out in a while."

Seeing her hurriedly entering the room, Princess An covered her mouth and smiled.It is a good thing for the young couple to be intimate, and it happens to give Xiaobao a younger brother and sister.Thinking of the children and grandchildren that Master Huihe talked about, she was happy in her heart, and when she was happy, she laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, and she laughed inexplicably at Prince An who came out of the room.

Gu Qiu got married, and there was no figure in the courtyard, but the little boy Shui Sheng came over from time to time, helping out every day.Princess An felt sorry for him being alone, so she let him go.

Duan Yunsu didn't care about hearing that those draftees had already left, but it seemed that two families in the village had been raped.

One family was from the head of the village. Duan Yunsu didn't have much contact with that family, but he heard that his nine-year-old daughter, Erniu, was actually chosen.Shuan Ziniang's voice was like a loudspeaker, talking everywhere, Er Niuniang sold her daughter for money; the other family was known by Duan Yunsu, and it was Qingtao, who used to come to help often, who hid in the house at that time. The nunnery was forcibly robbed.

Qingtao's mother aged a lot overnight, she frowned, went to Duan Yunsu's house crying, and wanted to borrow some money with a shy face, and wanted to go to the town to see if she could get her daughter back.

"Are all the girls selected by those people sent away?" Duan Yunsu frowned and looked at Zhao Hechen.

"I heard that we will stay in the town for two days first, and send them up together when the people nearby are all selected." Zhao Hechen teased this little treasure, watching him blowing bubbles one after another: "My lady wants to help I’m afraid it’s useless to send money, but if you go directly to Xue Shaochen, you should still have a chance.”

Zhao Hechen frowned and thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered the appearance of that Qingtao.I don't care about these things, but this Qingtao seems to be good to Yunsu, and I have seen her come to help a few times.If Yunsu wanted to, he could ask him a question.

Duan Yunsu sighed softly: "Farmers, how dare you expect too much wealth, Qing Tao Niang is not a fool, she even came to talk with mother a few days ago."

"It just so happens that I'm going to the town, so let's stop by and have a look." Zhao Hechen teased Xiaobao's little feet, making him giggle.

"Why are you going to the town?" These two days are not the days for going to the market.

"Just take a look, there are more news in the town than here, I'll go find out something."

Seeing what Zhao Hechen said, Duan Yunsu stopped following the article, and just said: "Chenchen don't have to push himself too hard, there are some things that can't be rushed."

"Miss, call me Xianggong."


Duan Yunsu doesn't understand why this fellow likes to be entangled in this title, every time he calls Chenchen, the next sentence this fellow will definitely say is Xianggong.

Three days later, it was Gu Qiu's return home day.Gu Qiu originally thought not to bother her, after all, she is not really the daughter of Prince An, how could she be so high.It's just that Duan Yunsu disagreed, and he had agreed in advance to let her come back.

Duan Yunsu directly bought a table of delicious dishes, and when Gu Qiu and Fu Yang came over, they seemed to get along well, and Duan Yunsu noticed the subtle changes between the two.Seeing Gu Qiu's ruddy complexion and the faintly charming charm between his brows, he finally felt relieved.

Although the two of them didn't talk about it, their feelings really came out everywhere.

The days passed day by day, and it had been quite a while since Zhao Fang wrote the letter. Zhao Hechen concentrated on taming the eagle, and it seemed that it had achieved some results.

The husband and wife watched their beloved Xiaobao grow up little by little, and there were new surprises every day.Zhao Hechen taught his father in front of Xiaobao all day long, and finally made Duan Yunsu anxious.The child listens too much, and the first word she speaks in the future is "Daddy", then she will be very sad.No matter what, let Xiaobao call mother first, how can he let his father snatch him after taking care of the child so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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