The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 290 Xiao Hei Smoked Again?

Chapter 290 Xiao Hei Smoked Again? (3)
Later, Ji Su directly asked Mu Duan to divide the room, and casually said that it would be good if he could live there, so he just let it go.

"Young Master Ji, is life unsatisfactory in the Northern Kingdom?" Prince An asked seeing that everything was in order.

"It's okay, but the emperor of the Northern Kingdom is getting old, and it's getting more and more chaotic inside, so I just slipped out." Ji Su seemed to be very indifferent to the affairs of the Northern Kingdom. Thinking of what she had seen and heard during the trip, she said instead: "I came down from north to south and passed Pingzhou near the capital of Xiguo. Why do you look in such a mess?"

It's not just Pingzhou, there are many chaotic places in the whole country. Prince An smiled: "I'm not in that capital, and I don't know the specific reason, but Mr. Ji, is your injury serious?"

"It's okay, just keep it for a few days." Ji Su raised her eyebrows and smiled: "I didn't expect the prince's family to come to such a remote place. It's really not easy for me to find them."

"How do you know this place?" At the beginning, he only sent news to Zhao Fang. Logically, Zhao Fang would not have contacted Ji Su.

Ji Su looked at Xiao Hei who was bouncing around in the courtyard, and smiled without saying a word.Prince An understood, but if Ji Su can find it, will others find it?He also thought of the reason why Ji Su helped Chen'er three times and four times, but it didn't hurt them.In addition, this sacred object is a secret of the Northern Kingdom, so it is not easy for me to ask.

The few people chatted happily, and Ji Su didn't intend to hide anything, so she told the story.

It turned out that the princes of the northern kingdom were in dispute, and the old emperor was very sad to see his brothers killing each other.All the princes were ambitious, and seeing Ji Su who was not tempted, he couldn't help but take a few more glances, and felt more and more appropriate.It's just what kind of temperament is Ji Su? At the beginning, he was said to be a wicked evildoer, but now he wants to recruit him back?Think he is a puppet pulling strings!

Ji Su didn't bother to pay attention to these people and went out of the palace directly, but how could those good brothers let him go and sent many masters to chase and kill him, that's why he was injured.

I disdain to play with them, but they think he is easy to bully.Ji Su changed her mind temporarily, went out to find someone first, and then went back to teach them a lesson.Don't want him to get it?He wanted to disturb the water in this pool!A dark light flashed in Ji Su's smile, restraining his killing intent.

As for who that person was, Ji Su never explained clearly, but Duan Yunsu guessed that it must be a great help.

Autumn is supposed to be the busiest season for farmers, but the previous flood has already destroyed the crops, and they can only replant some sweet potatoes that can fill their stomachs.I don't know how many people are suffering just like the villagers in Xiahe Village. It was a natural disaster, and it's fine if the court doesn't give some compensation. Even the tax has not been reduced at all, and lamentation is everywhere.

Prince An was practicing walking at first, but now he can take off his crutches and support things to walk for a while. Hearing the news, thinking about the current situation, he said softly: "The second prince must be in a hurry. After the disaster, he needs to allocate money. The national treasury is not full; coupled with the letter from the prince, the war in the Southwest is gradually starting, and the army needs to consume a lot of money, so this land tax is valued."

Duan Yunsu calculated that his family had no land, so they didn't have to pay the land tax.It's just that taxes in ancient times have always been heavy. According to his family's situation, they also have to pay taxes on a head-by-head basis.Fortunately, Zhao Hechen went hunting with Fu Yang, and Ji Su was not bad at martial arts, the three of them often hunted valuable prey.Plus picking some herbs, you don't have to worry about this.

Ji Su stayed here directly, and had no intention of leaving at all. She was gnawing on wild fruits and stretching her legs, feeling uncomfortable.Duan Yunsu gave him a sideways look, and directly handed over the work of carrying water and chopping firewood to him.Some people don't use it, it's a waste, how can you make her husband work so hard alone.

There are not many land taxes that can be handed in this year, and I don't know how many people will survive the winter empty-handed.

I thought this matter was over, but who knew that someone came down from above again, what are you doing?Latin!

"Come on, let me break in!" With an order, a soldier directly kicked open the gate of the courtyard, and four people rushed into the courtyard directly.

As soon as Zhao Hechen came out of the house, he saw several people rummaging around ferociously. It seemed that they wanted to grab sheep in the name of catching young men.

Looking at the medicinal materials scattered on the ground, Zhao Hechen's face darkened, and he directly snatched the half-dried ginseng from someone's hand, no matter who they were, he kicked them directly.These medicinal materials were sorted out by Yunsu so hard, how dare they spoil them!
Seeing a man coming out, the soldier went straight forward and wanted to catch him, and said loudly: "It's him, follow me to the next house!"

"What are these messengers doing?" Duan Yunsu came out and said calmly: "My husband is not very smart, according to the law, if there is a lack of males in the family, he has no strength to work, so he can't catch me? "

"Are you trying to deceive me? People in the village say you have a father, how can you be considered alone?" the soldier in the lead scolded.

"Who said that?"

"It's that..." The soldier froze: "I'm talking too much with you ignorant woman, let's go!"

"Brother Send is so mighty, he really doesn't pay attention to the law at all. You have to look at it, my father has a leg problem and can't do anything at all. Doesn't the court seem to be considerate of people like us? "

As soon as Duan Yunsu finished speaking, Prince An came out with a wheelchair, and said with a sullen face, "Why did Yunsu talk to them so much? Isn't Chen'er and the county magistrate quite able to talk, just report it to Xue Shaochen. "

When the soldiers heard that this person dared to call the magistrate's name directly, they all paused, as if hesitant.

I was going to scare these people away, but unexpectedly, Ji Su came to join in the fun, with wanton evil spirits in his eyes, and shouted at Zhao Hechen: "Brother, why are you still here? Didn't you mean to go to the town?" Is it?"

Duan Yunsu held his forehead speechlessly.

"Okay, so you're planning to escape the military service!" The head snorted coldly: "What else do you have to say, who wants to go back with us, stand up quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Zhao Hechen glanced at Ji Su quietly, he made a note of it, and hoped that you would not fall into his hands in the future.He clapped his hands and took a step forward, opened his eyes for a moment, and his voice was very childish: "Brother, Chen'er has money, and Chen'er will give it to you, can you not leave? Chen'er doesn't want to leave the lady."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Hechen really took out two ingots of silver and shook them for a while, the other guy was really stupid to see this person, his eyes lit up when he saw that coin.If the number of people is not enough, you can make it up. It is not impossible to replace the corvee with money.
The poor man stretched out his hand to take it, but unexpectedly Zhao Hechen grabbed his wrist with his backhand and broke it with a "click". The man broke out in cold sweat from the pain: " actually...ah!"

The leader was directly knocked down to the ground, and the people behind were a little startled when they saw it.Are you not a fool, how can you beat someone?No, only fools dare to mess with adults!

(End of this chapter)

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