The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 384: Dezhang Palace and the Enmity of Those Years

Chapter 384 Returning to the palace and the grievances of the past (4)
It's better to see how much money is in the account and renovate it. The study is more suitable for the original bamboo forest.

Duan Yunsu walked to the study, walked by the window, and heard voices from inside.

I only heard Zhao Hechen say: "Father, according to the boy's wishes, the entrance and exit of the secret passage should be changed, so that it can be used in case of emergency."

"From now on, you can talk about the affairs of the mansion, and my father will watch from the side."

It turned out that Prince An also had the same idea as Princess An, and it seemed that he wanted to completely let the two of them watch this family.

I also heard Prince An say inside: "My father was really negligent. I didn't expect that man to hide weapons in the mansion when I went to Yuzhou to receive orders. Chen'er will be more vigilant than my father in doing things in the future."

"My child understands."

"Daddy, Daddy——" Duan Yunsu originally wanted to eavesdrop for a while, but Xiaobao became excited when he heard Zhao Hechen's voice, and let go of his voice to shout, the voice was clear and loud, and he must have heard it inside.

Duan Yunsu walked towards the door of the study helplessly, and it happened that the door creaked open, and Zhao Hechen came out.When Xiao Bao saw it, he let go of Duan Yunsu's hand and jumped forward, hugged Zhao Hechen's leg, raised his head and said in a baby voice, "Daddy, ride a horse."

Zhao Hechen hugged Xiaobao into his arms: "It's too hot, Daddy will ride with Xiaobao from now on."

When riding a horse before, Xiao Bao saw him and wanted to get on the horse. Zhao Hechen had to drive the horse with one hand and the other for a walk. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bao fell in love with the feeling of being on the horse.

"It really is my Zhao Jue's grandson, he is quite courageous." Prince An also came out, coaxing: "Would you like Xiaobao to follow Grandpa, Grandpa is going outside to have fun."

Fun?Xiaobao's eyes lit up, it was fun to go out, Xiaobao decisively stretched out his hands towards his grandfather to hug him.

"Stinky boy, don't you want daddy so soon?" Zhao Hechen patted his butt, and put Xiaobao on the ground: "Grandpa is tired, let's go by himself."

Looking at the happy grandparent and grandson, Duan Yunsu pursed his lips and chuckled, Xiaobao likes to go outside the most, the outside is full of novelty for him.It's just that he is still young, so the number of times he is taken out is also small.

Zhao Hechen watched Prince An take Xiaobao away, put his arm around Duan Yunsu's waist, and the two walked towards Chaojin Courtyard tacitly.

Duan Yunsu heaved a sigh of relief seeing the untouched traces in Chaojin Courtyard.If this place is also pretended to be like that, I will tear it down cruelly.How can you tolerate such aesthetics in a place where you have to live for a lifetime.

The house should also be cleaned by maids from time to time. Duan Yunsu ordered the maids to replace all the mattresses and curtains in the back room with new ones. The teacups and tea sets also went to the warehouse to pick out a new set, and they had to be cleaned from beginning to end before moving in. .

Zhao Hechen saw her busy around and forgot about himself, secretly gritted his teeth and hugged her, it was rare that Xiaobao was not around, so he had to be intimate no matter what.

"Ma'am, is it hot?"

"Hot." Duan Yunsu picked up the round fan and fanned it twice. He really wanted to take off this clothes.

Zhao Hechen brought Duan Yunsu into the back room, and said to Sui'er, "Go get the ice basin."

Sui'er peeked at her master, and asked weakly, "Master Shi, where is the ice basin?"

Forgive her for being a newcomer, and it wasn't hot enough to use an ice basin when she lived there before.Summer ice!I have never seen them come from such poor families.

Zhao Hechen raised his forehead: "Lady, it seems that your subordinates still need to train and train well."

Duan Yunsu laughed, and asked Sui'er to follow the maid outside to find the housekeeper.

Zhao Hechen knew that his wife was most afraid of heat, and also hated wearing such heavy clothes, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to take advantage of wearing only a bellyband.Zhao Hechen thought about the delicate and charming appearance of the lady at night, and felt that this habit of stripping was really good.

"I heard that Yun Lingsha who paid tribute in the palace is the most comfortable. I will ask the emperor to come and make clothes for the lady."

Duan Yunsu poked his chest amusedly, and didn't mind seeing him untie her blouse casually.My husband really likes to rob the palace. Emperor Jing got a lot of good things when he was alive, and now that the crown prince is enthroned, he plans to make persistent efforts.

After taking off the outer shirt, Duan Yunsu felt a lot more relaxed, and she should wear less in the back room in the future, anyway, her husband-in-law doesn't mind.At this time, Duan Yunsu felt a little sleepy, and lazily lay down on the bed, fanning himself and getting ready to sleep.

When Zhao Hechen saw it, he also took off his coat and lay down on it. Duan Yunsu pushed him dissatisfiedly, and muttered: "The bed is still empty. Mr. Xiang went over, he died of the heat."

"Your husband can't sleep without a wife." Zhao Hechen refused to leave, glanced at her shirt, leaned over and teased, "Take it off when it's hot, it's coolest to wear a bellyband like Xiaobao."

"Bah! You rascal!" Duan Yunsu gave him a jerk look, hesitated for a while before taking off his shirt, lay down beside him, touched his hot body, and slapped him with a fan: "It's so hot like Big stove, don't touch me."

Zhao Hechen saw her look of disgust, and the more he looked at her, the more cute he felt, he couldn't help but hug her tightly, took the round fan in her hand and fanned it repeatedly: "Do you like it when it's hot, lady likes it cold? "

"Naturally, it is best to be warm in winter and cool in summer!"

"..." Zhao Hechen pinched her nose: "Men with cold bodies have problems."

A man's yang energy is inherently strong, and his body is naturally warm. How can those people with cold hands and feet compare with him.

Duan Yunsu didn't even bother to push him away, the more he moved, the hotter he got, it would be better to calm down and cool down naturally.She lay obediently in his arms, motioned him to fan the fan properly, and said: "Just now what Xianggong said in the study is authentic, how did King Cheng get things into the palace?"

"At the time my father was ordered to go to Yuzhou, my mother had to take care of me at that time, she was overwhelmed with thoughts and her health was not very good, so Wen Yuanyuan cooperated with others, so someone took advantage of her."

"What happened back then?" Duan Yunsu was puzzled, "From what that person said today, it was because she saved her father but killed Wen's mother? Father doesn't like her, why did he take her innocence?"

"I shouldn't have said much about the elders. I told my wife about the news that came out of the Red Mansion a few days ago, so I don't need to mention it again." Zhao Hechen said in a low voice.

Duan Yunsu was taken aback, he didn't expect the Red Mansion to be so powerful, and everything that happened so many years ago could be found out.

The matter is roughly consistent with what Wen Yuanyuan said, but some details were left undisclosed.

When Princess An married Prince An, the two fell in love with each other, and there were no such bad things.Wen Yuanyuan is still a girl who is waiting to be married, but she admires Cheng Wang.The people on both sides didn't have much contact with each other. In the autumn hunting held by the royal family every three years, Prince An fell into the trap of an assassin and fell into the rushing stream. It was Wen Mu and Wen Yuanyuan who passed by who rescued him.It's just that the strength of the two women is limited after all. Wen's mother exhausted her strength and was accidentally washed away by the rushing water, and she lost her breath when she found it.

(End of this chapter)

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