The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 388 The end of the General’s Mansion

Chapter 388 The end of the General’s Mansion (3)
Zhao Huanzhen looked at his resolute black eyes, and smiled wryly: "I remember I said at the beginning that I have the ability to protect you all day long, and I will never leave you alone, you are like this..."

"Your Majesty." Zhao Hechen wanted to speak.

"Can't you call me brother prince like before?" Zhao Huanzhen suddenly felt sad, this is the price of ascension to the throne.He suddenly missed Zhao Hechen's innocence when he was still the prince.

"Zhao Hechen can call you brother, but how can the eldest son of Prince An's mansion surpass him?" Zhao Hechen put the talisman on the dragon case, took the memorial that Eunuch Liu had just handed over, carefully folded it and put it on the table. On one side, he took two steps back: "That talisman order was taken from Xue's house, the emperor will return it after checking."

Zhao Huanzhen picked up the two things, the talisman was slightly dull, with many scratches on it; while the talisman was smooth and moist.The small jade lock, I didn't expect it to be a token to mobilize thousands of troops.

He took out the talisman and said: "Brother Chen has been wearing this talisman, take it back."

Zhao Hechen shook his head, put his big palm on the mandarin duck jade pendant at his waist, and said with a light smile, "One piece of jade is enough."

"This jade pendant..." Zhao Huanzhen took a serious look, "Why does it look familiar?"

"The prince has seen it?" Zhao Hechen raised his eyebrows: "It was given by Mr. Yu Ranzhou, not long after Yunsu and I got married. I have been running around before, and I seldom wear it for fear of losing it."

"Perhaps I was wrong." Zhao Huanzhen smiled, but couldn't help but take another look.For a moment, he thought for a moment that he saw the jade pendant that his father played with all day long.But the emperor said that the jade pendant had been destroyed long ago, and there would be duplicate copies of things outside the palace.

Zhao Hechen looked at the sky, thinking that Yunsu should be in the Yonghe Palace at this time, Zhao Huanzhen saw him go outside frequently, put down the brush in his hand, and joked: "No matter how much Chen brother changes, he never changes to his younger siblings. Let's go, I will also go to Yonghe Palace to have a look."

The two walked out of the imperial study one after another, followed by the court ladies and eunuchs, Zhao Hechen smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, and looked in the direction of Roufu Palace: "Your Majesty, can I come to Roufu Palace tomorrow?"

"Brother Chen, if you want to go, just go, the harem, except for the Yonghe Palace, is empty." Zhao Huanzhen waved his hand nonchalantly.

The original concubines in Zhao Huanyi's harem had already been sent away.The only thing that Zhao Huanzhen loves is his mother, the son wants to support him but will not wait for him. Now that he ascended to the throne of God, his mother was killed by Zhao Huanyi, and he didn't even have the chance to come back and take a look.

The Yonghe Palace was not far away. When the two entered, Eunuch Liu wanted to sing, but Zhao Huanzhen stretched out his hand to stop him.

I only heard a sudden "bang" slap on the table from inside, which startled the two men outside, and then heard a voice from inside: "He has to bear it if he can't bear it. You worked so hard to conceive a child, but he went to make fun of it." Be happy! Shit!"

"Sister, he is not..."

"It's nothing, I just want to see if he can't bear it!"

Zhao Huanzhen coughed from outside the door: "Brother Chen, younger siblings are getting more...cough, more lively."

Zhao Hechen touched the tip of his nose, his wife seemed very excited every time she encountered such a thing.The last time Zhao Fang added a concubine, he was also scolded. At this time, the lady must not be messed with.

When the people inside heard the coughing sound, Qi Qi paused.When the maid saw the visitor, she hurriedly blessed her body and saluted: "Long live the emperor."

Zhao Huanzhen waved his hands and shouted, walked towards Duan Yunrong, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, so energetic."

"Talk about life, talk about ideals." Duan Yunsu sat down calmly and intercepted the conversation.

The two coughed lightly. It turned out to be such a profound question, but it was a little different from what they heard just now.Zhao Hechen sat next to Duan Yunsu, and said, "We've chatted for a long time, do you want to go back?"

Duan Yunsu originally came here to see how the third sister was doing well, but now the situation is better than she expected.Duan Yunsu nodded, if he didn't go back, his parents would be in a hurry.

Duan Yunrong was reluctant to give up, once he entered this place, it was even more difficult than meeting him in the general's mansion before.Zhao Huanzhen saw her depression, and handed a token to Duan Yunsu: "Siblings don't have to wait for the report if they want to enter the palace in the future, Yunrong is pregnant with a child now, I hope younger siblings can come in more to accompany Ronger .”

Duan Yunsu took the small token and secretly said something good.With this gadget, it will be more convenient to enter and leave the palace in the future.She put the things away and said: "The younger sister, thank you for taking care of me. The eldest sister will come to see you later."

Watching the two leave hand in hand, Zhao Huanzhen gently stroked Shang Yunrong's belly, and said softly: "Let's go for a walk together, it's good for your body. Does Rong'er feel hot? Why don't you go to the summer resort? "

Looking at those eyes full of tenderness and anticipation, Duan Yunrong felt warm and shook his head.The eldest sister was right, she chose a difficult path.It's just that this man has her in his heart, and he has already fallen into it. He can't control his heart. If he can be happy for a day, he will never think about the bad things in the future.

On the other side, Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen didn't go back to the house directly. Zhao Hechen said to go to a place first, but it turned out that it was the prison.

The Sky Prison is different from the Dungeon. All the prisoners here are severely punished. They are directly controlled by the imperial court, and the guards are strict. It is not possible to visit the prison at will.Zhao Hechen had already told the emperor that he came here according to the order, and there was no hindrance along the way.

"Is this the place where Zhao Huanyi was detained?" Duan Yunsu looked at the dense cell, and passed by an open space, where there were all torture instruments, stained with dried blood, so dark that it was black.

Zhao Hechen nodded: "Not only Zhao Huanyi, the Duan family is also locked here."

Duan family?Duan Yunsu was taken aback, the General's Mansion just lost the talisman, but he didn't expect to be sent to such a "high-end" place as Tianlao. It seems that Zhao Huanyi was really angry at that time.

But, why did Xianggong bring her here?

"Xianggong, has the second brother been released?"

"Today, I will personally come and pick him up."

The two walked through the dark cell to the end, and the first thing they saw was Duan Yufang.

Duan Yufang's hands and feet were chained, and it was difficult to move. When he saw the two men coming, he stood up, looked at the two people's clothes through the prison door, and smiled.

Zhao Hechen gave the emperor's order to the guarding prison officer, and several of them saluted the two of them, and stepped forward to open the cell door.

"Duan Yufang, come out." The prison officer shouted.

Duan Yufang came out, and with the sound of the iron chain rattling, the prison officer took out the key and stepped forward, and opened the chain in twos and threes.

"Brother-in-law, Yu Fang will never forget this feeling of prison." Duan Yufang rubbed his wrist, and a blue beard appeared on Bai Jun's face, his eyes did not show the humiliation and discomfort of being imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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