The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 415 Where's Xiao Hei?

Chapter 415 Where's Xiao Hei? (1)
Duan Yunsu rolled on the bed comfortably, and Ziyue, who originally planned to go out to watch the night, was shocked when she saw it: "Oh, my good master, I'm pregnant, don't roll around!"

"What about the young master, why don't you come over?" Duan Yunsu stopped in embarrassment, almost getting carried away in a moment of excitement.

"The young master will move around in his sleep, and the princess was carried away by Qin Niang."

Didn't she sleep with Xiaobao all the time before, why didn't the princess want to take Xiaobao away.Duan Yunsu scratched at the loose strands in confusion, and didn't think much about lying down and resting directly.

Ziyue walked two steps, remembered something, came back and said: "Concubine Shizi, didn't the emperor get back the mother Qian who took care of you before? The concubine asked her to go back to her hometown earlier, and she should go back to her hometown tomorrow. Come up to serve."

"Well, I see, go down and rest earlier."

The candles in the room were blown out, the surroundings became dark, the sound of autumn insects squeaked outside the window, and the moonlight that slanted in was dim.Duan Yunsu leaned against the seat beside him, unable to meet his beloved in the empty space, muttered a few words and fell asleep drowsily.

The next day, the sky was bright, and a wolf howled "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—" Duan Yunsu woke up in a daze, so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, rolled over limply, hugged the thing beside him and fell asleep again .I didn't forget to murmur before going to bed, how did the quilt harden.

After lying down for about half an hour, Duan Yunsu opened his eyes again, sat up sleepily, stretched his waist and let go of his hands feebly, just in time to hit something and it hurt.

Duan Yunsu turned his head to look suspiciously, and was completely stunned.

"Why is the lady beating you as your husband?" the man said in a hoarse voice without opening his eyes, stroking his head.

"Msg... When did Mr. Xiang come back?" Duan Yunsu's eyes widened.

Zhao Hechen stretched out his hand and pulled the person who was sitting up to the bed, stretched out his big hand and hugged it tightly in his arms, sniffing the fragrance of the woman's body greedily, sighed and continued to fall asleep.

Duan Yunsu looked at the blue shadows in his eyes, and reached out to touch the cyan beard scum growing out of his chin. Could it be that this person has been working day and night without even sleeping well?

Zhao Hechen grabbed the fluttering little hand: "Hey, sleep with me for a while."

Duan Yunsu hummed, but she is not sleepy after waking up, she opened her eyes and continued to look at her husband whom she had not seen for a long time.Seeing that he fell asleep without taking off his clothes, he hesitated for a while and reached out to loosen his belt and skirt for him.Seeing that the man finally came back, Duan Yunsu leaned into his arms delicately, stretched out his arms to hug his muscular waist, and rubbed his chest lovingly.Looking at the face of lovesickness day and night, she couldn't help kissing her slightly pursed thin lips.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to let go, the sleeping man opened his mouth and bit her lips, taking advantage of the opportunity to hug her body and kiss her deeper and deeper.He sucked and gnawed lightly, then moved down and sniffed lightly on her neck: "Miss, do you want to be a husband so much?"

Duan Yunsu blushed slightly, accepted it straightforwardly, and said coquettishly with half resentment and half anger: "Of course I want to, I think about it day and night, but you just don't come back."

Zhao Hechen's heart beat violently, and the tiredness just now flew to that corner without knowing it. He leaned over to hold Jiao Rener down, and easily untied the inner garment with a big palm.

The cunning in the woman's eyes flashed past, she embraced her passionately, and kissed her lips.

The deep whirlpool in Zhao Hechen's eyes slowly condensed...

When he moved further, Duan Yunsu dodged directly, stopped his overhanded hand, and pursed his lips to chuckle.

"My lady..." Zhao Hechen watched the person under him enjoying himself, and held back his twitching veins.

"Sir, be careful not to hurt the baby in your belly." Duan Yunsu watched his reaction with a smile.

I saw Zhao Hechen froze, a drop of sweat fell on Duan Yunsu's body, and sat back on the bed after a long while, staring closely at Duan Yunsu's stomach, the ecstasy on his face mixed with the forbearance just now. Mixed together, it is extraordinarily exciting.

Duan Yunsu looked at his forbearing body, and added a knife with a smile: "Mr., how about being a monk for another year like when I was pregnant with Xiaobao?"

Zhao Hechen carefully stroked Duan Yunsu's stomach, hearing this, his veins twitched.

Early in the morning, the maids outside stood quietly waiting for the summons from the master.Ziyue was a little anxious, did the imperial concubine oversleep again today?Yesterday I agreed to go to the medical school earlier, do you want to go in and have a look?

Not only Ziyue was anxious, but also the young master in the mansion.Woke up today and couldn't see his mother, Xiaobao was afraid, what if his mother secretly went to find his father and didn't want Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao came here with short legs and shoes, just as Qin Niang was going to prepare the young master's breakfast, the maids in the house couldn't restrain Xiao Bao, one of them followed the young master, and the other rushed to find Qin Niang .

When Qin Niang heard this, she handed all the things in her hands to the maid, wiped her hands and hurried to catch up.Seeing Xiaobao's small body climbing up the steps in front of the imperial concubine's house, a maid guarded him carefully.Qin Niang stepped forward, wiped her sweat and said, "My little ancestor, be careful not to fall!" If the master saw it, she would definitely be punished.Unexpectedly, as soon as I left on my front foot, the young master slipped out on my back foot!
Little Treasure tried his best to climb the stairs, Qin Niang hugged him worriedly, and the little guy became anxious immediately: "Father, mother, I want to go in, woo—"

"Okay, young master wants to go in." Seeing the maid waiting in front of the house, Qin Niang knew that Shi Zifei hadn't gotten up yet, so she wanted to hug Xiaobao.Xiaobao twisted her small body and refused to let him be hugged, Qin Niang had no choice but to walk over the steps and put him on the ground.

Xiao Bao ran forward, saw the closed door, stretched out his little hand and pushed it.But there was no strength in that little arm, the door moved but was not opened.

"Mother, mother." Xiaobao continued to push and push while calling mother.

Suddenly the door opened, and Xiaobao, who pushed the door, leaned over and fell in.Qin Niang was so nervous that her face turned pale, and she stepped forward quickly, only to see a man bent over and had already pulled the young master into his arms.

"The son is back?" Qin Niang patted her chest in fear.

Zhao Hechen glanced at the maid outside: "Come in and serve."

He looked at Xiao Bao who hadn't seen him for a long time in his arms, his bright black eyes were full of water mist, and his mouth was pursed with an aggrieved look.Zhao Hechen's heart softened, and he patted his small body: "Does Xiaobao miss Daddy?"

"Wow——" I don't know if he was scared just now, or if he hasn't seen his father for a long time, Xiaobao couldn't help crying.

Zhao Hechen's face suddenly darkened: "Don't cry!"

"Uh." Xiaobao hiccupped, and seeing his father's face changed, holding back his tears and sobbing, he looked at him pitifully.

"Don't yell at Xiaobao, Xiaobao is going to miss you." Duan Yunsu came out already dressed, and stepped forward to wipe the poor little tears: "During the few days you just went to Yuzhou, Xiaobao Crying for daddy every day, it's hard to coax him back."

Zhao Hechen looked at Xiaobao's little hands on his front, his heart was softened, and he hugged the little guy in his arms tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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