The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 385: Dezhang Palace and the Enmity of Those Years

Chapter 385 Returning to the palace and the grievances of the past (5)
Originally, this was the end of the matter. Prince An personally came to express his thanks and make amends.Emperor Jing also came to visit in person, but something happened again after seeing it.

The emperor couldn't be negligent in his past, and the situation in Wen's mansion couldn't hold a banquet, so he respectfully invited the emperor and served wine in private.Emperor Jing also wanted to see the woman who saved Prince An, so he invited Wen Yuanyuan out.

It's just that Prince An was already drunk. Although it was inappropriate, Emperor Jing asked Father Wen to set up a side room for Prince An to rest.Although Wen's father was not happy, he asked Wen Yuanyuan to send him off because of his face. Unexpectedly, there would be a problem with this sending off.

Prince An took away Wen Yuanyuan's innocence after drinking, and rumors abounded. Two months later, he found out that Wen Yuanyuan was pregnant. Father Wen was so furious that he let the emperor decide, so even if Prince An was unwilling, Wen Yuanyuan was still sent to the mansion as a pawn. The side concubine.

Wen Yuanyuan doesn't love Prince An, but as the days go by and the child is born, seeing their family of three enjoying themselves happily, Princess An being cared for carefully, but she is deserted, the jealousy and resentment in her heart erode people little by little.

Wen Yuanyuan firmly remembered what King Cheng had said at the beginning, relying on Wen's father's power and favor to forcibly gain a foothold in the palace, and plotted everything in the palace bit by bit.

When the trouble started, Prince An naturally wanted to divorce this man, because he had no feelings in the first place.It's just that those people are getting more and more ruthless, King Cheng Wen's father secretly resorted to tricks, and Emperor Jing also felt that Prince An was ashamed of him, and he had other ideas, so Concubine Wen wanted to make Zhao Heqi his wife. Shizi's statement.

Duan Yunsu was silent for a long time when he heard this, and said, "How could father be drunk on such an occasion."

"Yes, so my father also wanted to find evidence to prove his innocence, but to no avail." Zhao Hechen said in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's King Cheng's fault." Duan Yunsu snorted and said, "Wen Yuanyuan fell in love with a cruel and heartless person, and for the sake of power, she can give up anything."

Zhao Hechen stroked Duan Yunsu's soft hair lightly, again and again, without making a sound.

Maybe Wen Yuanyuan really loved Cheng Wang back then and was willing to endure all the humiliation for him, but how can someone who can use her like this have true love.However, King Cheng may have a little paternal love for Zhao Heqi, otherwise he would not have helped Zhao Heqi several times.

"Then Chenchen, why did King Cheng send someone to harm you before? Didn't all the people he killed were from the palace..." Before the word "Prince" could be said, Duan Yunsu's mind reacted to something first, and his heart burst into tears. With a jump, he unconsciously grabbed the front of Zhao Hechen's chest.

"Don't think about it, lady, he's already thinking about Zhao." Zhao Hechen put down the fan in his hand, hugged Duan Yunsu, and murmured in his ear: "Don't worry about these things, lady, now is the time for you to redeem your promise. "

"What promise?" Duan Yunsu asked confusedly.

"My lady, don't pretend, it's okay to give it to Xiaobao's younger siblings." Seeing Duan Yunsu's attention diverted, Zhao Hechen smiled lightly.

"Go, go, it's so hot, you go." It's hot when I lie down on a hot day, and I'm exercising vigorously!
"Spring is said to be sleepy, summer is said to be hot, and winter is said to be cold. Ma'am, do you want to become a monk for your husband?" Zhao Hechen gritted his teeth.

Duan Yunsu turned over and gave him a back: "Isn't there still autumn, let's talk about it then."

Zhao Hechen was amused by her shameless appearance: "Autumn is the time when the fruits are ripe. If you work hard for your husband, you will be able to catch up."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Hechen turned over directly, turned over Duan Yunsu's body so that she was facing him, removed all the clothes in twos and twos, and put his hand on Duan Yunsu's shirt.

Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to pinch his waist, the daylight actually came true, are you in such a hurry!

Zhao Hechen pressed down his troubled hand, leaned over and kissed his soft lips.Duan Yunsu stretched out his feet and kicked wildly, and he simply pressed down directly.The weight of that body oppressed the air in Duan Yunsu's chest, he opened his small mouth, and Zhao Hechen's tongue had already stuck in, teasing and playing.

"Woo..." Duan Yunsu groaned softly, turning his head to avoid his enthusiasm: "You get up, it's so heavy."

It was so heavy that she couldn't move her body, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Be good, lady, get up just for your husband." Zhao Hechen is determined to eat Duan Yunsu, no matter what the day is, the succession of the family is a big deal.

It's just that Zhao Hechen's excitement just started, when a howl of wolves suddenly came from outside the window, Zhao Hechen's whole body tensed up, his face was so dark that he stretched out his hand and pulled the thin blanket on the soft bed to block Duan Yunsu's body firmly.

Duan Yunsu looked out of the window suspiciously, the snow-white catkin had just stretched out, but was stuffed back by Zhao Hechen.

When the door was pushed open, Ji Su paced in, sat on the chair as if no one else was there, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Duan Yunsu looked at the door and then at the window, surprised: "Young master Ji will come out of the door today? The sun is going to come out from the west."

Hearing this, Ji Su thought of the increasingly fierce thing in front of the window, and raised her eyes, "Xiao Chen'er, are you really letting the wolf watch the window?"

Who would be so boring!Zhao Hechen said angrily with a black face, "Get out!"

"Little Chen'er looks so dissatisfied with desire." Ji Su teased.

"Ji Su, Prince Ji." Zhao Hechen blocked Duan Yunsu's body, gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to step into my room again, I will definitely let you go out sideways!"

"Hey, Xiao Chen'er, what a big breath." Ji Su continued to provoke recklessly, and suddenly pretended to be heartbroken and sighed fiercely: "Master, I have nowhere to go now, and Xiao Chen'er will also forget about us So many years of friendship?"

"Isn't Mr. Ji living in a small building behind Linzi?" Duan Yunsu interrupted and asked.

When Ji Su heard this, her face turned pale, she put the teacup back with a thud, and said through gritted teeth, "Then Zhao Heqi actually tore down the small building of the young master! Wait for the young master to peel off his skin."

"It's done, if you don't have a place to go, get the hell out of here!"

"Xiaochen'er let me go, but I won't go, young master!" Ji Su leaned back in the chair, raised her legs and looked at Zhao Hechen provocatively, but glanced around the room: "I'm a son, you two Just throwing my godson aside for being affectionate?"

Duan Yunsu's forehead twitched, could it be that the two of them were so affectionate and they wanted to bring Xiaobao over for him to watch?What a mess.

"Xiao Bao went to the street with his grandfather, what exactly does Mr. Ji want to do here?"

"Master almost forgot." Ji Su swayed his legs and said wantonly, "Xiao Chen'er, when will you do what you promised me?"

"When you need to use it, you will count the soldiers and horses." Zhao Hechen replied with a dark face when he saw that this person was talking about business.

The man raised his eyebrows, adjusted the red clothes on his body, and said casually: "Xiao Chen'er, why don't you be my master and my military advisor, and go to the Northland together."

Zhao Hechen rubbed the center of his brows, and threw something at him casually.Ji Su caught it, smiled coquettishly, winked at Zhao Hechen and turned to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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