The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 407 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand

Chapter 407 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand (2)
Prince An nodded knowingly, looking at his son's strong figure, he felt comforted in his heart.The two children of Shuisheng and Xiaobao made Zhao Hechen understand the responsibility of being a father better.Thinking of the hibiscus tree that Zhao Hechen personally planted in the courtyard, Prince An smiled in relief and raised his eyes to appreciate the bright moon.

A firework exploded in the air, and after the first shot, countless brilliant colors rose one after another.Zhao Hechen turned around and saw that it was in the direction of the palace.

"Has Shuisheng ever seen fireworks?" Zhao Hechen said softly.

Shuisheng shook his head, quietly watched Zhao Hechen holding his big hand, and smiled happily.The fireworks in the sky are beautiful, but he still likes that Uncle Zhao can hold him, just like his father holding his hand on the mountain path, warm and thick.

"Shuisheng is a good boy." Zhao Hechen stopped in the pavilion not far away. There were two lanterns hanging high in the pavilion, illuminating the scenery inside.

He sat down, asked Shuisheng to sit beside him, glanced at Duan Yunsu who was busy not far away, and tenderness flashed in his eyes: "Is Shuisheng thinking that I have been relying on Uncle Zhao's help, and I am afraid that I don't know how to repay Uncle Zhao?" ?”

Shuisheng is sensitive and more mature than children of the same age. Zhao Hechen's words directly touched his deepest concerns.In this palace, there are no relatives and no reason. Even if Uncle Zhao doesn't like him one day, all he can do is leave.He has nothing, how can he thank Uncle Zhao?Shui Sheng bit his lip and nodded.

"What do children think so much? Be careful that if you think too much, you won't grow tall." Zhao Hechen rubbed his hair carelessly, looked into his shining eyes, and continued: "Shuisheng really wants to thank Uncle Zhao, and now he has to study hard. Help Uncle Zhao take care of his younger siblings in the future, you know?"

Shui Sheng nodded vigorously.

"You were kicked out of the house by your uncle. Only when Shuisheng is good, those people dare not bully Shuisheng. It was originally your thing, so you have to learn to be strong and take it back, do you understand?"

"Understood, uncle not only bullies Shuisheng, but also bullies parents. Shuisheng will become very powerful, he can protect his younger brothers and sisters, and also protect Uncle Zhao and Aunt Su." Shuisheng clenched his fists and made a secret decision in his heart.He looked up at Zhao Hechen, his eyes shy, but he said his first request after coming to the palace for so long: "Uncle Zhao, Shuisheng wants to learn martial arts..."

Zhao Hechen glanced at him appreciatively: "As long as Shui Sheng is not afraid of hardship, Uncle Zhao will go find you a master."

"Shui Sheng is not afraid."

The fireworks in the night sky burst into brilliant brilliance in an instant, but they couldn't compare to the firm and bright eyes of the little boy.

Not far away, Duan Yunsu finished his work and shouted towards them: "Why are you talking so excitedly, come and enjoy the moon soon."

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't compare to a family reunion. In this night, Jingmei's heart is warm and everything is tender.

After Zhongqiu, Zhao Hechen was going to Yuzhou according to the plan. Duan Yunsu packed his clothes for him, found a lot of medicine bottles in the medicine box, and put them in the bag while explaining.

Zhao Hechen looked at the small mouth that kept talking, and resisted the urge to bite it twice.Said: "Lady, give my husband a few bottles of poison."

Duan Yunsu paused for a moment, then turned around and went to the back room to take out the hidden medicine bottle and put it on the other side of the bag: "Why do you need poison?"

"Sir, I am handsome, be careful of those men like Meng Lang."

Duan Yunsu gave him an annoyed look with a smile: "Virtue!"

"Young lady, remember what you said about your husband. If you dare to offend any man, I will unload him when you come back!" Zhao Hechen stood up and hugged Duan Yunsu who was busy for him. Just as he was about to kiss him, his clothes seemed to be caught by something. pulling.

Looking back, it turned out to be Xiaobao.

Xiaobao grabbed the corner of his father's clothes and pulled it out, his mouth pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "My mother is holding Xiaobao, but father is not allowed to hold it."

Zhao Hechen raised his eyebrows, but he didn't want to let go. Let's see what else this little guy can do. The older he grows, the less he learns, and now he's even going to snatch his wife from him!

Duan Yunsu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Xiaobao, Daddy is leaving, Xiaobao won't see Daddy for a long time."

ah?Daddy is going to disappear?Then who will ride with Xiaobao?Xiaobao blinked and blinked, and went forward to hug Daddy's leg, completely forgetting that he was still jealous of Daddy just now, and said softly, "Daddy, don't let go."

"Daddy is leaving, Xiaobao is following Daddy?" Zhao Hechen said intentionally.

Little Treasure didn't understand, and asked curiously, "Mother, mother?"

"Mom won't go, only Xiaobao and Daddy." Duan Yunsu explained.

Zhao Hechen spent all his time watching what choice Xiaobao would make, but he didn't expect him to let go of his hand, and turned to Duan Yunsu's side: "Help daddy to see the mother, the mother belongs to Xiaobao."

Seeing his slowly darkening face, Duan Yunsu laughed happily.She gently pushed Zhao Hechen away, hugged Xiaobao and said with a smile: "Okay, mother belongs to Xiaobao. Xiaobao wants to be called mother, not empress."


"So good." Duan Yunsu kissed his pink cheek, completely ignoring Zhao Hechen's increasingly ugly expression.

"Little lady." A voice came from outside the door. Ji Su, who hadn't seen him for a long time, walked in. Since Xiao Bao pulled out his hairpin, Ji Su simply tied her hair with a red ribbon, and only listened to him. Said: "The whole family is so affectionate, I really envy others."

Duan Yunsu is used to this person who always comes and goes without saying a word, and smiled and said, "Young Master Ji, are you done with your work?"

Such a casual sentence warmed Ji Su's heart, as if someone was waiting at home, and the simplest greeting when returning home: "It's not over, young master, I'll come back to pick up some things, and go to the North Kingdom tomorrow."

This was the first time Ji Su explained the itinerary to them, Duan Yunsu was a little surprised, it was even rarer to see that he still walked in through the main entrance today: "Young Master Ji also has serious moments."

"Young master has always been very serious, Xiaobao, do you want to go with your godfather?" Ji Su seduced Xiaobao in a blink of an eye: "Xiaobao will follow his godfather, and from now on, all the delicious food in the North Kingdom will be Xiaobao's, what does Xiaobao want to do?" Just do what you want, with your godfather covering you."

Xiaobao hugged Duan Yunsu's neck and turned his head to ignore him. Duan Yunsu patted him on the back, and said to Ji Su: "It seems that Mr. Ji has a plan, but you envy my family's happiness, so why don't you hurry up and marry me when things are done? Wives and children."

"What's the hurry, a godson is a son, at worst, I will abduct the godson."

Ji Su is a random person, so what he said may still be true.Duan Yunsu's heart was full of alarm bells, and he hugged his son and stood behind Zhao Hechen.

Zhao Hechen narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. He was so bold that he even wanted to abduct his son?

"Xiao Chen'er, don't look at others like this, but you are interested in the young master, why don't you follow the young master to the North Country?"

I don't know how many times Ji Su mentioned that he wanted Zhao Hechen to go to the North Country, but Zhao Hechen never paid any attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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