The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 289 Xiao Hei Smoked Again?

Chapter 289 Xiao Hei Smoked Again? (1)
"Tell me first?"

"I want you to help me create an identity document with my family, and mine will use Jiang Chen's name." Zhao Hechen said quietly.

"Are you leaving?" Xue Shaochen was taken aback, forging a document?Isn't that only useful when passing through the state capital?

"Prepare in advance." The original identity is inconvenient, Zhao Hechen can only be a fool, Jiang Chen can do more things with this identity.He had to think of a way to prevent others from easily recognizing his father's disability and his stupidity. They should be hidden when they should be hidden.If one day things get out of the way, I have a way to get out.

"You tell me so many things, so you are not afraid that I will be against you?"

A gloomy light flashed across Zhao Hechen's eyes, but Xue Shaochen clearly saw a trace of killing intent in it, and was secretly startled.I only heard Zhao Hechen say: "I know why the Xue family retired, I think Master Xue must not have the time to care about such a trivial matter, right?"

Xue Shaochen's expression rarely became serious, the royal family, status, power, this person's plan is probably too big, do he really want to help?

There is a side courtyard in the east of the back hall of the government office, where the magistrate's family lived.

Xue's mother is already in her 40s. Although she is well maintained, she still can't hide the traces of the years. The meticulously combed hair and sitting posture all show this person's meticulous temperament.

Having a son in old age, Mrs. Xue loves this little son very much, even this plague does not want to keep him alone, she wants to accompany him in this small town.Seeing Xue Shaochen frowning today, he asked why.

Xue Shaochen told his mother what happened today, and when Xue's mother heard about it, she let out a long sigh: "Chen'er came here to practice, and you still make up your mind about many things. Even if you think in the wrong direction this time, your father will also Think of a way to keep you. Do it when you think clearly, and practice more while your parents are still there to help you."

Xue Shaochen already had a sense of proportion in his heart, but he was used to asking his mother for advice.

Xue's mother is very assertive and knowledgeable, and her talent is comparable to that of a man, so Xue's father put Xue Shaochen in such a small place with confidence.

"Mother, I'm afraid there will be changes in the capital, but my father is still staying there. Are we going back too?" Xue Shaochen asked.

"Your father just sent a letter." Mother Xue looked around and lowered her voice, "I'm afraid there is something strange about the enthronement of the current emperor. Your father didn't care about the affairs of the court, but the second prince ascended the throne. It’s not good, let’s not talk about the country, our family’s property also wants to seize it. This person is very ambitious, and if you stay for a while, you will go back to help your father.”

As for this town, another person should be appointed as the county magistrate.Money can turn ghosts around, but if you don't have a full job, you can't do anything with more money.

When Xue Shaochen heard his mother's words, he was even more certain in his heart.When Zhao Hechen asked for the documents, he was probably thinking of dealing with the person above. Although he didn't know what this person was doing, the purpose of the two of them was to get together unknowingly.

Most of the properties in the family were seen by the late emperor, and the late emperor had no objections.But as soon as the second prince came up, he blatantly missed their things. This approach is really the strategy of no king.

In fact, this matter is Xue Shaochen's idea. If the second prince can seek the throne of God, he will definitely not be that mediocre and impatient person.It's just that many places in the Xi Kingdom are in trouble now, and there is a shortage of money, so they think about how to fill the treasury.When a minister mentioned the property of the Xue family, although the second prince was moved, he would not be so straightforward.

As for who spread the news that the Xue family's property was taken away, it is really worth pondering.

No matter how many worries Xue Shaochen had, the document was finally processed.

A few days later, Zhao Hechen went to the town to go to the market as usual, and when he came back, he took out the paperwork.

Prince An opened it and saw that all the documents of the whole family were prepared, even the official seal was forged with some traces of age, the yellowish paper, it really looked like the same thing.Prince An sighed in admiration: "This clerk is very careful, but Chen'er, when did you get to know this person, is it reliable?"

Zhao Hechen put away the documents between him and Duan Yunsu, and said: "It's reliable, my father has thought about the matter of his Xue family, and there is no conflict of interest with us at this time. For helping us, To their benefit and not to their detriment."

Prince An thought for a while, and then nodded: "This matter is done, we will wait for the news from the prince. You should also take a good rest these days and spend more time with Yunsu. I am afraid that you will be busy for a long time in the future gone."

"My child understands."

The life in this small mountain village is very quiet. Xiaobao is growing up day by day, and now he can eat some complementary food. Duan Yunsu has also intentionally reduced the frequency of breastfeeding.Xiaobao's development is very good, and some movements are learned faster than other children. Princess An remembered the plan that Prince An had said, and wanted to wean Xiaobao earlier, but she couldn't bear to wrong her grandson .

Although Duan Yunsu gave birth for the first time, he has had a lot of knowledge in this area.Generally, after six months, the nutrition of breast milk begins to decline. At this time, it is beneficial to feed the child some complementary food.Early weaning will not make the child too attached to the mother.

Prince An counted the days day by day, and could only say that the waiting days were too long.

On the contrary, Zhao Hechen couldn't relax, the black eagle was released from time to time to spread the news, and he talked with Hong Yanzhi together, and he seemed to be busy with many things every day.After several months of tempering, the whole person has gradually become calm and introverted from the inside out, and the eyes that were once the most childish have also taken on a depth, and it is no longer easy to guess what this person is thinking, making it impossible for people to look at the original innocent eyes. He connected with the present.

In the early morning of this day, the sky was still very bright, and the two of them were huddled together on the bed and fell asleep. Suddenly, they heard a "bang" sound from the window being knocked open.I saw that the half-closed wooden window was opened, and a group of white shadows rushed in, rushed towards the bed, jumped onto the bed, and burrowed into the bed as if there was no shadow.

The one who can act like this is not Xiao Hei, but who else.

Duan Yunsu was itchy by the rabbit fur, reached out and lifted it 3 out of the quilt, hugged it in his arms, and ran along the fur, wondering: "What's wrong with Xiao Hei, he looks so panicked?"

Zhao Hechen looked at his wife wearing a bellyband, holding the fat rabbit in her slender arms, the loose bellyband couldn't hide the spring light on her chest, and the rabbit hid in her arms looking frightened.

It's nothing more than disturbing their dreams early in the morning, but now they dare to rub against his wife's chest? !Zhao Hechen's face turned dark immediately, and he stretched out his hand to pick up the rabbit and throw it away.It's just that Xiao Hei twitched his ears as if he sensed the crisis, relying on Duan Yunsu's love to cling to the person in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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