The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 282: Natural Disaster

Chapter 282: Natural Disaster (5)
Xiao Hei has been a little abnormal recently. He followed her all day yesterday, grabbing the corner of her skirt from time to time.Duan Yunsu thought it wanted to play, so he didn't care too much.

Today it wandered around Xiaobao's small shaker, looking very impatient.Later, he simply ran to the yard, took a bite of the green vegetables that were burning, and dragged them out, digging the soil with his claws from time to time.It didn't see the green vegetables that it had eaten, and dragged them directly into the corner of the kitchen.The little body jumped out again, continuing the action of "picking vegetables".

Duan Yunsu watched its behavior suspiciously. Seeing that the vegetable had grown well, he knelt down and stretched out his hands to pluck it out and stack it neatly in the kitchen.Shaking his ears, Xiao Hei rubbed against her, followed her into the kitchen, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he jumped onto the rice vat, circling anxiously.

Duan Yunsu was startled, what did Xiao Hei want to tell her?
In her opinion, Xiao Hei is a sacred object in the northern kingdom, and he seems to have spiritual consciousness on weekdays, and his behavior is always much smarter than other animals.She looked up at the sky, her eyes were squinted by the bright sunshine, and she stretched out her hands to count the days. Originally, summer was a rainy season, but since Xiaobao was born to now, God seems to have never had a heavy rain!
A bad premonition arose in Duan Yunsu's heart, is there going to be a severe drought this year?It's just that if it's a drought, why would Xiao Hei move things to higher places!
The speculation slowly rising in her heart made her look tense. Prince An had already returned from teaching, so Duan Yunsu went to look for him in the house and said, "Father, the weather this year is really strange. Looking at the situation, I'm afraid Is there a heavy rain? It will be inconvenient to go in and out at that time, why not prepare some food in advance?"

Prince An's hand that was holding the book paused: "It's just raining, it will be better in a while, and there is still some food at home, so don't be so nervous?"

Duan Yunsu felt anxious: "Father, we can't predict the weather, but animals are naturally more vigilant than us. Xiao Hei's reaction these days is really a bit bigger, we just want to be at ease when we are prepared."

Prince An already knew about Xiao Hei's origin, so he couldn't help but pay attention to what Duan Yunsu said.The so-called severe drought must be followed by a severe flood. In previous years, if there was a drought, it would often be flooded. This year's situation is not bad, not a severe drought, but if the rain comes down, it may not be too small.This small village is different from the capital city, even a small natural disaster may not be able to endure it.

Prince An straightened up unconsciously, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"Father, you are a gentleman in the village, and your words are useful. Do you think you should tell the village chief so that everyone can prepare?" Duan Yunsu frowned.

Prince An tapped the table with his fingers, pondered for a while, and said, "I'll go there now, but I don't know if people in the village believe me or not. After all, no one can predict this."

"Just do your best. My husband and I are going to prepare something. I hope it's just me thinking too much." Duan Yunsu sighed softly.

This kind of talk was spread in the village. At first, not many people really cared about it, but seeing that it was said by the village gentleman, some people followed suit.Some people had the same idea as Duan Yunsu, and took precautions, and directly harvested the early-maturing sweet potatoes in the field for storage. After all, it was not a loss, and they originally planned to harvest and plant the next round.

Some people are dismissive, and there will be a drought for a period of time at this time of year, so there is nothing unusual about it.

Three days later, Duan Yunsu was drying medicinal herbs when a raindrop suddenly fell from the sky and hit her cheek.When I looked up again, the originally clear sky was half covered by black clouds, rolling towards this side, and the sound of crackling rain.

The rain finally came down.

When the crops in the field met the water, they immediately regained their energy. The people in the village were also very happy to see it. Seeing the heavy rain, they stopped their farm work and went home to hide from the rain.

It rained all day and all night with no intention of stopping.As if the dark cloud had occupied the land, the pouring rain poured down, and the water level of the small river rose instantly.

Princess An propped up a corner of the window and listened to the sound of "patta pata" rain. There were puddles of water everywhere in the yard, and the two ridges of vegetable fields that had been worked so hard had been washed away by the rain. good places.

Another day later, Shuisheng came over, his small body was standing outside the courtyard, shivering from the rain.Zhao Hechen ran out and opened the door, and brought the person in.

Shuisheng said that the hut in his home had been washed away by the heavy rain last night, and when he had nowhere to go, he unknowingly walked to Mr.’s house with a small bag of wet brown rice in his hand, which was already his entire net worth. up.

A child, Princess An couldn't see him wandering outside in this bad weather, so she brought a coat from Zhao Hechen, let him wash it and put it on immediately.

Shui Sheng's thin face was slightly red, and he stretched out his hands to hold the newly changed clothes tightly. He raised his head and glanced at Zhao Hechen quietly, seeing his gaze was on him, he hurriedly lowered his head.

Listening to Shui Sheng's words, Duan Yunsu felt a little worried about living in Hou Valley Qiu.Fu Yang's house is also a hut, and it has been there for some years, so I don't know if it can stand it.Earlier, Fu Yang said that he would build a house next to her house.But before he had time to act, the torrential rain came.

The rain fell intermittently for five days. Although it stopped in the middle, it was soon overwhelmed by the next round of dark clouds.Although the rain has decreased, it is still pouring in and out.Some people braved the rain to rescue the crops in the fields, but they couldn't resist the heavy rain for many days, and the crops had already suffered one after another.

The river in the village has already overflowed, and Xiahe Village is better off because of its higher terrain.I heard from those who wanted to go out in the rain that the outside has been completely flooded, and several low-lying neighboring villages have been soaked in water, and the villagers have sought refuge in the town.

Those who didn't pay attention to what Prince An said before, the food at home had already been eaten up, so they thought of a way to go to the town, but they heard that a large part of the road had been washed away, and it was really dangerous to walk there, so they went to the town. Had to stay at home.The ones with high terrain went to dig the sweet potatoes in the ground, and at least they could survive for a while.

In the room, Prince An looked at Xiao Hei who had been carried back into the room, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It really is a strange thing, if it wasn't for it, we would have run out of food by now."

"Our village is lucky." Princess An frowned slightly: "The terrain was higher so it didn't get submerged. Fortunately, there were no snatchers coming in from outside, otherwise the river village would be in chaos."

Another three days later, the rain finally stopped.Looking at the messy yard full of stagnant water and fallen leaves, the family had no choice but to tidy it up silently.

As soon as Zhao Hechenyu stopped, he went out to inquire about the news, and when he came back, he kept frowning.Most of the nearby villages were flooded and suffered heavy losses. The crops that had been working hard for half a year were destroyed in this way, and they did not know how to live in the future.Everyone in the village looked heavy and sighed as they looked at the fields.

(End of this chapter)

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