The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 408 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand

Chapter 408 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand (3)
"So you can't give birth to Ji Su?" Zhao Hechen looked at someone's lower body with contempt.

Ji Su didn't expect Zhao Hechen to pop out such a sentence casually, and she almost died of anger: "What can't happen, I'm fine, young master!"

"You can still join in the fun, go back to your northern country!"

"Yo, Xiao Chen'er, you've got a temper."

When Duan Yunsu saw that the two were about to fight again, he put Xiaobao down on the ground, and led him out leisurely: "Xiaobao, mother will take you to cook delicious food, and let Daddy and Xiaojiji play for a while. "

"Well, little Jiji, let's play for a while." Xiaobao babbled.

The next day, Zhao Hechen rushed to Yuzhou, and Ji Su also went back to the Northland. The red jade hairpin that Xiaobao grabbed was gone, and Duan Yunsu gave Xiaobao a red jade pendant when he woke up.Pick it up and look, the material is the same, it should be cut from a piece of jade.

Duan Yunsu hung him around Xiaobao's neck, Ji Su left this time, and it will be some time before seeing him again.The Northern Kingdom is already in civil strife, the old emperor has passed away, and there are many princes in the Northern Kingdom. This fight may take a long time.

If Ji Suzhen wins the throne, there will be even less time to come to Xi Kingdom.

Xiaobao woke up and sat obediently on the bed, his shining eyes followed Yunsu's figure all the time. Duan Yunsu's cute appearance suddenly reminded Duan Yunsu of Zhao Hechen, who was still an idiot back then, and he also liked to look so calmly. look at her.

Duan Yunsu scolded himself secretly, he had already started to miss him as soon as he left, he was really useless.

Duan Yunsu and Xiaobao are the only ones who miss Zhao Hechen.

Duan Yunsu originally thought that Xiaobao was still young, and he would get used to not seeing his father for a day or two.She took Xiaobao with her during the day, or she would accompany her to sit with Princess An, and at night she brought Xiaobao to sleep together.

Xiaobao didn't have any big reactions at first, but just called daddy from time to time.

But Dad went to such a far place, how could it be possible to play with him like in the past.Little Treasure slowly cried and begged for his father, but fortunately Duan Yunsu was always there, coaxing him back.

If Zhao Hechen hadn't left this time, Duan Yunsu would not have known how much Xiaobao liked Zhao Hechen.One day passed, two days passed, three days, four days and five days passed, Duan Yunsu raised his forehead and looked up at the sky.

At first, I thought it would be good for this little guy to get used to it, but I didn't expect Xiaobao to remember it tightly.

Duan Yunsu handed the stack of rice paper to Ziyue, and said: "You send it to the prince, and ask him to hand it to the emperor. These are all things that the medical school has to prepare."

"Also, Ziyue, go to Renhe Hall and say that I won't be going today, and talk to Cabbage Lonicera and ask them to recruit some medicine boys."

Duan Yunsu explained one by one, and Xiaobao next to him started making a fuss again. He walked up to Duan Yunsu, grabbed her clothes, and sniffed pitifully: "Mom, Daddy!" , Daddy—"

"Be good, Xiaobao. Daddy won't be back for a long time." Duan Yunsu reluctantly hugged Mo Renjing onto his lap, wiped his tears, and said distressedly: "Does Xiaobao like mother?" ?”

"I like it, woo..."

"I asked Xiaobao to go with Daddy before, but Xiaobao didn't want to. Do you want mother to send Xiaobao there?" Duan Yunsu asked.


"Mother won't go, Xiaobao will go find Daddy."

"Wow——" Xiaobao cried even more sadly, sobbing and grabbing Duan Yunsu's clothes tightly, his appearance was so pitiful: "No, I want mother, mother..."

Look, how tangled.Duan Yunsu patted his little head amusedly, telling him to follow his father but not want him, and follow her to ask for him again.

Seeing him crying sadly, Duan Yunsu's small eyes and nose were red from crying, so he hugged him for a walk in the yard to divert his attention.

Not far away, he bumped into Prince An who was coming back from the palace. Seeing Xiao Bao like this, his face darkened, and he said in a bluff, "Young man, don't cry, be careful when your father comes back and doesn't want you!"

"What are you talking about, be careful to scare the child!" Princess An also came over, and when she saw Prince An talking about her precious grandson with a sullen face, she felt unhappy.

"You're just used to it! Look, what does this look like, clinging to people all day long!"

"I'm used to it? Who is holding on all day and unwilling to let go, giving everything without saying anything, and blaming me for you!"

Seeing his grandparents quarreling, Xiaobao was frightened, and howled even louder with a wow.

"Look, Xiaobao is scared." Princess An glared at Prince An.

Prince An snorted and stopped talking.

Duan Yunsu patted Xiaobao on the back to coax him. In the end, both of them love Xiaobao. Zhao Hechen used to like to ride horses with Xiaobao and play around. Xiaobao is young, not to mention Zhao Hechen is his own father.She stepped forward and said: "Father and mother, I think I should take Xiaobao out for a walk, children are forgetful, show him some novel things."

Prince An thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "A few guards will follow you, be careful if something happens."

"Dad, don't worry, Yunsu will come back after turning around."

When Zhao Hechen left, he specially arranged for people from the Red Mansion to protect the palace, and he also had Duanchen beside him, not afraid of encountering gangsters, even bringing guards could calm his father's heart.

Duan Yunsu directly sat on the sedan chair in the mansion and went out. As soon as Xiaobao came out, he stopped his tears and looked around. His eyes fell on the gate of the mansion, and he yelled aww.

When Duan Yunsu turned his head, it was terrible, Awu followed him to the street.A wolf is walking on the street, and I don't know if it will cause any trouble.

Duan Yunsu stopped the sedan chair and got down, and Ah Wu ran to him and circled around Xiaobao.The palace is extremely guarded, how did Awu get out?
"You take Awu back to the mansion." Duan Yunsu said to a guard beside him.

As soon as the guard stepped forward, Ah Wu bared his teeth and rushed towards him, driving the guard back a few big steps.He knelt down helplessly and said: "The imperial concubine forgives the sin, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do."


As soon as Xiaobao called Awu, he stood back, Duan Yunsu felt a little helpless, she couldn't let several guards be attacked by wolves for no reason, just to lock him back.She looked at Awu's fur, which looked very similar to a dog. She squatted down and reached out to Awu: "Awu also wants to play? Then Awu is not allowed to bite people, and he is not allowed to bark and run around, you know?"

Awu stretched out his tongue and licked Duan Yunsu's palm. This was obviously a dog's action. Duan Yunsu was stunned and rubbed the fur on his neck: "Awu is obedient, I will give you a big meal tonight." meal."

The guards saw that the imperial concubine was so close to a wolf, and they all sweated for her.Ever since this thing bit the young lady of the prime minister's mansion, everyone in the mansion is taboo, for fear that they will be the next one.The son and concubine let the young master stay with a wolf, he is really brave enough.

They set off again, and Awu obediently followed behind the sedan chair.Duan Yunsu got out of the sedan chair and walked slowly forward with Xiaobao when he heard the lively hawking.

(End of this chapter)

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