The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 286 Unscrupulous Dad

Chapter 286 Unscrupulous Dad (1)
Those people froze, hesitating for a moment.

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Zhao Hechen immediately hugged Duan Yunsu in his arms, keeping his eyes on the movements of those people, fearing that they would rush over.

Xue Shaochen saw that the people in the commotion were quiet for a while, and winked at the soldiers around him. The soldiers led Zhao Hechen and Duan Yunsu to the city gate, and signaled the guarding soldiers to open the city gate.

Seeing that the city gate was about to open, someone suddenly shouted: "Let's rush out, these people can go out after they come in, why can't we!"

The people in front of the city gate immediately rioted, pushing and shoving straight forward.The soldiers drew their sabers to meet him, Xue Shaochen directly stabbed the person who was talking and making trouble at the front with his saber!
"Whoever dares to go out, I will let him die here today!" Xue Shaochen roared, looking at the chaotic people in front of him like blood stained eyes.None of these people can go out. The plague has finally been controlled in this town. If he can't control it today and the plague spreads, he will become a sinner forever!

Zhao Hechen also stopped, and took a deep look at Xue Shaochen.

Duan Yunsu also turned to look at Xue Shaochen: "Sir, what do you think?"

Zhao Hechen directly picked up a knife on the ground: "These people have lost their minds and just want to get out. If the city gate is opened, they will definitely rush out. Today, we can only go out if we can suppress it. the city gate."

He stood beside Xue Shaochen with a knife in his hand, looking at the group of rioters, his eyes sank.

Xue Shaochen didn't expect Zhao Hechen to stay, he looked sideways at that deep gaze, feeling inexplicably certain in his heart.This Jiang Chen had known him not long ago, but the few times they met, he felt inexplicably kind, so every time he saw him, he wanted to get close to him.But every time he was lukewarm towards him, he was really surprised that he was standing by his side today.

In order to survive, those mobs can do anything, even in front of the shining sword, they can be regarded as missing.Many people also grabbed swords in their hands, even holding long wooden sticks in their hands, and rushed forward desperately.

Zhao Hechen dared to stand in front of the mob, because Ji Su taught him many martial arts moves.Although he is not a master, he can still deal with these people.In addition, there were a lot of soldiers at the city gate, and they had the upper hand for a while.

Duan Yunsu twisted the silver needle in his hand slightly, and looked around sharply.I don't know how many things I have to face in the future, I must not become Zhao Hechen's burden.She has never learned that kind of martial arts, but she can still hold silver needles in one hand, plus she is proficient in the acupuncture points on her body, if someone attacks her, she will be able to return it by surprise!

As soon as he finished thinking here, there was someone standing there alone who saw Duan Yunsu.The red-eyed person wouldn't think so much, he knocked down the guard in front with his bare hands, and attacked Duan Yunsu directly.

Duan Yunsu heard the whirring sound of piercing the air coming from beside his ears, he dodged nimbly, the silver needle in his hand flashed coldly, and landed directly on the Tanzhong acupoint of the man.

The man's body suffocated, it was this half-beat slow movement, the long knife sank behind him, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes widened and he froze.

Zhao Hechen pulled back the long knife with one hand, his eyes were as cold as the cold pool, a few drops of blood splashed on his face, and his slightly raised hair added a bit of coldness and bloodlust.

The man fell to the ground with a thud, and there was no more sound.

Seeing his own people fall down one after another, those mobs were like frightened wolves, and their sanity had long since disappeared.Duan Yunsu's blue skirt was also stained with blood.Looking at the bloody scene in front of her, she felt unexpectedly calm.In this world, power and status are all about fighting, and the legal system is a joke. If she can't bear it, how will she stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhao Hechen in the future.

"Sir, be careful!" Duan Yunsu exclaimed.

A sharp arrow came from nowhere and hit Zhao Hechen's back. Zhao Hechen sensed the danger and blocked it with a long knife, and the long arrow fell to the ground with a "clang".His cold eyes looked in the direction of the arrow like a sharp knife, but he didn't see anything.Zhao Hechen narrowed his eyes, where did the arrow come from in this place? !
One person took the opportunity to slash at Zhao Hechen's body with a knife, Zhao Hechen only managed to reach one side of his body, and saw that the knife was about to fall.

It was too late to say it, but then it was too late, I saw a figure of a beggar flickering at the corner of the city gate, I don't know when he grabbed the wrist of the sneak attacker, broke it hard, and the long knife was released from his hand.

Zhao Hechen didn't have time to take a look at the beggar, and saw him directly blending into the crowd, his moves were ruthless, the aura definitely wasn't what a beggar should have.

The two sides fought in a scuffle, but it was obvious that Zhao Hechen's side had the upper hand. Seeing the warm blood all over the ground, the mob gradually felt fear in their hearts.The pain from the sword wound on his body finally made his mind slightly clear, and his movements slowed down.

"Is this what you want?" Xue Shaochen said in a deep voice: "I will say it again, those who want to die will stand up, and those who don't want to die will go back to me!"

The remaining people couldn't help taking a step back, looking at the situation in front of them, they finally gave up the idea of ​​breaking out.

The soldiers protected Xue Shaochen and Zhao Hechen, but the city gate was not fully opened, so Xue Shaochen directly pushed them out.Originally, this matter had nothing to do with them, it was me who involved both of them.

Just as he was about to order the gate to be closed, a hand suddenly stretched out to block the gate. Xue Shaochen saw that it was the beggar from before.

"But Mr. Zhao?" The beggar's voice was a little hoarse, and he said to Zhao Hechen who was outside the door.

Mr. Zhao?Xue Shaochen was startled, isn't this person surnamed Jiang?

When Zhao Hechen saw someone shouting, he turned his head and saw Xue Shaochen's complex expression, so he asked without further explanation, "Who are you?"

"My young master, Zhao Fang." The beggar changed his previous hunched posture, retracted his hands, stood up straight and bowed his hands, "I wonder if Mr. Zhao can take me out of town?"

Zhao Hechen looked at Xue Shaochen, only to see that the latter pondered for a long time, and finally set his eyes on Duan Yunsu: "Miss Su, take a look, is this person infected with the plague?"

This person's surname is Zhao, what is the relationship with those people in the capital?Xue Shaochen sized up the beggars, and after taking such a serious look, he found that apart from his dirty clothes and disheveled hair, there was nothing about this person that looked like a beggar.

When Duan Yunsu heard the word Zhao Fang, he knew that this person should be General Huo's former department.She looked this person up and down, and said: "The plague also has an incubation period, and sometimes you can't see it right away. If Mr. Xue can do it, you might as well make it easier. This person, like us, will be quarantined for a few days after going out to make sure that he is not infected. You can only come out if you have the plague, and I will let you know if there is any situation?"

Xue Shaochen could only nod in agreement.

The sky was dark, Zhao Hechen looked back at the dead town expressionlessly, and walked out of the city gate with his arms around Duan Yunsu's waist.

(End of this chapter)

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