The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 374 Little Treasure Gets Beaten

Chapter 374 Little Treasure Gets Beaten (5)
Is this idiot the person who raises a knife and falls coldly? !
Zhao Hechen suddenly turned his head to look at the servants, and the servants backed up in unison, all shocked by the cold light in his eyes.It is a shocking secret that one person wants to run away secretly. When he goes back and tells the master, there will be a big reward!Unexpectedly, Zhao Hechen picked up the bow and arrow that fell to the ground, and when he drew the bow to the full, the long arrow whizzed towards him and instantly sank into his chest from his back. The servant's body jerked and he fell to the ground.

"Whoever wants to run, save your life!" Zhao Hechen's gloomy voice was like a spell calling for his life, and the servants reacted, and the timid ones hid directly in the house.

The people in the Red Chamber are all masters with one enemy against a hundred, and their ruthlessness is comparable to that of a killer.The opponent wins in numbers, but seeing more and more fallen brothers, looking at the man in black as if seeing a ghost, he feels stage fright.

When Zhao Hechen saw that someone was about to retreat, he shouted in a deep voice, "If you don't leave one, it doesn't matter whether you live or die!"

In today's battle, these people must not be allowed to go back and pass the news to King Cheng. This is the last step, how can we tolerate failure!

When the people in the red building heard it, they immediately let go of their hands and feet.While listening to Zhao Hechen's order, Ji Su leisurely watched the battle. She had no plans to play at all, so she just took a plate of melon seeds to watch the show.

There was the sound of a child crying from the side room, and the cornered enemy gave a secret wink and rushed there.

Ji Sudan narrowed her phoenix eyes, grabbed a long sword and threw it at the two people in front of her. The long sword passed through her chest with a "poof", and the ground was covered with blood.

Duan Yunsu in the room coaxed Xiao Bao who was crying in shock, and looked out.Only the sound of fighting could be heard in his ears, and the sound gradually weakened. Duan Yunsu was slowly relieved when he heard no bad news.Xiaobao is still too young, so don't take him out to see the cruelty and blood in his eyes.

After the battle was over, Zhao Hechen looked at the corpses all over the ground, but he didn't relax at all.He glanced around sharply: "Surround the mansion up and down, anyone who enters and exits at will, will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!" The man in the red building disappeared instantly.

He looked at Situ Wei who was holding a blood sword beside him, and said, "How far are Zhao Fang's soldiers and horses from here?"

"Not far, some of them are already in the city."

"Please trouble Uncle Wei to send soldiers and horses to protect the mansion. Anyone who behaves abnormally will be smashed and killed."

"Young Master Zhao, are you planning to..." Situ Wei was shocked.

Zhao Hechen narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the imperial city: "The talisman has been found, I want to leave the city and lead the troops into Beijing!"

Situ Wei was shocked.

"Young Master Ji, I have something to discuss, can you come in and talk?" Zhao Hechen looked back at Ji Su.

Ji Su raised her eyebrows and smiled coquettishly: "I will help Xiao Chen'er to the end."

The two then entered the house.

After the night full of killings passed, the sky turned pale, and Duan Yunsu walked outside the courtyard.The yard had been tidied up, and the remaining blood stains were washed away vigorously, as if nothing had happened.

Most of the servants in the mansion disappeared. Duan Yunsu knew that there were people from the old Huo family hiding all around, and those who wanted to leak what happened yesterday were all arrested.Awu sniffed around with his tail down, the slight bloody smell left on the ground stimulated his nerves, and his dark green wolf eyes were unusually bright.

Duan Yunsu walked towards the kitchen, intending to cook some breakfast by himself, but before he went in, he heard the voice of the little girl talking.

"Sister Xin'er, I clearly remember counting yesterday, there are still eight chickens here, why is one missing?"

"Are you sure you remember correctly? A lively chicken, who is so bold as to take it out blatantly, won't people find out as soon as the chicken crows." The maid called Xin'er wondered.

"Yeah, I slaughtered a lot yesterday and boiled one more. It's so convenient to cook. You shouldn't start with a raw chicken if you steal it." The maid counted again in disbelief, but she still couldn't match the number.

Miss Xin thought for a while and put down the dish in her hand: "I think it's better to tell the master, this time it's a chicken, I don't know what it will be next time."

Duan Yunsu heard this, stepped in and coughed, and the two maids hurriedly saluted.Duan Yunsu glanced at the maid named Xin'er, and said, "My lady knows where the chicken is. Your name is Xin'er?"

"Yes." Xin'er didn't expect the young lady to appear suddenly, and her heart was pounding nervously.

"What do you do in the kitchen?"

"Mrs. Hui, the servant girl is the rough envoy who burns the fire."

Duan Yunsu nodded: "Mrs. Ben knows about this, you can go to work first."

The two maids heard that they were busy with their own work, Duan Yunsu glanced at the chicken coop not far away, and rubbed his forehead secretly.Awu's wolf nature has fully grown, but fortunately he can still control it, otherwise it will be troublesome.

When Duan Yunsu brought Xiaobao's rice porridge out, Xiaobao was already sitting firmly on the small bed, his dark eyes just quietly looking outside, when he saw Duan Yunsu coming in, he softly called his mother.

Little Treasure was woken up last night, Duan Yunsu feared that he would not sleep well, so he took him back to her room.Duan Yunsu looked at Xiao Bao who was blinking at her, put the things away and hugged her, and asked Qin Niang who was on the side: "When did the young master wake up?"

"Just now, I've wiped my face."

Duan Yunsu picked up a small spoon and fed Xiaobao, but saw him looking around for something, and then saw him pointing to Zhao Hechen's position on the table: "Daddy, daddy."

"Daddy is still beating Xiaobao, don't we want Daddy?" Duan Yunsu calmly wanted to knock down the wall, Xiaobao loved to cling to his father, and he happened to take advantage of Zhao Hechen's absence to break Xiaobao's heart to her side.Hehe, Xiaobao was born by her, so he should love his mother the most.

"I want Daddy." Xiaobao insisted.

"Xiaobao likes daddy or mother the most?" Duan Yunsu tempted, "Said he likes to eat eggs at noon." Xiaobao is young, and now he likes to eat the smooth and tender steamed eggs the most, so he carefully added some The ingredients are even more delicious than those made by the chef.

Sure enough, Xiaobao's eyes lit up when he heard the word: "Steamed eggs, Ah Wu Hei Hei"

"It's steamed eggs, Awu Xiaohei can't eat it." Duan Yunsu's eyes twitched, why does Xiaobao add Awu Heihei to the end every time?
"Mother, mother." Xiaobao grabbed Duan Yunsu's clothes and shook them.

"I like mother the most, don't you?"

"I like my lady."

"What a good boy, come on, open your mouth and eat the porridge."

Qin Niang covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Zhao Hechen, who was far away, didn't know that his baby just threw him aside for a bowl of steamed eggs. If he heard about it when he came back, would he want to spank his ass again?
Three days later, people from the palace suddenly visited, and Prince An came out in a wheelchair to meet him. It turned out to be Eunuch Liu.

Eunuch Liu was still wearing a robe with sapphire blue embroidered cranes, holding a whisk in his hand, leaving the little eunuch behind him outside.He lifted his feet into the courtyard, looked around, and said in a soft voice: "There are a lot less servants in the prince's mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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