The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 410 The Secret in the Letter

Chapter 410 The Secret in the Letter (1)
Take in?Yuan Chushang looked at the people on the ground with disdain: "Is it convenient to come here today to talk about something?"

"I don't have much friendship with you, what can I talk about?"

Seeing his tough posture, Yuan Chushang turned his attention to Duan Yunsu, and looked at the wolf at her feet, feeling even colder: "Concubine Shizi, you dare to take this wolf out for a walk!"

"Awu is very obedient, he only bites people with ulterior motives." Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows and said, "Second brother, let's go into the mansion, don't chat with these people."

"You!" Yuan Chushang stepped forward to block Duan Yunsu's path: "You bit me, Yinger, and you won't give me an explanation?"

"Confession?" Duan Yunsu snorted coldly, then suddenly lowered his face and shouted: "Awu, give it to me! Xiaobao, who wanted to harm me, has to confess now!"

A Wu rushed out, Yuan Chushang dodged, turned around and was bitten by the foot.Awu dragged suddenly, and the man swayed and fell down. He stabilized his body and resisted Awu's attack: "Duan Yunsu, you poisonous woman!"

"Yuan Chushang, didn't you forget that when you strangled me to death, you didn't expect revenge?" Duan Yunsu looked at him coldly: "You still think that this concubine doesn't know anything?"

"Murdering courtiers, be careful to punish your crime!" Yuan Chushang couldn't care about his bleeding arm, he stretched out his foot and kicked the wolf away.Awu kicked in the middle of the stomach, and fell to the ground with a loud "ow".

When Xiao Bao saw that A Wu was injured, tears welled up in his eyes: "Woo—bad guy! A Wu bites."

Hearing that, Awu became more fierce, jumped up suddenly, bared his teeth and threw himself at Yuan Chushang.

"Murdering courtiers?" Duan Yunsu hugged Xiaobao tightly not to let him see: "Even if you report to the emperor, let's see if he will convict this concubine!"

Awu was getting more and more excited when he saw the bloody blood, and Duan Yufang looked at the secret path, so he vented his anger today. The Shang Emperor of Yuan Chu had other plans, so he must not die here.

"Eldest sister, let's forget about today, the emperor..."

Duan Yunsu also heard Zhao Hechen mention it, so he called Ah Wu with a sullen face.

Victory and defeat, prosperity and prosperity are like passing clouds. The former General's Mansion, now hung in front of the mansion is the word "Duanfu".The Duan Mansion has no soldiers and horses, and the glory of the past has long been buried with the ancestors.

The two walked towards the mansion, and Yuan Chushang outside the door had already been taken back by the servants of the prime minister's mansion.Duan Yunsu walked beside Duan Yufang, watching him strutting with a calm face.

"Did the second brother blame the eldest sister?"

"What's the big sister's fault?" Duan Yufang looked up at the demolished Antaiju and Juxiangyuan, and said, "The Duan family is not a royal family, and sooner or later they will be hurt if they hold a heavy army. In addition, the military power is passed on to this generation." , and there are no wizards to lead the army in the mansion, these are all predictable."

Duan Changzai didn't have the talent to lead the army. After decades of struggling in the court, he was still a fourth-rank assistant forward.Duan Yuqing has passed away, and he, Duan Yufang, who reads and writes, is still a civil servant even if he is in his early years.

If the three-character plaque of "General's Mansion" is still hanging, it would be really ridiculous.

Duan Yunsu went to Jiangyunju before she got married, and the yard was still the same as before, without any change.That's right, after getting married back then, there was nothing valuable in it, and those people couldn't win their ideas.

Gu Qiu was gone, Ting He was gone, the room was empty and lifeless.Times have changed, and I never thought that I would experience so many things in just over two years.

Duan Yufang brought back the third aunt who was kicked out of the mansion at the beginning. Duan Yunsu wanted to go and visit, but he had no choice but to give up when he heard that the third aunt had gone to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense.

Xiaobao had no interest in the small yard before her mother got married, and held Awu's head to play with herself. Seeing this, Duan Yunsu also wanted to go back to the house first, but saw a maid came forward to pass on the message.

Duan Yunsu recognized this maid, who worked beside Qin Zhen.She thought about it, and took Xiao Bao over there.

Qin Zhen's belly is obviously protruding now, she is wearing a plain dress and a long skirt, with no makeup on her face and a peaceful expression.Seeing Duan Yunsu come in, she helped her back up and stood up: "Missy is back, don't say anything beforehand, Zhenniang can entertain you too."

Duan Yunsu looked at the young woman in front of him, smiled lightly and said, "I met my second younger brother when I passed by, so I came here for a while, and I'm leaving soon."

She sat down and looked at the scrolls on the table, there was a portrait of a young woman opening.

Qin Zhen looked at Duan Yunsu's incomprehensible eyes and said, "Miss, you just came today, and you just want to send this thing to Prince An's Mansion for you to have a look at it. I found it privately and asked Duan's mansion for marriage." Portrait of the daughter of the family."

courtship?Duan Yufang is out of the mansion, who else has the right age to marry.Upon hearing this, Duan Yunsu casually opened one, looked at the two separate piles on the table, and asked, "What's the difference between the two?"

"The one on the left was picked out by Zhenniang. Those who are not suitable for people like Gaofu and Zhoufu are put together."

Duan Yunsu nodded, the Gaofu and Zhoufu families are being hit everywhere now, the reason is that they supported the Second Prince's faction back then.Now that he came here to propose marriage, he just wanted to borrow the influence of the Duan Mansion.

She picked out a few pictures on the left, and there were many of them with good looks, not to mention their temperaments, just because of their father's intentions, it was already annoying.

"Whose girl is this, she looks so pretty." Duan Yunsu opened another portrait, which didn't say who she was from.

"This is from the Qin family. She is good-looking but has an unpleasant temper." Qin Zhen said calmly, not because she was from the Qin family who said a few nice words.

Duan Yunsu smiled when he saw this, and said: "It's hard work for Zhenniang. My second brother wants to get married. According to my opinion, I should first ask my second brother if he is willing. My palace will also pay attention. If it's appropriate, please let me know."

"It's so good. Zhenniang has never experienced these things before. She looks at one head and two big ones." Qin Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. In the current situation, her identity is not suitable to say more, let alone choose a relative for Duan Yufang up.

"Zhenniang take good care of the baby, don't be too tired." Duan Yunsu looked at her bosom and said.

Xiaobao has been following her mother all the time, seeing Qin Zhen's big belly, standing behind Duan Yunsu and quietly looking at her.

"This is the young lady's child? It looks so delicate." Qin Zhen saw Xiao Bao's eyes soften, and reached out to stroke the fetus in her belly.

"Xiaobao, what are you doing with your mother?" Duan Yunsu pulled Xiaobao to him, straightened his messed up clothes, and said, "The child in Zhenniang's womb must be cute and beautiful. I have to be busy, the children are very noisy."

The two chatted for a few words, and Awu seemed a little irritable. He came to Duan Yunsu and kept wandering around, stretching out his paws to grab Duan Yunsu's feet from time to time, as if he wanted to go back home.

Duan Yunsu patted Awu's head, and said: "I came out in a hurry today, and I should take Xiaobao back at this time, otherwise the prince and princess will be in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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