The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 416 Where's Xiao Hei?

Chapter 416 Where's Xiao Hei? (2)
"Mother Qin, can the young master have breakfast?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"Never before, the young master came here as soon as he woke up." A maid rushed up behind Qin Niang, holding Xiaobao's shoes in her hand. The servant girl is ready."

Duan Yunsu directly took the pair of small shoes, and was about to put them on Xiaobao's feet. Looking at his dark feet, he stretched out a finger and scratched them twice.Little Treasure was afraid of tickles, so he shrank his feet and hid in Zhao Hechen's arms, forgetting that he was still giggling when he was sad just now.

Duan Yunsu also smiled: "Ms. Qin took Xiaobao down to wash it off."

"Yes, Crown Princess."

Xiaobao was taken down, and the two people in the room also washed and tidied up. When Xiaobao came over, they led him to greet the prince and concubine.

When the princess saw Zhao Hechen came back, she happily went forward to greet him warmly.Xiaobao followed Zhao Hechen closely like a small tail, heeled and heeled, and also leaned on him during the meal and refused to get off, Duan Yunsu looked jealous.

On the contrary, Princess An was happy, and teased: "It would be great if Yunsu's baby was a girl. She is a caring little padded jacket, and she will definitely like to cling to you. Xiaobao came to grandma, does Xiaobao like a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Little Treasure opened his lovely dark eyes wide, not understanding the difference between his younger brother and younger sister, so he said in a milky voice, "Yes, both."

Prince An laughed loudly, and Princess An also laughed from ear to ear.

Zhao Hechen raised an eyebrow at Duan Yunsu, Xiaobao wanted to be satisfied no matter what, lady, it seems that he has to work harder.

Duan Yunsu glared, and get out of the way, the person who is pregnant is not you, to put it lightly!

Seeing the two people's eye contact, the princess cleared her throat and said, "Hurry up and eat, Chen'er is going to enter the palace today?"

"No, my child has already agreed with the emperor that he will not go to court for a few days." Zhao Hechen put a piece of hibiscus cake into Duan Yunsu's bowl. Picked up a tablespoon of porridge and handed it to his mouth.

Little Treasure tilted his head and ignored it, his father was good or bad, and he only gave his mother delicious food.

"Sister, let me come. You rush all the way back, have a good meal and then go to rest for a while." Duan Yunsu carried Xiaobao over.

After the family chatted for a while after eating, Zhao Hechen and Duan Yunsu took Xiaobao back to Chaojin Courtyard.

With his parents by his side, Xiao Bao couldn't care less about looking for A Wu.Zhao Hechen walked to the desk, saw Xiaobao's clear eyes curiously resting on his opened scroll, and hugged him up: "Xiaobao, Daddy will teach you how to read."

Duan Yunsu was counting the medicine bottles in the box, and when he heard the words, he turned his head and glanced: "Xiaobao is still young, if you don't remember, you can't force it."

Zhao Hechen smiled, and saw that Xiaobao had already grabbed the brush that was casually placed on the desk and was scribbling.The nib wasn't stuck with ink yet, and Zhao Hechen didn't worry about getting it dirty, so he asked, "Where's Shuisheng? I haven't seen him today."

"Shuisheng went to a private school, and came back at noon, and practiced martial arts in the mansion in the afternoon." Duan Yunsu roughly said: "When Shuisheng comes back from school, I will be very happy to see you back."

"The lady likes Shuisheng very much."

"It's not just me, both parents like it. Shuisheng is cute and sensible, which makes people hurt." Duan Yunsu chuckled, and then became a little worried: "Shuisheng is very smart, but his status, I'm afraid he will be looked down upon in private schools .”

Zhao Hechen pondered for a while, and said: "Miss, have you ever thought about giving Shuisheng the status of our palace, so that people won't look down upon him in the future."

