The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 382: Dezhang Palace and the Enmity of Those Years

Chapter 382 Returning to the palace and the grievances of the past (2)
Liu Feixue was so frightened by the sword that she broke out in a cold sweat, her mouth was stuck, she reached out her hand to touch the warmth of her face in a daze, she put her eyes away and took a long time to realize it, she yelled with a pale face, "Ah ! How dare you ruin my face!"

Zhao Heqi watched coldly and remained silent.

"Jue Lang, Jue Lang, I am your woman, you can't just drive me away like this..." Wen Yuanyuan entangled again, how could she leave, how could she let go of all this, how long did she fight and calculate how long , how could it be possible to just let go!
Duan Yunsu looked at Princess An, seeing her increasingly ugly face, secretly thought that Wen Yuanyuan really couldn't speak.Princess An's resentment against Wen Yuanyuan is no longer a one-day or two-day event. What annoys her the most is that she has entangled her man. Now that Wen Yuanyuan's loud and loud Jue Lang is really looking ugly.

"Wen Yuanyuan, King Cheng is your man." Princess An directly revealed the scandal about Wen Yuanyuan. For the sake of glory and wealth, there are really people who are so shameless that they don't care about anything.

Upon hearing the word Chengwang, Wen Yuanyuan slowly let go of her hands and sat down on the ground, twitching her body. It turned out that she was smiling, but her eyes were full of tears, and she looked at Princess An unwillingly.

Looking at her in gorgeous clothes, the years of aging have not left many traces on her, but looking at himself, he knelt down and begged in such a state of embarrassment.Her voice was full of resentment, but without the excitement just now: "Yin Fu, I'm really jealous of you."

"I was originally a daughter of a boudoir, and I am no worse than you. I thought I could marry the person I like, but he took over my innocence!" Wen Yuanyuan recalled the past, her heart was sad, and she pointed to Prince An and said : "It's him. If I hadn't saved him back then, my mother would not have died, and my innocence would not have been lost! I hate it. Everyone accuses me of not keeping my chastity. I can't marry the person I like. How can I not hate him?" What!"

Wen Yuanyuan stood up, and no longer expected Prince An to give her more pity, she wept and said: "I entered the palace, you don't like me, do you think I like to stay here?! I watch every day He cares about you Yin Fu, even if I do my best, I don't even look at me, I'm jealous! Why are you the only one who can enjoy such happiness!"

She sneered, and crazily recounted the kindness and resentment of the year: "From then on, I thought, remember the words of the person I like, and take everything from you with his seed! If it weren't for you, I could have been his concubine originally, so I don't need to ask you for alms at all for this glory and wealth!"

Duan Yunsu looked at this person with pity. A hateful person must have pitiful qualities. He ruined the happiness of other people's families just for his own purpose. No matter how pitiful he is, he cannot be forgiven.

"Did you poison Father and Chenchen?" Duan Yunsu stared closely at this person's eyes.

Things are like this, and Wen Yuanyuan has no intention of hiding it, no matter how bad it is, how bad it can be.Exiled to the frontier, she is a weak woman who is afraid that she will die on the way half way!

"My lord's Gu was planted by me, so I just planted it a little bit, a little bit." Wen Yuanyuan seemed to be insane, she spoke softly, stretched out her hand to make a small gesture, and suddenly shouted sadly: "I just want to see , became disabled, see if your Yin Fu still can't see you as a waste! You are a coward!"

Zhao Hechen's face was frosty, and he wanted to step forward to teach this man a lesson, but the warm and soft hand on his arm held him, so he had to stop.He frowned slightly, and hugged Xiaobao who was getting heavier and heavier in Duan Yunsu's arms.

Looking at Xiaobao's pure eyes without any impurities and his ignorant and curious eyes, Zhao Hechen felt a little less irritable, and lowered his head to kiss him on the forehead.

"Your Chenchen's Gu poison was also made by you?" Duan Yunsu's eyes were slightly cold. If she got the answer, she wondered if she would not be able to bear it and beat her up. What did Zhao Hechen do at that time? wrong.

Wen Yuanyuan looked at Zhao Hechen, her eyes fell on the child in his arms, and she was stunned for a while, then her crazy gaze just now slowly calmed down, and she laughed at herself: "If you say it's not me, do you believe it?"

Such an answer surprised several people. At this time, Wen Yuanyuan didn't need to lie anymore. If it wasn't her, who else would it be.

The sun became more and more fierce, Zhao Hechen looked at Duan Yunsu's blushed face, then looked down at Xiaobao, stretched out his wide sleeves to cover him, and said in a deep voice, "Go in, these people..."

He glanced lightly: "Take them away!"

Several people walked in, the familiar courtyard and the familiar corridor, but Duan Yunsu couldn't agree with the extravagant decoration.

Why do you want to dress up as a nouveau riche for a good palace?

Duan Yunsu took two steps and turned his head, saw Shuisheng took a few steps down, looking down at his heels, his thin face was sweating from the sun.Duan Yunsu stopped, and when he came, he asked: "What's wrong with Shuisheng, he walks so slowly, little brother Xiaobao is in a hurry."

Shui Sheng raised his head timidly, and really saw Xiao Bao leaning forward and shaking his hands at him, his face blushed slightly.

Duan Yunsu simply led him forward, Shuisheng took a peek, then lowered his head again and couldn't help the joy in his heart.

A few people walked in, and the maids and servants waited on them tremblingly, not knowing what their fate was.Some stayed in the mansion all the time, fearing that the master would dislike him and change hands to serve him; those bought by Wen Yuanyuan didn't even dare to breathe, and could only pray that they were all doing rough work, and hoped they wouldn't be kicked out directly out.

Prince An sat down, pondered for a while, then got up and said to go to the study first.Zhao Hechen remembered the news from the Red Mansion, so he got up and followed Prince An's footsteps.

A maid made tea for the master, and stood quietly waiting to be dispatched.Princess An looked at the servants, sighed and said: "Go down and call all the servants in the mansion."

The maid backed away in fear, secretly thinking that the one who should come was still here, and walked out quickly.

Princess An watched Duan Yunsu sipping tea comfortably, and said with a smile: "Yunsu wants to be lazy again? Today, mother will arrange these servants properly first, and you will be in charge of this family."

Duan Yunsu suddenly felt that the tea in his mouth was tasteless, his mother is really amazing, she also noticed his little bit of lazy thoughts.She sat up straight, and said solemnly: "Mother, don't worry, Yunsu is on call at any time."

"If you want to be lazy, there is no way." Prince An scolded with a smile, this family Yunsu will have to get started sooner or later, it's better to learn it quickly while she can still lazy?Let's wait until Xiaobao can marry a wife.

Unexpectedly, Duan Yunsu also thought about it with Princess An, and she quietly cast her eyes on Xiaobao.Son, mother's future peace depends on you, grow up quickly and marry a good wife!
Xiaobao intuitively felt that his mother's gaze was strange, and when Xiao Taohua opened her eyes, she really looked like Zhao Hechen.He bit his finger, twisted his body resolutely and slid down from his mother's arms, the mother's eyes were so strange, Xiaobao ran away quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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