The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 389 A Rare Infatuated Person

Chapter 389 A Rare Infatuated Person (1)
Zhao Hechen laughed lightly: "Come out, change into your clothes and go home."

"Thank you brother-in-law, it's just the people inside..."

Duan Yufang wasn't the only one being held in this cell, Duan Yunsu looked over, and they could all be regarded as masters.Qin Zhen was standing on the side, looking at this side with a calm face, with her hands on her stomach all the time, all the aunts in the mansion were here, and all of them had haggard faces and suffered a lot.

Second Yiniang had been drugged by her, she was insane, she didn't see her in prison today, it must be because of the bump in the mourning hall, she didn't get over it in the end.

"Master, where is my father?" Duan Yunsu asked, she didn't believe the theory of absconding in fear of crime.

"I was imprisoned in another place, my lady wants to see her?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head lightly: "How should the emperor deal with these people?"

"Put it back, now that Duan Chang is here, the only shrewd old lady Duan has also gone, and the general's mansion is exhausted." Zhao Hechen looked sideways at Duan Yufang, remembering the emperor's plan: "Brother Fang, can you Have the ability to prop up this general's mansion again?"

Duan Yufang raised his head in surprise, brother-in-law meant to make him the head of the General's Mansion? "Brother-in-law, this...Brother Fang has little talent, I'm afraid it's..."

Zhao Hechen smiled: "It's okay, this year's imperial examination will work hard."

Everyone present understood what this meant. The General's Mansion must either fall, or let this bastard inherit it.Duan Yunsu looked up at Qin Zhen, and his eyes finally fell on her stomach.Originally, the child in Qin Zhen's womb was the legitimate heir. If this person got out, would there still be trouble?

That Qin Zhen looked at the three people in front of the prison with a calm expression, and suddenly bent her body and knelt down: "Miss, I don't expect anything else now, I hope that Miss will show mercy and let me and the child in my womb live."

What else can she think about now, originally she hated Duan Changzai's ruthlessness, old lady Duan's partiality, and Second Aunt's rampant.Now that there are no people left, those who know the current affairs are heroes. In today's situation, living is already the best.

Duan Yunsu fixed his eyes on Duan Yufang, saw his increasingly calm and stable face, pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "Since the second brother is in charge, then the second brother has the final say."

Qin Zhen didn't have any problems with her, so she still considered Duan Yufang's thoughts.

The soldiers and horses of the general's mansion were taken away, and the prosperity of the year has become a thing of the past. I am afraid that the word "General's Mansion" will be completely removed.

On this day, news came from Chaojin Courtyard that the Song family had come.

When Duan Yunsu heard the maid's report, he was stunned for a long time, then suddenly stood up, and hurriedly closed the ledger.Xiao Hei, who was obediently lying on the desk, was startled, jumped up, and looked at Duan Yunsu with a frightened look.

Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand and stroked the black hair on Xiao Hei's forehead soothingly. His smiling eyes showed that he was in a very good mood at the moment, but also seemed a little anxious: "Sui'er, take care of Xiao Hei, don't mess up the account book. .”

Before Sui'er could answer, she saw that her eldest concubine had left the house in a hurry, and she became curious about the people of the Song family in an instant.She hasn't seen anyone from the Song family before, they are really amazing, the master is so excited just by talking about their names.

She stretched out her hand to hug Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei jumped down without even glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes, and ran out in a hurry.Sui'er withdrew her hand helplessly, such a cute rabbit would actually refuse to kiss anyone, it's really heartbreaking.

At the moment, the flower hall is full of people, Mr. Song is talking to Prince An, Princess An and Fang Yu are muttering something, Song Ping is holding a child who is looking around, and when he sees Duan Yunsu coming in, he stands happily Get up: "Yunsu girl."

"Grandfather, uncle, uncle, you are here, why don't you talk to Yunsu first." What if she goes out, then she won't be able to meet.

"Haha, girl Yunsu, come here and let my grandfather have a look." Mr. Song stretched out his hand to greet Yunsu, looked him up and down, stroked his goatee and sighed: "The palace is really good at raising people, look at this girl, she is more beautiful than before .”

Duan Yunsu coughed in embarrassment, seeing his grandfather was a little proud in relief, he always had a feeling of boasting.

Princess An also laughed out loud: "I think I need to make it more plump." It would be even better to give her a fat grandson when she is in good health!
Duan Yunsu is embarrassing, why do you want to make her fat?
"By the way, where's Little Bao'er? I just heard from you, why don't you come out?" Mr. Song looked outside again expectantly. He hadn't seen that little guy before. After reading the letter written by Yunsu, he felt ashamed Looking forward to it.

"Xiaobao insists on riding a horse with Chen'er, so it's time to come back." Princess An told the maid beside her: "Cailian, you go outside and wait outside. When the son comes back, let him come here."


"Riding a horse at such a young age?" Song Ping's eyes widened.

When Mr. Song heard this, his goatee curled up, and he snorted angrily, "Boys just want to move around a lot. Look at Lin'er, who is raised by you quietly. I can't even tease you, Mr. Song!"

"Father." Song Ping wiped away his sweat. Isn't Lin'er quiet? He must be a handsome young man when he grows up. His son was not born for you to play with.

It's just that Song Ping knew his father's temper, so he didn't dare to say such a thing, and was glared back by Mr. Song as soon as he said it.

Duan Yunsu looked at the little boy in his uncle's arms, and saw that his eyebrows and eyes were more similar to his uncle's, and suddenly he became jealous of Zhao Hechen again.Take a look, take a look, it's been said that boys look like mothers, but why does his little treasure look like his father!Duan Yunsu walked forward, couldn't help stretching out his hand to tease him: "Lin'er, come and give me a hug."

Xiao Lin'er is very cute with a thick head and a thick head. He turned to look at his father, saw that his father was smiling all the time, he stretched out his hand hesitantly, and suddenly fell into another Xiangruan's arms.

"Uncle came so suddenly, I didn't even prepare the meeting ceremony. Sui'er, go to my room and bring that suet jade." Duan Yunsu confessed.

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." Sui'er walked hurriedly, almost pretending to be Zhao Hechen who was oncoming, and hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the son of the world."

Zhao Hechen was leading Xiaobao in at the moment, seeing Sui'er in a hurry, he waved her back, one big and one small walked into the hall.

Seeing them coming back, Duan Yunsu looked at the sweat on Zhao Hechen's forehead, took out a handkerchief and wiped it for him, and said, "It just so happened that my grandfather said he wanted to see Xiaobao."

Zhao Hechen took her handkerchief, wiped it carelessly, and went forward to salute Mr. Song: "I have seen my grandfather."

It's okay not to bark, this barking, that "grandfather" suddenly reminded Mr. Song that this kid took advantage of his granddaughter when he was in Jiangzhou, and couldn't help snorting.

Xiaobao looked at Mr. Song's upturned goatee, and his eyes lit up: "Daddy, Daddy has a beard."

(End of this chapter)

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