The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 284 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe

Chapter 284 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe (2)
"I have already consulted quite a few doctors. If the plague is not cured, I don't know how long it will last. Maybe this time, Hecun will also suffer." Xue Shaochen said in a deep voice.

"Doctor?" Zhao Hechen was completely unmoved by his words: "In this case, the palace will definitely send someone down. If it were your beloved, would you be willing to let her take this risk?"

Xue Shaochen choked, he didn't expect the person in front of him to be so stubborn: "Brother Jiang should know which is more important, if Mrs. Su has a way, it will be a great thing for the benefit of the people."

"In my eyes, nothing is more important than Yunsu." Zhao Hechen glanced at him indifferently. The plague is fierce, and there is no cure for those infected. Why would he abandon his lover to fulfill the so-called everyone?

Xue Shaochen sighed a long time, and said a little decadently: "I also know that this is difficult for you, but as the official of the people's parents, I can't just watch the people suffer."

"Wow... wow" Xiaobao's cry came from the room, and Duan Yunsu, who was pulled behind by Zhao Hechen, tightened his heart. He didn't care about the two of them, and went directly into the room to pick up Xiaobao.Little Treasure didn't wet his urine, and he refused to breastfeed.Duan Yunsu patted him lightly, wouldn't he be awakened?

She paced back and forth to comfort the baby in her arms, feeling helpless seeing him crying and howling, she went out and walked towards Zhao Hechen.Xiaobao has a little habit of being particularly attached to Zhao Hechen's big hands.Every time I cry and howl, I have to grab Zhao Hechen, I don't know if it feels more secure this way.Duan Yunsu also made fun of Zhao Hechen for this, he must have spoiled Xiaobao too much to develop such a bad habit.

When Zhao Hechen saw that Xiaobao's crying sound was hoarse, and the little sobbing appearance made people feel distressed. Seeing the little hand clenched into a small fist on his chest, he gently reached out to hold it.When Duan Yunsu saw it, he simply let him hug Xiaobao directly.

Seeing the interaction of the family of three, Xue Shaochen felt a little discouraged, and understood why Zhao Hechen was unwilling.

"Master Xue, you have seen it too. Firstly, it is really difficult to cure the person infected with the plague; secondly, my little treasure has not been weaned yet, and he cannot leave him. As soon as I go to town, I will Fortunately, I have never been infected with the plague, and I have to be quarantined for a few days before I can come out again, so who will take care of my child?" Duan Yunsu frowned, if it was back then, she had no attachment, maybe she would have agreed without saying a word.It's just that there are more worries around me now, and I will hesitate in my heart.

She can go, but what about her husband and children?

"How sure can Mrs. Su be?" Xue Shaochen asked in a deep voice.

"You have to see the disease with your own eyes to know. There are several types of the plague. You have to see it before you can make a decision."

"What Miss Su means, do you have a prescription?" Xue Shaochen was overjoyed.

Duan Yunsu nodded, then shook his head and said: "Even if there is a prescription, those who can be saved are those with milder illnesses. Those who are seriously infected should be quarantined and burned to be serious."

Xue Shaochen's face straightened, and he thought for a long time before he said: "Miss Su, why don't I invite a nanny to take care of the child for you, and you come to the city with me. You only need to take a look, and the next judgment will come out. When the time comes I will prescribe the medicine, and let me deal with the rest."

Duan Yunsu smiled lightly, how could this matter be so simple, once in, it would be difficult to come out.But I have to say, this Xue Shaochen is also young, it is really not easy to do this step, and the place in the town is full of dangers, he dared to go in and face it, it is really courageous.

"My lady." Zhao Hechen frowned into a frown.

"I will make full preparations. If this plague spreads in a large area, I am afraid that we will not be able to escape everywhere. How can you and I have a safe place?"

Zhao Hechen wanted to refute, but seeing Duan Yunsu's firm eyes, the words that came to his lips were swallowed, Yunsu must have her thoughts, and he should believe her at this time: "Then I will go together. "If you are really unfortunate and encounter any misfortune, whether it is life or death, I will be with you.

"You don't have to..." Duan Yunsu wanted to stop him.

"How could I let you go there alone."

Zhao Hechen handed the child over to Princess An. The princess' eyes were reddish, and she was very dissatisfied with the decision made by the two of them.But Prince An said that it is not the behavior of a man to stand on the sidelines.

Although Zhao Hechen agreed to Xue Shaochen's letting Duan Yunsu enter the town, there was one point that he refused to compromise on.As Xue Shaochen said just now, Duan Yunsu just went inside to take a look, he would never allow his beloved to stay in that dangerous place!
Xue Shaochen moved very quickly, and he did not know where to invite the nanny.Duan Yunsu took a serious look at the nanny and let her stay when he found that there was nothing wrong.

The two arrived outside the city gate, and three doctors came with them.The city gate was tightly sealed, and there were still many soldiers guarding it, paying attention to the situation inside and outside the city.

Although the time was urgent, Duan Yunsu still prepared a lot of things. She took out the masks, hats and gloves that were simply made, and put them on for Zhao Hechen, and Xue Shaochen also roughly prepared a copy.As for the protective clothing that should be worn, I can't get it out here. I can only wear a simple coat, which is better than nothing.

People who originally entered the epidemic area had to be vaccinated before entering two weeks later, but where did these things come from in this place at this time?
When you come here, you have to be careful in everything. If you don't care, you will be infected with the plague yourself.

Seeing Xue Shaochen's men, the city gate was slowly opened.Duan Yunsu directly saw someone inside trying to rush out, but was blocked by soldiers with spears.Those people's faces were full of panic, and they squeezed forward desperately, trying to find a way out.

After entering, there was a smell of corruption.There were lifeless people on both sides of the street. If it wasn't for the slightly moving chest, Duan Yunsu would have thought that these were corpses.

The further you go in, the stronger the smell of corruption.I also saw some people limping along the street with empty eyes, like the living dead; some people hugged their children and leaned against the corner. The child was extremely thin, his face was pale, and he had been dead for a long time.

There was a lifeless scene on the street, and the living people saw the group of people walking by, and they didn't even take a look.The whole town was oppressive and silent, lifeless as if shrouded in death.

Duan Yunsu looked at the corpses that could be seen everywhere, and saw the figure of the mouse in the canal, frowned and said: "Master Xue, you ordered someone to burn the corpses together, and sprinkle lime on the ground. You can still walk People separated from those who were dying, and then took a large amount of wormwood and burned it to smoke the city. Don't drink the water in the town, for fear that it has already been infected with germs."

"Miss Su, I originally ordered the corpses to be burned, but the people tried their best to stop them. In the end, I had no choice but to dispose of the corpses of those animals first. Look..." Xue Shaochen frowned.

"Even if we fight, the corpse will be burned!" Duan Yunsu's tone was extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice: "In this weather, if we don't deal with it quickly, the corpse will be more likely to rot, and the epidemic will be more serious. If you don't want to become an empty city, It must be dealt with quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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