The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 381: Dezhang Palace and the Enmity of Those Years

Chapter 381 Returning to the palace and the grievances of the past (1)
The prince wanted to stop him but realized it was too late, he frowned slightly and said, "Why is brother Chen killing you now?" He still had some things he didn't understand and wanted to ask King Cheng.

"Look at his hands." Zhao Hechen sneered.

King Cheng had already been put to the ground, and what he was holding tightly in his right hand was a small flying knife. It seemed that he didn't know who he was trying to sneak up on.

Zhao Huanzhen lowered his eyebrows when he heard this, and raised his eyes to meet Zhao Huanyi's gloomy face.

"Zhao Huanzhen, it's really tight enough to hide." At first, he thought that he was at the end of the road, but he didn't expect that in the end, he counterattacked the troops he had deliberately arranged and prevented Cheng Wang, but he was picked up by Zhao Huanzhen!
The people from the Red Chamber directly restrained Zhao Huanyi, Mr. Wen, Zhao Heqi and others, and the hall was already in a mess.Zhao Hechen hugged Duan Yunsu, and said softly: "Lady, let's go."

The ministers and female family members who fell all over the table, the soldiers who were dead and wounded, the blood-stained hall, and Wen Yuanyuan's shrill cry.The thick blood wafted in the hall, and Duan Yunsu turned his face slightly.

Everything was a foregone conclusion, Zhao Huanyi's military means were fast enough to restrain the troops in King Cheng's capital, but he did not expect that Mr. Wen and King Cheng had such a deep relationship.Cheng Wang, who was originally determined to win, did not expect that the prince who should have nothing could mobilize the soldiers of the Huo family and the Duan family, and even secretly replaced Mr. Wen's troops without knowing when.

Zhao Hechen led the army into the capital with a talisman from the Duan family. Duan Yunsu asked how to enter the city gate. Zhao Hechen's answer surprised him.

It turned out that it was Eunuch Liu who stole the imperial order from Zhao Huanyi.

"I originally thought that Eunuch Liu really surrendered to Zhao Huanyi." Duan Yunsu sighed.

Zhao Hechen took her by the hand and walked out of the land of war and strife: "Father guessed it. When we returned to Beijing that day, Eunuch Liu and Fochen pointed south. He had ulterior motives."

Duan Yunsu frowned, and after a long while quietly answered: "The tomb of the late emperor is to the south."

Zhao Hechen nodded, Eunuch Liu was Emperor Jing's most trusted subordinate, and he was with him when he was seriously ill.Eunuch Liu probably knows a lot of secrets.

Zhao Hechen suddenly stopped, and said with a smile: "Everyone is rebellious, it's rare that I have so many soldiers and horses in my hands."

"It's rare for a gentleman, do you want to step in?" Duan Yunsu joked.

"If the lady likes it, it's all right for me to turn the world upside down for you." Zhao Hechen said affectionately.


On the third day of the eighth lunar month, the deposed prince marched his troops into the palace, and the new emperor murdered the former emperor, persecuted the old officials in the court, forced the new emperor to abdicate, and imprisoned him in the prison.The abolished prince ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, changed the name of the country to Yuankang, and later called Emperor Xuan.

King Cheng mutilated the heirs of the royal family, intending to rebel, and he was ambitious, and his crime should be punished.Therefore, the title was withdrawn and the land was taken back, and the relatives in the mansion were assigned to the frontier, and King Cheng was buried in Nanshan with the ceremony of common people.

When Emperor Xuan ascended the throne, he was exempted from taxes for three years, reduced penalties, ditches, lightened corvees, and selected talents.I invite the banished loyal ministers to return to the temple to clear up the grievances of the Huo family, and all officials and ministers will reward them for their merits.

According to historical records, under the rule of Yuankang, the world was peaceful, and all directions were peaceful.

For another emperor, as long as the life can continue to be stable, the common people don't think much about it. The people under them live like this. As long as they don't make the people miserable, it doesn't matter much to them.

But this time, new information was added in the capital. It turned out that the idiot was not stupid or lame, and he recovered all of a sudden, which shocked them all out of their eyes.

Prince Qi's Mansion, with vermilion gates, and mighty stone lions.

Zhao Hechen stood in front of the palace gate, squinting at the three words above: "Qingshu."

The long sword thrown in the air hit the middle of the plaque, the sword was too strong and vibrated with a buzzing, the plaque cracked suddenly, and fell to the ground with a "clang".

At this time, the guards came out from the mansion and were escorting Zhao Heqi, Wen Yuanyuan and Liu Feixue. Looking at the broken plaque, they glanced sideways at Zhao Hechen who was standing with his hands behind his back.

"Zhao Hechen, are you satisfied now?" Zhao Heqi's hair was slightly disheveled, and he was tied up with ropes.

Duan Yunsu stood on one side, looking slightly surprised at his eyes that were as silent as a pool of death.Zhao Heqi's temperament, she originally guessed that this person would be furious, wishing to tear him apart.

Zhao Hechen laughed lightly: "Forget what I said?"

Everything in the palace belonged to them originally, he said he would come back again, and those who have been taken by others will naturally try their best to get it back.

Zhao Huanyi looked at Prince An's family, Qi Qi was standing in front of the palace gate, his father was kind and his son was filial, that harmonious appearance hurt his eyes.

He didn't know the truth until today, but everything has been settled. Should he blame your mother for not telling him the truth earlier, or should he blame that ambitious father for not taking him away early?
"Zhao Hechen..." Zhao Heqi read his name twice, and suddenly laughed, and the tears that flashed in the corner of his eyes did not know why.

Wen Yuanyuan looked at Prince An who was standing quietly in front of her, and suddenly struggled, and cried out in a sad voice: "My lord, I beg you, please! Let me stay, let me stay!"

Prince An glanced at him lightly, and said: "Wen Yuanyuan, you have begged the wrong person. Although I am the prince now, I, Chen'er, are in charge."

He was also tired of these disputes, but he couldn't escape these dirty things in this place.Now that everything is settled and Chen'er is fine, sooner or later he will report to the Emperor Ming and let Zhao Hechen inherit the title.I should still be a leisurely person in the mansion, and take my grandson to support my old age.

Wen Yuanyuan looked at Zhao Hechen, then at Prince An, plopped down on her knees, grabbed the hem of Prince An's clothes, and cried, "I beg you, if you hate me, then I'll go! Can you let me, Qi Er, stay behind?" Down……"

With a sullen face, Prince An took a step away and pulled out the clothes in her hands: "When my family was demoted, did you ever think about letting my Chen'er go?"

"Damn! Don't beg him! My father will definitely bring us out!" Liu Feixue yelled loudly, feeling ashamed of Wen Yuanyuan begging for help.Who are they, even if he can't become a prince, his father is still a minister in the court, she doesn't believe that she will have a bad life!
Duan Yunsu looked at the innocent expression on that day, sneered, and ruthlessly ruined her fantasy: "Liu Feixue, you don't know yet, your father has been relegated from office, and the three generations of the Liu family are not allowed to take the imperial examination. to get you out?"

"Impossible! Impossible! My father didn't do anything, and you wronged him! You vicious people deserve to be struck by lightning!" Liu Feixue directly put her resentment on them.

Zhao Hechen's whole body turned cold, his slightly squinted eyes looked angry, and his dangerous eyes fell on Liu Feixue, but the latter was still swearing desperately.

He took the saber of the guard beside him, and threw it at Liu Feixue fiercely. With a flash of the sword light, Liu Feixue's face had already been cut, and blood flowed slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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