The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 409 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand

Chapter 409 Holding the Baby with the Left Hand and the Wolf with the Right Hand (4)
"Ma'am, do you want to have a look at this rouge?" A lady in her forties at a booth called out.

Duan Yunsu turned around and looked around, and found that there were quite a few women coming out to set up stalls to make a living.She casually picked up a bottle and opened it to have a look, it was exquisitely done.

Awu on the side put his wolf nose up to smell it, and sneeze one after another.Duan Yunsu looked at Awu with a smile. It turned out that a wolf sneezed like this, and the smell in the rouge should be stronger for Awu.

"Hey, Madam's wolf dog? It's really strong." The stall owner heard the movement and looked at it. He saw the child next to Madam playing around holding the wolf dog's head, and laughed too.

Duan Yunsu smiled without saying a word, put down the rouge in his hand, held Xiaobao with one hand, and called Awu to go to another place.

As soon as he came out, Xiao Bao's mood obviously improved a lot, his eyes looked around with wonder, seeing the brightly colored one was about to pass, and his eyes sparkled when he saw the candied haws.

Children love to eat sweets, Duan Yunsu bought him one but didn't let him eat more.Xiaobao didn't make a fuss, and dragged Duan Yunsu to the mask stand.Duan Yunsu followed his will and walked over. Unexpectedly, Xiaobao took a look and cried out in fright. It turned out that there were many hideous ghosts in the mask, which frightened Xiaobao.

Duan Yunsu burst out laughing, but his face was serious as he explained the masks to Xiao Bao. He didn't know if the little guy understood, but he stopped his tears, and tore off the mask that was just within reach with his little hands, beeping He put his small mouth on A Wu's head.

A Wu shook his head, and threw it on the ground in disgust.

Duan Yunsu saw that the mask had been tossed so much that it fell to the ground and stained a corner, so he had to pay for it. In a blink of an eye, Xiaobao ran away, and hurriedly chased after him nervously.

Little Treasure raised his calf and ran away, looking at the strange one, he couldn't help but stop, took a look, turned around and ran away, bumped into a person with a "bang".

The man supported Xiaobao, and before he could see who the child was, he was thrown to the ground by a black shadow, biting his sleeve with his fangs.

Duan Yunsu, who was catching up, saw the people on the ground, and hurriedly yelled for Awu to let go, and picked up Xiaobao and put him on the ground.

"Sister, is this raised by my brother-in-law? It's really cruel."

The person Xiaobao bumped into was Duan Yufang. He looked at the torn clothes and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Awu thought you were bullying Xiaobao." Duan Yunsu touched Awu's body and said.

"This... wolf?" Duan Yufang originally reached out his hand to touch Ah Wu, but when he saw its dark green wolf eyes, he quickly retracted it, patted his clothes and stood up with lingering fear.

"Why is the second brother here?"

"Just going back to the mansion." Duan Yufang looked at the several guards behind her who were carrying a lot of things, and said, "Eldest sister, why don't you come and sit in Duan's mansion?"

The Duan mansion has been renovated now, Duan Yufang is still in charge, Duan Yunsu is also interested, wanting to see what the former general's mansion looks like now, so he picked up Xiaobao and went there together.

Seeing Xiaobao's body getting heavier and heavier, Duan Yunsu patted him and said, "If Xiaobao grows up, mother won't be able to hold her."

Duan Yufang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Isn't the elder sister pregnant, let me hold Xiaobao."

Duan Yunsu sweated profusely again. How many people have heard the news.

When the two came to Duan's mansion, the guard at the gate was pushing one of them out, cursing, "Where are you beggars, Duan's mansion doesn't have any second young ladies, they want to pretend to be, and they don't even look at their own virtue!"

"What's going on?" Duan Yufang stepped forward.

When the two servants saw Duan Yufang coming back, they hurriedly saluted: "Master, just now the beggar wanted to pester him into the mansion, but was kicked out by the servants."

"You are the beggars! Duan Yufang, you must recognize me, right? I am your second sister, let me in, let me in!" on Fang.

Duan Yufang dodged sideways, frowning.

If it wasn't for this man's voice, Duan Yunsu would have no idea that it was a woman.The ragged clothes looked like a beggar on the side of the road, his half-length hair was messy and knotted, and his face was dirty and covered with dust.

When the man saw Duan Yunsu, he seemed to be stimulated immediately. He turned around and rushed towards him. His long nails were covered with black mud. Alive! It’s all you, it’s all you, if it wasn’t for you, how could I be like this!”

Xiaobao was frightened, and his small body couldn't hide from looking at the scary woman.Ah Wu Youhan's wolf eyes fixed on that person, and when she saw her move, he rushed forward and bit his throat.

"Ah!" The man resisted desperately, blood had already been bitten on his neck.

Duan Yunsu looked at the people surrounding him, fearing that it would be bad if this person died in front of Duan's mansion, so he called Ah Wu back.Hearing Duan Yunsu's words this time, Awu bowed his body and bared his teeth at the straight man on the ground, and stood in front of Xiaobao and Duan Yunsu as a defense.

As soon as the person spoke, Duan Yunsu recognized her as Duan Yunshang.Duan Yunsu didn't know that Zhao Hechen had ordered this person to be thrown into a beggar's heap to be played with by others. Only Duanchen secretly knew the whole story and sneered. He didn't expect this woman to be so hard-nosed that she could still live after taking the medicine. .

Duan Yufang squinted his eyes and seemed to recognize Duan Yunshang, only to see him snorting coldly: "Where did you come from, drive me away! If you dare to come up to make trouble again, let the people from the government office come over Pull away!"

Duan Yufang is different now, the servants are respectful and respectful, afraid that he will remember that they neglected them in the past, and drag him away as soon as he heard the order.

"I'm Duan Yunshang, everyone, look at this ruthless and cold-blooded person, who doesn't even recognize his sister!" Duan Yunshang screamed sharply, attracting a crowd of people waiting to watch.

"My second sister is practicing in Qinglian Nunnery, you crazy woman is trying to impersonate my Duan family? Delay me!" Duan Yufang shouted.

"you you!"

"Young Master Duan, why are you so aggressive." I saw a person walking out of the crowd, it was Yuan Chushang.

Awu let out a low growl, ready to jump forward.

Duan Yunsu didn't expect that Awu still remembered this person and had such strong hostility.She patted Awu reassuringly, to see how Duan Yufang would deal with him.

"Am I being aggressive, or are you meddling in your own business?" Duan Yufang didn't like this person at all. This person was truly cold-blooded and ruthless, and he would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.Putting these aside, when the elder sister almost died, he vaguely heard that this person was there at the time!

"Duan Yufang!" Yuan Chushang's eyes sank, he never thought that a once unknown person would dare to scold him now!
"Brother Yuan, please leave if you have nothing to do. If you are pitiful, you might as well take this beggar back to your residence." Duan Yufang sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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