The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 285 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe

Chapter 285 With the deepest affection, sharing weal and woe (3)
Xue Shaochen wanted to try it at first, but the reason that the dead are the greatest is overwhelmed, if the corpse is burned, it will be disrespectful to the dead.When I met Duan Yunsu today, I also said the same thing, a woman can have such courage, why am I still hesitating!
He directly recruited people and wanted to give orders. Seeing that they were all unprotected, Duan Yunsu's heart tightened, so he stopped them first and went directly to the medicine hall.Duan Yunsu picked up the medicinal materials quickly under the astonishing eyes, and his technique was so exquisite that ordinary doctors could not compare.I just heard her say: "This medicine is all boiled up, and the soldiers present have to drink it before they can move, and they can't leave it every day!"

This is the prescription she prepared to prevent the plague according to the ancient prescription, and it will only be effective if the good people take it.The protection is sufficient, and the rest depends on God's will.

"Master Xue, have you reported the epidemic?" Seeing Xue Shaochen nodding, Duan Yunsu continued, "Master Xue ordered someone to divide the area into several places, and isolate all those who are suspected of being infected with the plague. Except for doctors and nursing staff, visits are prohibited, and patients are not allowed to communicate with each other; Ling Xunyi places invites people who have not yet discovered their illnesses, and sends them out immediately if there is something wrong, without delay."

"Did you hear that, hurry up and do it!" Xue Shaochen said to the person beside him, and that person hurriedly took orders.

It was a woman passing by in front of the medicine hall, and she fell directly in front of the door. The soldier saw that and was about to carry her away, Duan Yunsu yelled slowly, lifted his foot and walked over.

The woman's body seemed to be poisoned, her breathing was rapid, and a large amount of frothy bloody sputum was coughed up from the corner of her mouth, her lips were cyanotic, she had a high fever, exhausted, and her consciousness was blurred.Duan Yunsu was secretly startled when he saw this, this time, it turned out to be the most dangerous pneumonic plague!
"Just carry this man down." Duan Yunsu, the motionless woman, sighed lightly: "Master Xue, everyone alive in this town should make him wear a mask. A simple mask is fine, but it must be Yes!"

Pneumonic plague, spread by droplets, may directly cause a human pandemic.

Xue Shaochen complied, it was the first time he faced this plague, and the death anger of the whole town gradually shrouded his heart in fear. Seeing Duan Yunsu ordering orders in an orderly manner, he suddenly felt at ease.

If we wait for the people sent by the imperial court to come down, how long it will take!

Zhao Hechen has been standing silently beside Duan Yunsu. His wife was just like the most ordinary woman in the past, sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes calm and composed.It's not like the woman in the deep house who is full of tricks, but when she uses this medical skill, her whole body is full of grace, which is the most charming.

He was thinking, would such a life of caring for her husband and teaching her children kill her talent?
"Miss, do you have a prescription?" Those who are seriously ill may be unable to recover, and those who are newly infected, do you know if there is still a cure?
Duan Yunsu thought about it carefully, and finally nodded.Excited, Xue Shaochen was about to step forward to speak, but Zhao Hechen stared at him, and stopped again.I only heard Zhao Hechen say: "There are three doctors by my side, my lady, please explain the matter clearly. Master Xue promised us to leave this place today."

Zhao Hechen's eyes fell on Xue Shaochen, if he dared to stop him from giving, then he would not compromise easily.It doesn't matter whether he is selfish or disregarding the overall situation.This plague could have been hidden far away by himself, but Yunsu could think of a way to save it, which was considered as the best of his benevolence.

Xue Shaochen was also helpless, so he asked three doctors to follow Duan Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu didn't say those polite words anymore, and walked directly to the medicine cabinet, stretched out his hands and weighed the herbs in his hands.

Speaking of the prevention and treatment of the plague, modern medicine mostly uses western medicine to treat it, and Chinese medicine seems to be not quite right.In fact, this is not the case. Chinese medicine research on this has its unique features. Once it is cured, it is the key.In ancient times, when talking about plague, the color changed. When it comes to preventing plague, there are also many prescriptions. Even if the disease cannot be fully controlled, it can still play a role.

In the later stage of the plague, the disease is extremely serious, and it is really difficult to save people in this place. However, people who have just been infected can save their lives if they are dealt with in a timely manner.

Duan Yunsu grabbed Siqian Zhenchuanlian, glanced into the medicine cabinet, his face was slightly condensed: "Master Xue, how many pharmacies are there in the town? I'm afraid there are not enough medicines."

The epidemic is dangerous, and I don't know how long it will last. The fastest consumption is the medicinal materials. Once the medicine is stopped, the previous efforts will be in vain.

Xue Shaochen rubbed his brows: "I'll send someone to a neighboring town to get some, I'm afraid it will be too late to go to the imperial court."

"Not only must the mice be eliminated, but fleas must also be thoroughly eliminated. If the animals and livestock in the town cannot be treated directly, they should be sprayed with some medicine." The fleas sucked the blood of the mice, and when they landed on humans Spreading germs is a major hazard.

Duan Yunsu observed the disease carefully before handing over the final prescription to the three doctors.She has carefully explained everything she knows about pharmacology. As long as there are no accidents, the epidemic should be under control.

The place where the corpses were disposed of outside soon became noisy, Xue Shaochen ordered forcefully, pushed all those people away, threw the fire down, billowing thick smoke covered half of the sky.

The sky soon became dark, but Zhao Hechen's complexion turned dark along with that day.Originally, Xue Shaochen said that he just took a look, but in reality?Duan Yunsu has been busy all day, but he can't help with anything.

Because Xue Shaochen had something to say, he had no choice but to send the two of them out of the city first.

There was a burning smell in the air, and a group of people walked directly to the city gate, but saw many people blocked in front of the city gate.

One person was thin and weak, but his tone of voice was extremely indignant: "This is the person who said he would burn all the corpses! Isn't it only allowed to enter but not to exit? Why can these two people go out again!"

The man's scolding immediately aroused public outrage, and they all moved forward to surround Duan Yunsu and the others.

"Let us out! Let us out!" Someone took the opportunity to yell vigorously, and the rest of the people echoed, rushing directly to the city gate and vigorously bumping and shoving.

"The plague can be controlled, so stay in the isolation area! If you really contract the epidemic after coming out like this, then no one is to blame!" Xue Shaochen was furious, and he didn't take a good rest for several days, and his eyes had already swelled Bloodshot, seeing that these people were making a fuss again, yelled loudly.

"Let us stay here, but you go out? What's the reason for this! If you don't die, you will go out!" One person snatched the long knife from the soldier's hand and slashed at him: "Officials are all idiots. , we can’t live, and you don’t want to live either!”

The long knife fell directly on Xue Shaochen, and Xue Shaochen snatched it with his bare hands. His irritable mood became worse, and he roared: "I will stay in this town, Mrs. Su is a doctor. It is said that the plague can be controlled if it can be controlled. If you don’t want to survive, stand up, and I will give you a knife! If you don’t want to die, retreat, I, Xue Shaochen, absolutely have no intention of abandoning you and fleeing alone!”

(End of this chapter)

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