The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 411 The Secret in the Letter

Chapter 411 The Secret in the Letter (2)
Qin Zhen got up to see him off when she heard the words, and seeing that slim figure disappear before her eyes, Qin Zhen sighed softly.What else can she do now, before the incident happened at her natal family, she clearly gave up on her, and now she still wants to ask for her?So what if it's a direct birth, just throw aside the useless ones and don't ask for help.When her father married her to a man who could be a father, she saw clearly the thin and cold family affection. Now she only wants to have a place to live.

Mixed in the portrait of the daughter of the Qin family?Is it true that the current Duan Yufang is easy to handle, or did he underestimate the love of the Crown Princess of Prince An's Mansion for her younger brother?
Xiaobao was sleepy after playing all day, and fell asleep in his mother's arms in the carriage.When the carriage stopped, Duan Yunsu gently hugged Xiao Bao in his arms and got out of the car carefully. Seeing that the young master was asleep, the servants consciously did not disturb him, bowed quietly and retreated to the side.

Duan Yunsu walked towards the door, stepped over the high threshold carefully, and was about to go in, when he saw a young servant rushing to the door of the mansion, and said to the servant guarding the door: "This little brother, can you No news, the young one will go into your mansion and hand things over to the prince."

"The son is not in the house, what is it? Why don't you let me pass it on?" the servant said.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The master told me to hand it over to the son himself."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. It will be a long time before Shi Ziye comes back. Which family do you work in?"

"The young one is a servant of the Xue family's mansion."

Duan Yunsu paused as he was about to go in, the Xue family?What did they send? Didn't the Xue family know that Zhao Hechen had gone to Yuzhou?

She turned back a few steps, and said to the servant of Xue's residence: "I don't know what the little brother brought, can I give it to me?"

The boy was in a dilemma, hesitantly took out a letter, and then wanted to put it back.

Seeing this, the servant at the door came up and whispered: "My little brother, our Shizi loves Shizifei the most. When it is in Shizi's hands, Shizifei saw it in a blink of an eye. It's not the same."

The boy scratched his head in embarrassment, but finally compromised, handed the things into Duan Yunsu's hands, and returned home to answer.

Duan Yunsu took the letter and looked up and down. On the top was the words "Zhao Hechen personally signed", and the envelope had been sealed.What did the Xue family send this for? The mansions are all on the East Street of the capital. It's really strange why they can't explain clearly.

She returned to the Chaojin Courtyard and called Qin Niang: "You take the young master back to the room, be careful not to wake up."

Qin Niang took Xiaobao carefully, put Xiaobao on the small bed, took off the little shoes lightly, covered her with a thin blanket and waited.

Duan Yunsu casually put the envelope on the table, went into the back room and changed his clothes, remembering that Zhao Hechen had visited the Xue Mansion several times during this period, and was so mysterious that he refused to tell himself what he was doing.A few days ago, I went to Yuzhou again. Is there any connection between running around?
She glanced at the envelope, and it would take at least a month for Mr. Xue to go back and forth. If the Xue family had important matters, wouldn't it be a delay?
Duan Yunsu picked it up, hesitated for a while, and opened it.

There was a piece of letter paper inside, and when it was pulled out, something fell to the ground with a soft and crisp sound.

Duan Yunsu bent down and picked it up, it turned out to be a small jade lock, isn't it the one that Zhao Hechen showed her before, the talisman from the General's Mansion?
The emperor returned the talisman to the Xue family, such an important thing, just handed it to Zhao Hechen with a letter?
She stroked the warm jade lock, carefully put it aside, opened the folded letter paper and looked, her face sank little by little.

Why does Xianggong care about the Xue family's affairs, what does Concubine Rou's child have to do with him, and why did he write this in the letter.Looking at the date of birth above, Duan Yunsu's heart skipped a beat.

Bingwu month Gengyin day, Yin time.

Duan Yunsu's eyes sank, she had a vague idea of ​​how capable the Red Mansion was, and she was able to find out what happened more than 20 years ago.Is there anything Zhao Hechen can't explain, why don't he go and investigate it himself?

Could it be... Duan Yunsu wondered if he had touched some royal mystery.

"Yunsu." The voice of Princess An came from outside the door, Duan Yunsu folded the letter and put it in his bosom, stood up and greeted him.

"What are you doing in the house? I haven't drunk the soup today, hurry up while it's hot." Princess An asked Cailian to bring up the chicken soup, and looked around the room: "Where's Xiaobao?"

"Mother, Xiaobao is sleeping in the room." Duan Yunsu took a couple of sips of chicken soup and put it aside.

When Princess An saw it, she was not in a hurry to see Xiaobao, she muttered: "Why don't you finish this soup, this soup is good for your body. Still tired of eating it? Mother will change it for you tomorrow."

"Mother, no need." Although Duan Yunsu was helpless, the princess' concern made her heart warm: "This soup is still hot, Yunsu will be drinking it later."

Princess An nodded, looked at Yunsu's stomach, and sighed: "This baby looks easier than when you were pregnant with Xiaobao. You don't have a picky taste. Do you feel sick when you wake up in the morning? I'm going out today." Are you tired all day? You should take a rest quickly."

Duan Yunsu smiled dryly: "This child... is very well-behaved, mother, don't worry."

Before Xiaobao woke up, Princess An went in to look at it for a while, then came out, looked at the empty soup bowl and smiled with satisfaction, got up and went back to the courtyard.

Duan Yunsu looked at Princess An's concern, felt ashamed in his heart, and wished he could pull out Zhao Hechen who was far away and beat him up severely.Why did you make such a fuss and didn't let yourself explain clearly.

When Ziyue came in, she saw Duan Yunsu's annoyed expression, stepped forward and said softly: "Don't think about it, Shi Zifei, it's been a few days, maybe you are already pregnant, take a pulse in a few days?"

"If everyone was as smart as Ziyue, they wouldn't have believed that nonsense back then." Duan Yunsu gritted his teeth.

Ziyue laughed, how can it be considered nonsense, what a wonderful expectation.

More than a month has passed, and Duan Yunsu doesn't need to be a housekeeper, but the emperor has explained the affairs of the medical school.Since it has just started, Duan Yunsu spends a lot of time going there every day.On the one hand, the medical school wanted to recruit people with aspirations to study medicine, and on the other hand, it wanted to allow some capable doctors to come in and continue to discuss the way of medicine. According to Duan Yunsu, it is intensive training.

In addition, Duan Yunsu also had to rewrite the medical books brought out of the palace.There was even a period of time when the people in the palace sent all the missing herbs to the palace, and asked Duan Yunsu to judge whether they were herbs that had not been fully remembered.Duan Yunsu couldn't help but dig out a bunch of weeds. Although this method was clumsy, he did find a lot of unrecorded herbs.

As soon as this medical school came out, many people vaguely guessed the direction of the wind, and some even opened private schools to imitate it, and the once declining medical skills were regained.

With Duan Yunsu's contribution, the emperor was relieved, but Princess An's mood was not so good.Look, why did I take over the butler's job? It's not because I want Yunsu to have a good pregnancy!Fortunately, you have lost such a big mess.

(End of this chapter)

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