The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 390 A Rare Infatuated Person

Chapter 390 A Rare Infatuated Person (2)
The corner of Zhao Hechen's mouth twitched, son, your father really can't keep this beard.

"Ah, Xiao Bao'er speaks so smoothly?" Mr. Song was surprised, he stood up and held Xiao Bao to make gestures: "Little Bao'er is really tall, even taller than my Lin'er."

Xiao Lin'er is only three months older than Xiao Bao, is it normal to be a little taller than him?Duan Yunsu laughed softly, she glanced sideways at Lin'er next to her, and when she turned her head again, Xiao Bao had already entangled Mr. Song without hesitation. Seeing Mr. Song hugging her, she went behind her. Pull his beard.

"Oh, what a strong hand." Mr. Song's wrinkles were piled up, he looked at the two white beards in Xiaobao's hand, bared his teeth, and said, "This kid is really ruthless."

"Li, Li." Xiaobao stopped scratching his beard, and stretched out his tender little hands to pat and pat the front of Mr. Song's clothes, wriggling around looking for something.

Prince An laughed out loud. Two days ago, he took Xiaobao out to visit, and received gifts as soon as they met. He didn't expect that he would miss it today.He looked at Mr. Song's confused expression, and laughed loudly: "Master Song, Xiaobao asked you for a meeting gift."

Duan Yunsu quietly wiped his sweat from below, Xiaobao, when did you learn this trick.

Mr. Song also laughed loudly: "Little guy, you are really smart. Come on, this jade is for you." After saying that, he took off the jade pendant around his waist.

"Grandfather, Xiaobao is not sensible, this jade pendant..." Duan Yunsu frowned, she had never seen her grandfather take off this jade pendant.

Mr. Song put the things directly in Xiaobao's hands. This jade pendant was originally a birthday present from him to his daughter Song Wanjun, and he hung it on his body as a commemoration when she was gone.Xiaobao is Yunsu's child, and Jun Wan loves Yunsu the most. If he could see him today, he would be very happy.

Satisfied with the gift, Xiao Bao turned around and saw a little boy looking at him motionless, and looked back curiously.When Duan Yunsu saw it, he said, "They are both about the same age, why don't you let them play together. Children will get tired when adults talk."

Upon hearing this, Song Ping put Xiao Lin'er down on the ground, patted his little butt and said, "Go, play with Bao'er."

There were no other children in the Song Mansion, and this was the first time Xiao Lin'er saw a friend who was about her own age, so she was a little too timid to go there.

It just so happened that Shuisheng came in at this time, holding Xiao Hei in his arms, looking at so many people inside, he was a little shy, and almost walked back again.When Duan Yunsu saw it, he hurriedly brought Shuisheng over and said, "Shuisheng wants to find Xiaobao?"

"Well, Xiao Hei is looking for Xiao Bao."

Xiao Hei was called by name, shaking his ears and bouncing off the ground.When Xiao Bao saw it, he also got down from Mr. Song's arms, ran over with his little feet and grabbed Xiao Hei.

Mr. Song's eyes widened: "Are you still running away? Ping'er, I told you not to hug Lin'er all day, and look at her."

Duan Yunsu knew that his grandfather was impatient, so he looked at his uncle's helpless expression, and persuaded with a smile, "Grandfather, children's bodies are all different, so don't be in a hurry."

At this moment, Xiao Lin'er didn't understand what these adults were talking about. When he saw the little rabbit that suddenly appeared, he liked it in his heart, so he walked over slowly.He walked up to Xiaobao and squatted down to watch, carefully stretched out his finger and poked it, and the little black round body was dented as soon as he poked it, and the two little guys giggled.Shui Sheng stood by and watched, and secretly smiled.

Seeing the two little guys playing together, the grown-ups turned back to the topic.Duan Yunsu asked: "Grandfather, why don't you see your second uncle and aunt?"

Mr. Song snorted: "Yunsu, you'll see it after a few days. How dare you leave Mr. Song behind and let me roam free. I must bring him back!"

The so-called old children and old children, Mr. Song is free now, and he needs to be coaxed when he is old.

The emperor sincerely invited the two sons of the Song family back to Beijing. Mr. Song missed his grandson, so he didn't stay in the old Jiangzhou house anymore, and came with him.This is exactly what Song Ping meant, the old man is easy to take care of when he is around.However, Song Cheng had already traveled abroad at the beginning, so he did not receive the news until a long time later.It's just that he didn't want to come back anyway, Mr. Song couldn't be more angry, and he was determined to win him over.

Song Cheng also has a weakness, and that is his newly married Mei Jiao Niang.Knowing the details, Zhao Huanzhen sent a reward directly, saying it was a gift for Song Cheng's wedding.

What does this mean? It means that the emperor has also acknowledged this marriage. Fu Xianqing's background and origins are ignored, so that you can return to Beijing to serve the court with peace of mind.

Song Cheng also knew that his father was getting old and wanted to be filial in front of him, so he planned to come back and arrive in the capital in two days.

Zhao Hechen on the other side was ignored since he came in to say hello. He walked up to Duan Yunsu and was thinking about whether to abduct the lady back to the room. Unexpectedly, Mr. Song suddenly shouted: "My lord, but do you want to take her back to the room?" gone?"

Zhao Hechen hurriedly stood up straight, and returned with a serious face: "No, grandpa, are you hungry after a long journey? I'm going to tell the villain to prepare meals."

Old Man Song snorted, still remembering the time when this kid abducted his granddaughter: "Come here."

Zhao Hechen didn't know why, maybe Mr. Song's dislike for him was too stimulating when he was stupid, or maybe it was because Yunsu respected the elder most, so he had respect in his heart.He took two steps forward, making a gesture of listening.

Mr. Song looked him up and down, left, right, left, right, and right. Seeing that he is now imposing and heroic, he couldn't find any thorns for a while. He choked for a while, and then said: "My son is now in front of the emperor." My favorite, I, Yunsu, am not good enough for you."

When Zhao Hechen heard the words, he felt like he was facing a big enemy. Could it be that his grandfather was still dissatisfied with him?He hurriedly said: "No one can compare to Yunsu. It is a great advantage for Chen'er to be able to marry Yunsu when he is stupid."

"You still know! The one who relied on my granddaughter was so courageous!"

How can a timid lady marry her, Zhao Hechen thought in his heart, but the words he said were serious and sincere: "Grandfather is magnanimous, Chen'er will definitely treat Yunsu well."

It is difficult to be convincing when you are stupid, and no one knows when the promises made by Princess An and others will change.Zhao Hechen is back to normal today, and he can express his heart sincerely, which is what old man Song wants.

Mr. Song secretly sighed, his youngest daughter passed away, so it is not surprising that he cares a lot about his granddaughter.Fortunately, God was merciful, and Yunsu didn't choose the wrong family in the end.

"Forget it, the old man is in a good mood today, so I don't care about you."

Zhao Hechen originally thought that he would hold on to him, but he was secretly relieved when he heard this.Grandfather should take good care of him, who would let him abduct his granddaughter.

The few people chatted for a long time, and Prince An and Mr. Song were able to chat even more. Once the topic turned to bringing the grandson, they couldn't stop at all.Seeing the two people talking so excitedly, Princess An shook her head amusedly, looked at the sky and asked the maid to prepare dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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