The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 283 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe

Chapter 283 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe (1)
Originally, I thought this incident would just pass away, but as soon as the flood receded, there was news that the plague had appeared in the town, and the entire city gate was sealed!
That person was a guy from a neighboring village. He originally planned to go to the city to buy, but he was turned away when he arrived at the city gate. He heard such news after asking.

What is the plague?That is the plague!If it is passed on, none of them can be saved, and if it is infected, it will be a dead end!
Even the people outside the town were terrified, and it was unknown what the chaos in the town would be like now.

Slowly, some people whispered that it was God's punishment. Many places in Xi Kingdom were flooded, and now the plague appeared again. God must be dissatisfied and wanted to punish the world.

Such news spread one after another, and the people were panicked, and they all looked to the east with worry.The common people lived their lives carefully, why did the punishment of heaven fall on him? Could it be that the people above did something? !

It is said that rumors stop at the wise, but now that there is a panic everywhere, there is no wise man to come forward to defend.The common people spread the word to ten or ten to a hundred, and the streets and alleys are full of discussions.Some people even rioted directly, threatening to ask the government to compensate them for their losses.

The black eagle has been missing all these days, Duan Yunsu thought it had flown away, but unexpectedly flew back early this morning, and landed on Zhao Hechen's outstretched arm.

Zhao Hechen took out something, stretched out his hand and brought the food to Hei Ying's mouth, then looked down at the thing in his hand, smiled and said: "The prince's trick is good, this kind of gossip is the most harmful, let's see how that person handles it this time." Endgame."

"You said this was a rumor from the crown prince?" Duan Yunsu asked in surprise. So, is the crown prince planning to start a counterattack?Three people become a tiger, if everyone doubts, the second prince's position will be unstable.What's more, this time it's under the banner of natural disasters. Since ancient times, the gods are most respected, and this providence is also regarded as very strict and solemn.

"My lady, it's time for us to prepare well. When the time is right, I'll let you go back home. I'll let those monsters crawl under my feet!" Zhao Hechen stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky outside the window, his eyes flashed A gleam of brilliance.

The plague appeared in the town, and the nearby places panicked. Once the plague spread, the people around were not spared.Some people in the villages closer to the town wanted to move out one after another, but after the flood, the roads everywhere were difficult to walk.

The road ahead is difficult, and a lot of food at home has been consumed.Whether you leave or stay, it makes people feel uneasy.

The village was hit hard by the floods and the school was closed.Zhao Hechen often stayed with Prince An these two days, and when Duan Yunsu passed by, he could occasionally hear Prince An explaining to Zhao Hechen the way of doing things for an official.Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly, her husband-in-law was finally about to step into the land of intrigue and strife.

Plague is the most severe infectious disease, it spreads quickly and has a very high mortality rate. Duan Yunsu stared in the direction of the town.If this plague cannot be brought under control, it will definitely spread on a large scale, and it is unavoidable to go to Hecun.

I think of the records in modern medical books that the spread of the plague is extremely strong, and there have been three intercontinental infections.In this country of Xi, where medical skills are backward, this is a catastrophe that is more terrifying than the previous floods.

After a major disaster, there is often a major epidemic. This heavy rain fell for a long time, directly submerging several places and causing floods.The plague also started too fast, which caught people by surprise.Duan Yunsu thought, it must be that one of the links accidentally went wrong and caused the infection, but failed to stop it, which caused this disaster.It's just that she is not in the town, and she cannot know her specific symptoms.

The most unfortunate thing is that the flood caused many people to go directly to the town to seek refuge, but unexpectedly they entered the gate of hell.

Duan Yunsu looked at the tidied yard, feeling anxious in his heart.She put Xiaobao to sleep and opened the courtyard door.

The mud road outside is full of potholes and yellow mud.Duan Yunsu carefully bypassed the mud pit, went directly to the wormwood bushes in the village, picked many wormwood sticks that survived the flood, and took them home.

That place is relatively remote, the flood on the mountain once washed down from here, and there are still some small animal corpses on the ground that have not escaped the disaster, occasionally one or two mice can be seen scurrying out.

Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, his face became serious.She went back to the courtyard, directly treated the moxa stick roughly, regardless of it was still raw, burned it directly, and smoked in the courtyard.

Seeing the smoke, Princess An came out, and seeing Duan Yunsu burning moxa sticks, she asked, "What is Yunsu doing?"

"Mother, hold Xiaobao in your arms, don't smoke it. The plague is rampant in the town, we have to be careful. If there are mice and fleas in the house, they must be cleaned up properly, and there must be no negligence." Duan Yunsu looked worriedly in the direction of Xiaobao in the room. The child's body is the weakest, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Prince An also came out, just in time to hear Duan Yunsu's words.He pondered for a moment and said: "At this time, the relationship is very important. I think we should talk to the village chief. Yunsu, you will tell me everything you need to pay attention to. If this plague spreads, everyone is afraid that there will be no chance of survival." .”

Duan Yunsu nodded. Their family alone is not enough for this matter. It is better to have prevention and treatment than no prevention.It would not be wise to move out directly. After the flood, if the court does not handle it well, there may be chaos.

The people in the village reacted quickly, and went to pick wormwood and leaves, smoked the yard, and carefully cleaned up the kitchen and other sundries.Everyone is nervous inside, but there is chaos outside, where can I go?

After the heavy rain, the sun came out again, and the hot sun shone on the ground, and the air was stuffy and hot, with the smell of roasted soil.

Duan Yunsu glanced at the scorching sun high in the sky, and did not loosen his brows.

Under the high temperature, the virus multiplies faster, and those who have been affected by the plague, if they do not handle it properly, they are afraid that the epidemic will be even more serious.

On this day, someone came to the courtyard, and it was Xue Shaochen who hadn't seen him for a long time.I saw that his body was much thinner than before, with beard scum appearing on his face, and his whole body was sleepy and haggard.When Duan Yunsu saw his expression, he knew that this person must not have had a good rest for a long time.

That's right, thinking of his status as the county magistrate, he must be running around in the current situation, so there is no time for him to rest.

"Ms. Su is a doctor, can you come to the town with me?" Xue Shaochen changed his usual hippie smile and looked serious.

Before Duan Yunsu could answer, Zhao Hechen, who heard the sound, strode over, pulled Duan Yunsu to his side, and said: "Master Xue doesn't know what's going on in the town now, the plague has never been cured since ancient times, In which year did the plague break out and the gates of the city were closed to see God's will. The situation inside is dangerous, and I can't let Yunsu in."

(End of this chapter)

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