The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 288 Unscrupulous Dad

Chapter 288 Unscrupulous Dad (5)
Seeing him walking this way, Zhao Hechen's eyes flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he changed into his usual smirk, and his childlike pupils sized up the visitor curiously.

"Zhao Hechen, do you remember me?" Gao Yan raised his chin towards him.

Zhao Hechen shook his head, his voice was clear: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Gao Cheng laughed. This idiot, who can't even remember people, dares to come out and wander around casually: "It's normal not to recognize me. After all, I am different now. You are a commoner. See you Is this officer still kneeling down?"

"Why kneel?" Zhao Hechen tilted his head, and suddenly realized, but he shook his head inexplicably when he glanced at the person in front of him: "Daddy said that Chen'er kneels on the sky, kneels on the king, kneels on his parents, and no one needs to kneel. Oh, By the way, Chen'er saw someone kneeling on the dead, are you going to die? Why should Chen'er kneel?"

Gao Yan choked, his face extremely ugly: "The common people just want to kneel down to officials, why are there so many!"

"Are you an official?" Zhao Hechen glanced at him left and right, and said confusedly, "Do you have an official seal? Why aren't you wearing an official uniform? You don't even have an official ribbon."

Those who come out for a walk, where will they bring any official seal, whose official seal will be brought out for a walk at will!
"It's really a fool, I can't even understand the words." Gao Juan glanced at Zhao Hechen, looked at his clothes, and said with a sarcasm: "Come here, take this person away for me! I want to take a look, this fool Without that identity, who else can stop me from being happy!"

In the past, he was high and high, but now he is at the mercy of others. It is a pleasure to think about it.No, even in the past, this fool didn't know how to resist, and he was really depressed when he came here, so today he will use this fool to have fun.

Gao Yan smiled triumphantly, with a bit of a villain's triumphant attitude.

Hong Yanzhi took a step forward with a sullen face, but Zhao Hechen inadvertently tore off his clothes.He had heard that the head of Prince An's Mansion was a fool, but when he saw Zhao Hechen, he had already looked normal, and today's foolishness should be pretended.

Thinking of the situation in central Beijing, Hong Yanzhi suppressed his anger, stood quietly beside Zhao Hechen, and made no further movements.

"Chen'er didn't do anything bad, how can you catch Chen'er." Zhao Hechen looked at the imperial guards who wanted to come and catch him, and said with a pouted mouth: "It's not impossible to catch Chen'er..."

Zhao Hechen walked up to Gao Yu in one step, and smiled suddenly, the smile was so innocent: "Chen'er has to be arrested willingly."

Gao Yan was dazzled by that smile, and before he understood what the man meant, he was punched in the stomach suddenly, and the pain in his stomach spread all over his body, and cold sweat broke out immediately.He looked at Zhao Hechen who had withdrawn his hand leisurely, and said angrily: "How dare you insult me ​​and rebel! Someone, come and catch me!"

Zhao Hechen's eyes flashed, he stretched out his foot and kicked Gao Yu down, pinning him down directly, and with an uppercut with his right hand, he landed hard on Gao Yu's face, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"The idiot is crazy! Don't let me pull this person up!" Gao Yan just finished speaking and was punched again in the eye socket. He wanted to push the person away, but found that the person's strength was surprisingly strong. Hold him down!
Gao Yan was so angry that he vomited blood. He turned his head to avoid a punch, but saw Xue Shaochen approaching from a distance, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Xue!"

Xue Shaochen originally came here to look for this Gao Cheng, but the officials from the capital were troublesome, not only did they not help, but they even took time to entertain them!Although Xue Shaochen was dissatisfied in his heart, he couldn't ignore it.Seeing Zhao Hechen holding someone down and hitting him mercilessly now, he was taken aback and hurried forward: "What are you doing, brother, hurry up."

Zhao Hechen looked up at Xue Shaochen, grinned and stood up obediently, patted the dust on his body, and kicked the person on the ground in disgust.

When Xue Shaochen saw it, he quickly pulled him away: "What's the matter, why did you fight?"

"He said he wanted to arrest Chen'er, but how could Chen'er be arrested if he did nothing wrong, so he was beaten up." Zhao Hechen blinked his eyes and said innocently.

Xue Shaochen was taken aback by Zhao Hechen like this, how can a good person talk like a child?And that look, how harmless it is!
"This..." Xue Shaochen looked at Gao Yi who was being lifted up, and said apologetically, "Master Gao, why don't you go back and treat the wound first? I will definitely deal with this person well, and your health is important."

"You put him in prison for me! How unreasonable, you dare to beat the imperial court official!" Gao Yu's face was contorted with anger, and he looked a little hideous, and then turned around and scolded the imperial guards: "You group of free eaters, Didn't I ask you to drag people away!"

The Imperial Guard in front rolled his eyes secretly, didn't you see that, the old man next to him was not standing there for nothing, and shot directly as soon as he saw someone coming up, did you see that he was blind!

"Hurry up and send Master Gao back." Xue Shaochen said to his followers.

The follower Renqing glanced impatiently at Gao Cheng, but couldn't disobey the master's order, and together with the brothers around him helped him up and left.

Zhao Hechen curled his lips into a smile, and flicked the stone that he picked up at no time in his hand on Gao Cheng's knee.Gao Yan only felt that his legs and feet went numb and he lost control, and almost fell to the ground again.

"Who! Who dares to sneak attack on this official!" Gao Yan was so jealous.

"Chen'er saw it, isn't she right next to your lord? She's dangling in white clothes...ah, she's gone!"

Hong Yanzhi lowered his head and grinned.

I don't know if that Gao Cheng has done too many bad things on weekdays, but this bright and bright man was also frightened, and looked around in trembling and panic: "Go, what are you still doing!"

I don't know how many people died in this place, he must hurry back to Beijing!
Seeing the slowly disappearing figure of Gao Yu, Zhao Hechen withdrew the innocent look on his face, and slightly suppressed the murderous intent in his eyes behind his hands behind his back.

Xue Shaochen saw his expression that changed instantly, and when he thought of this person's surname Zhao, he immediately thought of it.Jiang Chen?Could this person be the Zhao Hechen that his father had mentioned?
When he met Zhao Hechen, this person was obviously no longer stupid, but when he saw Gao Cheng, he pretended again, why?

"Should I call you Brother Jiang, or Brother Zhao?" Xue Shaochen smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

Zhao Hechen stared at him for a long time, then smiled and said: "It's just a title, whatever you want."

Xue Shaochen patted him on the chest: "What happened just now? Dare to do it directly, you are quite courageous."

Anyway, that person was an official from the capital, even he didn't dare to be too casual.

Zhao Hechen smiled nonchalantly, what he wanted was to make those people think that he was still that stupid, so that the people above relaxed their vigilance, so he could take action.He looked at Xue Shaochen who was laughing in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I came here today to trouble you, I wonder if Master Xue can help with this."

(End of this chapter)

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