The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 414 Returning, Pregnant

Chapter 414 Returning, Pregnant (3)
Speaking of this, Mrs. Qi rubbed her brows helplessly: "Cheng'er said that he must first gain fame before marrying a wife and having children. Are you angry?"

"Mr. Qi has ambition, it's always a good thing." Princess An was about to say a few more words, and Xiao Bao in her arms twisted her body restlessly to think about it. Princess An followed his will and put him down, and when she lowered her head, she saw Xiao Hei who didn't know when ran up to her, the big king character on her forehead made her laugh "puchi": "Who is so naughty to get Xiao Hei this?"

"Mother, mother." The sharp-eyed Xiaobao saw Duan Yunsu walking over, and ran over without hesitation.

Duan Yunsu squatted down and hugged the little man who rushed over, kissed and hugged him: "Missing you?"


Duan Yunsu was full of smiles, and went forward to meet Prince An and Mrs. Qi.

"Don't hold it, be careful that Xiaobao kicks the one in your belly." Princess An stepped forward to take Xiaobao over, ignoring Xiaobao's pouting mouth: "Sit down too, don't be tired. "

"Ah, the concubine is pregnant again? You are really blessed, princess." Mrs. Qi said in surprise.

"No, it's not long since I was pregnant."

"It's no wonder you don't see your pregnant body yet, can you ask the doctor to check your pulse often?"

"Yunsu is a doctor, don't worry about that."

Mrs. Qi disagreed, and said: "That's not the same, it's safe to see more doctors."

Princess An also asked the doctor to look at her when she was pregnant with Xiaobao, and the results were the same as what Yunsu said every time. Now Yunsu's pregnancy is also very good, so this time, she did not invite the doctor as she wanted. doctor.It's just that mothers don't worry about it. Today, when they heard someone standing on their side, they also said, "Look, Yunsu, Doctor Chen from the palace happened to come to the house to talk to you about the medical school. Why don't you just invite me to take your pulse?"

"Mother, don't worry, please come over." Duan Yunsu smiled, and teased Xiao Hei who was strolling by with his toes.

Doctor Chen came over soon, and after saluting, he came to Duan Yunsu's side respectfully, and Ziyue who followed took out a handkerchief and covered Duan Yunsu's wrist, before letting Doctor Chen feel the pulse.

Doctor Chen stroked the goatee, squinted his eyes slightly, nodded his head, and said after a while: "The fetus in the concubine's womb is still young, but it can be known that she is indeed pregnant. Congratulations, princess."

As soon as Princess An heard it, she felt something was wrong. What does it mean that the moon is still shallow? Isn't there more than two Yunsu? Seeing that it will be three months, how can it be considered shallow?

"Chen Yuyi, why did you come to see me today?" Duan Yunsu saw the slight change in Wang Hao's face, and asked Chen Yuyi, thinking about how to explain.

"Concubine Shizi, there are so many people here...I'm afraid it will be inconvenient." Chen Yuyi hesitated to glance at the master and maid in the room.

Mrs. Qi stood up wisely, and said with a smile: "It seems that today is really a coincidence, the concubine's pregnancy is not stable yet? In a few days, there will be a lot of people at the chrysanthemum appreciation feast, the concubine still needs to rest assured to raise the baby .”

"It's not easy for Mrs. Qi to come here, why don't you go and see the hibiscus flowers in my yard?" Princess An also stood up.

"There are hibiscus flowers at this time? It's really rare."

The two walked out, Duan Yunsu wiped his sweat secretly when he saw Princess An's meaningful look back.The princess was angry, and it seemed that she couldn't get over it without a good explanation.

The maid in the house also went out, leaving Ziyue to serve by her side.Chen Yuyi recognized this girl, who was needed by Shi Zifei's side, so he didn't say much.It's just that he saw that the concubine Shizi seemed a little absent-minded today, and thought that the concubine Shizi was happy because he had been diagnosed with a happy pulse. After saying a few words, Duan Yunsu didn't respond, and he wondered if he should come back another day.

At the time of You, Mrs. Qi went back to the palace, and Doctor Chen also went back to the palace.Duan Yunsu paced around the room, and finally planned to tell Princess An honestly.

When Duan Yunsu came in, Princess An was embroidering a small dress, she raised her eyelids when she heard the sound, and continued with her work.

"Mother." Duan Yunsu called out cautiously, seeing that she didn't respond, he obediently stood aside.

Princess An is angry, she took good care of her these days, she thought she really had a child, she was happy like a fool, it turned out to be a joke!She let Duan Yunsu hang out for a while, and seeing her standing dryly, thinking that she was still pregnant, she felt distressed and worried that she would be exhausted, so she said angrily, "What are you doing standing up, come and sit down."

Duan Yunsu immediately behaved himself, took a careful look at Princess An, and said, "Mother, don't be angry, originally Yunsu wanted to explain it to you, but seeing Mother happy, he couldn't bear to say it... "

"So you kept it from me." Princess An glared at her.

"Mother, listen to me." Duan Yunsu said with some embarrassment: "It just happened that it was easy to get pregnant that day, so Yunsu thought... if you work hard, you might really get pregnant."

"Be more diligent." Princess An put down her needle and thread, and poked her forehead: "It's not too rash for a girl to say this, but Chen'er's idea?"

"No, Yunsu knows medicine, so he's counting on a good life." Complaining about your son to the mother is not intentional to add fuel to the fire.No matter what, I have to carry it down first, and when Zhao Hechen comes back, he closes the door and talks carefully!

"Don't speak for him. At that time, Cailian heard that it was Chen'er who said that you were pregnant. Thanks to my soup every day, you just laughed at me."

Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes, it seems that education is not enough, he needs to be taught a lesson!
She turned her eyes and leaned against the princess: "How dare Yunsu laugh at mother, mother, look, if it weren't for your soup, I would have been able to conceive all of a sudden, it's all thanks to mother."

Princess An glanced at her: "Don't give me a sloppy eye, now you know what to tell your mother?"

Duan Yunsu saw that her face was slightly relaxed, and he was overjoyed: "Mother is the best. From now on, I will not hide from anyone. When the child comes out, Yunsu will teach him to be filial to grandma."

"You, you." Seeing her acting coquettishly, Princess An couldn't continue. It's always good to be pregnant.She was angry with Yunsu. Yunsu was unhappy because he hurt her grandchildren: "If it's someone else's house, how dare you make a fuss!"

"How could Yunsu belong to someone else's family? Yunsu is only mother's daughter-in-law." Duan Yunsu climbed up the pole.

Princess An finally smiled, picked up the needle and thread and continued to embroider, muttering: "When Chen'er comes back to see if I don't teach him a lesson first, I dare to fool my mother. You too, what about the medical school in the future Give it to others as much as possible. You can play with the herbs if you like, but if Renhetang has other doctors, you should not go to the doctor, and be careful of getting sick."

Duan Yunsu nodded one by one.

Fortunately, the concubine has a good temper and really cares about Chenchen and her, otherwise it would be so easy to let her go.

That night, Duan Yunsu slept extremely comfortably, and sure enough, he couldn't spread lies, especially his relatives.You see, in the end it wasn't me who was tossing about.

(End of this chapter)

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