The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 373 Little Treasure Gets Beaten

Chapter 373 Little Treasure Gets Beaten (4)
"Stinky boy!" Zhao Hechen's face darkened, it's fine to play around on weekdays, but now he dares to order the wolf to ask for his father!He hugged Xiao Bao with one hand, and hit him with a real slap with the other.If you pamper him any more, there will be no way out!

"Woooo—mother, mother, daddy is bad!" Xiaobao struggled, tears welled up in his little peachy eyes, and he burst into tears as soon as his little nose twitched.

"Don't cry!" Zhao Hechen said in a deep voice with a haughty face.

Xiaobao had never seen such a fierce father, he stared blankly at Zhao Hechen, with a teardrop in his eye, which was so pitiful, he shrank his little hand and looked timidly again.

Duan Yunsu felt distressed and wanted to hug Xiaobao: "Xiaobao is still young, don't scare him."

"He's very courageous." Zhao Hechen had a sullen face, but couldn't help but touch the place Xiaobao hit with his big palm.

Duan Yunsu looked at Xiaobao stretching out his hand towards him, and wanted to take it, but seeing Zhao Hechen's expression, he still froze.In the past, they spoiled Xiaobao too much, and they should discipline him well when they are young and their temper has not settled down.Zhao Hechen became ruthless today, if he went to tear down the stage by himself, then Xiaobao would feel that he would not be able to build up his father's prestige if he had a backing.

Seeing that his mother didn't take care of him as usual, Xiaobao cried again, looking at his father and then at his mother anxiously, his bright black eyes were full of tears.

Those tears made Zhao Hechen's heart ache, did he feel too impatient?Zhao Hechen reached out his hand to touch his tears, and said with a dark face, "Don't cry."

With tears in his eyes, Xiao Bao stared at his father, seeing that he stopped beating him, he grabbed his skirt hesitantly, sobbed sadly for a while, and said in a milky voice: "Daddy don't cry, Daddy is beautiful."

Zhao Hechen's forehead twitched, what a mess!

Duan Yunsu hurriedly carried Xiaobao over: "Okay, okay, Xiaobao is also sleepy at this time, let him sleep for a while."

After finally putting the little troublemaker to sleep, Duan Yunsu had time to ask about his doubts.Seeing that Zhao Hechen was still frowning, she guessed that Xiaobao felt distressed after beating Xiaobao just now, and said softly: "Sir, don't think about it, Xiaobao has become more and more troublesome recently. Mother loves Xiaobao and obeys him in everything. Don't be fierce when you are a father, be careful that Xiaobao's temper grows crooked."

"If you let mother know, you'll have to blame me again." Zhao Hechen grinned.

"Grandmas dote on their grandchildren, just listen to me." Duan Yunsu tiptoed his toe slightly on his lips, smoothed the frown between his brows, and changed the subject: "I still want to ask you, When I came back from Renhetang in the past two days, I saw that there were many more soldiers on the street, is there any movement?"

Zhao Hechen put his arms around her waist and nodded lightly: "Zhao Huanyi has already sensed King Cheng's plan, and his defenses have been strengthened recently."

"Know that King Cheng is going to rebel?" Duan Yunsu was taken aback.

"Well, but the specific plan of King Cheng is not clear, and now he has become a soldier."

Duan Yunsu looked at the man in front of him suspiciously, and asked tentatively, "Didn't you tell him the news of King Cheng's rebellion?"

Zhao Hechen curled his lips into a smile, stretched out his hand to stroke her smooth hair, and pulled out the hairpin casually, watching the three thousand strands of hair cascading down, he kissed lightly and said, "Young lady is so smart."

It's really him, Duan Yunsu pursed his lips and smiled: "Sister, do you want to watch two tigers fight? This scene is really exciting."

"I'm afraid there will be a sudden change these days, my lady, be careful when going out."

Duan Yunsu nodded.

This party just talked about the shocking change, and Cheng Wang made a move in a blink of an eye, and actually pointed the finger at them.

The mansion is quiet and peaceful, isolated from the subtle turmoil outside.That night, everyone turned off the lights to rest, but suddenly Awu's wolf howl woke everyone up.Zhao Hechen got up from the bed suddenly, with a serious face, he got out of the bed and put on his clothes.

Duan Yunsu also heard Awu's different howls than usual, she frowned slightly, and looked into Xiaobao's room.

"There are people from the Red House next to Xiaobao, go and have a look, lady." Zhao Hechen left a message and pushed the door out.

No one was seen outside the house, not even a guard or maid on duty at night.Zhao Hechen glanced around sharply, and his eyes fell on the dark garden and the roof.

Situ Wei, who had been staying in the mansion pretending to be a servant, came out second. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Zhao Hechen, and asked softly: "My lord and concubine asked me to persuade me to stay in the house. What's the matter? These people discovered our secret." ?”

Prince An's family obviously hid it very well, and it is logical that they shouldn't pay attention to them.The young lord led troops to the capital secretly and those people didn't notice, how could they make any moves here.

"No, these people..." Zhao Hechen's eyes flashed coldly, his whole body was full of murderous aura, and his thin lips curled up slightly: "It's purely to kill me, Zhao Hechen."

Situ Wei was startled, and before he could ask why, he saw a sharp arrow shooting towards him, swift and fierce.Zhao Hechen dodged a blow on one side of his body, and the arrow pierced into the window and door behind him with a "dumb", and the wooden door and window split a crack in an instant.

Situ Wei looked at the depth of the arrow's penetration, and pulled it out with one hand with a sullen face.This person must be a master, with profound skills, the tip of the arrow is slightly black and poisonous, and he really wants to kill him.

He used his kung fu to throw the arrow fiercely at the place where the arrow came and went, only to hear the sound of "Pang" blocking the fall in the dark night, and the atmosphere began to freeze.

"Qingshu." Zhao Hechen drank in a deep voice.

A figure flashed in the darkness, and they attacked directly in the direction of those people. All the bugs in the mansion stopped screaming. Qingshu led the people out, took out a signal bomb and released it into the air. The instant fireworks, before the attackers saw clearly , has disappeared completely.

As soon as those people saw the signal, they had a bad secret, so they immediately showed up and surrounded him, attacking Zhao Hechen.One person recognized Situ Wei who stepped forward to fight, he was not the general of the Huo family back then!Then look at Zhao Hechen standing in one place calmly and gracefully, his expression and movements are very normal, he instantly connected the whole story, and shouted back in shock: "Brothers, come on, Prince An is plotting something wrong!"

Zhao Hechen's murderous look froze in his eyes, he drew out his dagger, and dodged behind the man.The man was being entangled by Situ Wei's sword, and his back abdomen was pierced so hard that he fell to the ground before he could turn around.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the people hiding on the roof and in the garden all attacked with swords on the ground.Situ Wei's face tightened. He had seen these people's costumes before, and they were the ones who became kings.Why did King Cheng take Zhao Hechen's life?Those sent are still used to fighting and licking blood in the army!

"So what's the matter, Xiao Chen'er welcomes the return of the young master so warmly every time."

The evil voice sounded, and Zhao Hechen knew it was Ji Su without raising his head.The people in the red building also suddenly appeared at this moment, and fought with the attackers without saying a word.

With the sound of swords and swords, the smell of blood gradually filled the air.The awakened servants in the mansion came out to take a look, and almost lost their courage. Some people almost dropped their eyes when they saw Zhao Hechen's valiant and heroic posture holding a sword in fierce battle.

(End of this chapter)

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