Duan Yunsu's hands stopped moving: "What other identity do you have? Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Shuisheng is not a relative of the royal family; the General's Mansion has fallen, and my natal family's identity is useless; the Song Mansion's can't tell. Unless you recognize him as the leader Son, otherwise where would the identity come from?"

"In my opinion, we need to ask Shui Sheng carefully about this matter." Duan Yunsu continued softly: "If he doesn't want to, just let it go. Maybe he can overcome this embarrassment by himself. In the future, there will be more people talking about right and wrong."

While Duan Yunsu was talking, she didn't hear Zhao Hechen's voice answering the words. Looking back, she saw Zhao Hechen was looking at her quietly with a smile on her cheeks. The focused eyes made her heart skip a beat, and her face turned slightly red.

Zhao Hechen had just come back, Duan Yunsu was afraid that he would be tired, so he didn't ask him what news he found in Yuzhou this time.Xiaobao was sleepy from playing, Duan Yunsu wanted to take him away, but saw him grabbing his father's clothes and refusing to let go.Duan Yunsu sighed helplessly, and rushed Zhao Hechen to the bed, and the father and son had a good rest.

She turned around and went to the courtyard, and saw that the outside of the courtyard had been replaced with autumn chrysanthemums, and some leaves were slowly turning yellow.

Madam Qi mentioned the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet when she came over, it was just three days later.In September, the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and the noble ladies in the deep house of the Hou's mansion will organize their own banquets every year to have fun, eat crabs and drink rice wine, and come out to make friends.

The situation in the past two years was not clear, and everyone shunned the troubled times, and Duan Yunsu never participated.This year, the country is stable, so it is lively again, but now that Duan Yunsu is pregnant again, those crowded and noisy places are not suitable.

Seeing that the concubine Shizi was free, Ziyue stepped forward and asked, "Concubine Shizi, didn't you say you are going to the medical school?"

Duan Yunsu looked at the sky, the sun is high now, it's already past a little bit: "I won't go today, people over there will tell you that I'm not comfortable and I'm raising a baby in the mansion when they ask you."

"Where is the imperial concubine uncomfortable?" Ziyue believed it, and stepped forward nervously.

Duan Yunsu just wanted her not to worry, but he smelled a faint fishy smell in the air through his nose, his stomach churned, and he suddenly vomited.

Ziyue was shocked: "What's wrong with the concubine, do you want to invite a doctor?"

"It's okay, the baby in my stomach is making trouble." Duan Yunsu caressed his stomach lightly, so he was going to start tormenting mother at such a little bit?She took out her handkerchief and wiped it, frowned and said, "Where is the fishy smell coming from, why can it be smelled here?"

Ziyue sniffed hard twice, but she didn't smell the fishy smell Shi Zifei said, just about to reply, she saw Duan Yunsu covering her mouth and seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"Over there." Duan Yunsu pointed to the south of the courtyard.

Ziyue was stunned for a moment and finally remembered: "Concubine Shizi, the lotus pond over there is being emptied of water today to clean up the silt. Maybe it's the smell of mud? Concubine Shizi, go back to the house to rest for a while."

The pond in the mansion has to be cleaned up according to the schedule, it's really strange, the lotus pond is quite far away, and Shi Zifei has such a good nose, I can smell it all.

Duan Yunsu went back to the room, took the water from Ziyue and rinsed his mouth, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, remembering that he didn't vomit much when he was pregnant with Xiaobao. Could this little guy be a mischievous one?
"Concubine Shizi." Sui'er's voice came from outside, Ziyue looked at Duan Yunsu who had just closed her eyes, and gave Sui'er a glare.If you want to send a message in, what are you shouting all the way.

Sui'er sticks out her tongue in embarrassment, and Ziyue's sister will definitely scold her again when she goes down.Seeing that Concubine Shizi opened her eyes, she hurriedly said, "Concubine Shizi, Master Huo is here and is waiting in the flower hall."

(End of this chapter)

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