The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 421 The Lady Should Be Confused

Chapter 421 The Lady Should Be Confused (4)
Ting He let go of his hand, and smiled: "Ting He understands."

"Zhao Fang, can you come out?" Duan Yunsu took two steps forward and turned around.

Zhao Fang nodded, and the two went outside, only to find Huo Ying still outside.Zhao Fang couldn't control the anger in his heart anymore, and stepped forward to stand in front of her: "So when I couldn't see, that's how you acted for your sister-in-law!"

The finger marks on Huo Ying's face were red and swollen, and when she opened her mouth, there was a pulling pain on her face, which was hot and uncomfortable.She covered her face with her hands, her eyes filled with tears: "You hit me... my father is gone, you just bully me like this."

"We bullied you?" Zhao Fang couldn't stop angrily: "Don't threaten me with uncle, I don't owe you anything!"

"I'm your sister! How dare you say that about me!" Huo Ying choked, reaching out to push Zhao Fang.

"She is my wife, why do you treat her like that!" Zhao Fang blocked her hand, and Huo Ying fell to the ground with such force.I just heard Zhao Fang pointing and scolding: "If my uncle knows what you look like now, I won't rest in peace for fear of death!"

"Bang Dang" sounded, and the hairpin on Huo Ying's bun fell to the ground. Zhao Fang's eyes turned hard: "Come here, send Miss Huo back to Yuzhou, change into sackcloth, and keep my uncle's filial piety for three years!"

"Yes." The two guards who followed Zhao Fang stepped forward to trap Huo Ying.

"You can't treat me like this, what did I do wrong, I'm all for the Huo family!" Huo Ying struggled.

"The Huo family has me here, so you don't need to worry about it, take it away!"

Huo Ying cried and refused to leave, but the two guards were so strong that they resisted and were dragged down.

The courtyard became quiet, Ting He should have heard such a loud voice inside.Duan Yunsu was not in a good mood looking at A Wu who was obediently lying on the ground, and Xiao Hei who was sleeping next to A Wu.

If Zhao Fang had been ruthless from the very beginning, what happened today would not have happened.

"What does the concubine want to say to me?" Zhao Fang turned around with a heavy heart.

Duan Yunsu looked at the direction in which Huo Ying was leaving, sighed softly and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, listen to He carefully, my son and I will go back first. Awu, let's go."

Awu Youyou stood up, waking up Xiao Hei next to her.Duan Yunsu reached out to pick up Xiao Hei, and walked forward stroking the messy rabbit fur.

Zhao Hechen came over, patted Zhao Fang on the shoulder and left.

After returning, Duan Yunsu's mood has not been cheerful, and he didn't eat much for dinner. Seeing that it was getting dark, he actually sat still and stared at a candle in a daze.

Zhao Hechen was a little worried, he had seen the lady when she was pregnant with Xiaobao.Pregnant people always like to think wildly, and now they don't know where their wife has been entangled.

Zhao Hechen went around behind her, took off the heavy bun, gently ran down her hair, and said softly: "My lady wants to hear about He?"

"Master, tell me, the former Zhao Fang was obviously a very clever person, why he couldn't figure out these things." Duan Yunsu frowned.

"Zhao Fang has more burdens than others. He is the only male heir left in the Huo family. His father, Huo Zhang, is such a prestigious person. Zhao Fang also has a heavy burden."

"It's all an excuse. If you really want to be nice to someone, why would you make such a thing happen?" Although Ting He is not her biological sister, but she has a deep relationship and it is impossible to watch her suffer all the time: "The emperor bears Is it not important that things are not important, he can not draft for the sake of the third sister and the children, Zhao Fang is even reluctant to drive out those concubines."

"How do you know that he is reluctant." Zhao Hechen saw that his wife was about to get into the horns, and said: "The Huo family now has no power except for the old part of the Huo family. If you want to live in the capital, you need relationships. If the woman sent here is driven out, it is a loss of face for others."

"Why are you talking for him? Are you trying to persuade me to take some girls in?!" Duan Yunsu smashed the hairpin in his hand angrily.

Zhao Hechen looked at the hairpin that had stopped rolling for a long time, touched her nose innocently, hugged her tightly in his arms, and stroked the fetus in his womb: "Why would my husband do such a stupid thing."

"You also think Zhao Fang is an asshole?"

"Yes, what happened to Zhao Fang has nothing to do with us, lady, don't get angry."

Zhao Hechen persuaded him in a low voice, and Duan Yunsu also knew that he had passed, so he languished all of a sudden, leaning into his arms and said: "The Huo family that Zhao Fang values ​​most now, Ting He can only be ranked behind in his eyes. Will Chenchen one day ignore my life for the sake of the palace?"

"Wife and child are for husband's life."

The room became quiet, and the candlelight danced with the night wind that came in. Zhao Hechen didn't hear Duan Yunsu's words for a long time, looked down and saw her falling asleep in his arms, eyes closed, hugged her by the waist and walked to the bed .

He gently put the person down and wanted to leave, but his hand was held by the person on the bed, only to see Duan Yunsu's eyes open, not even a trace of sleepiness: "Where are you going so late?"

"Tomorrow morning, get ready."

"You should go to bed early in the morning. If Zhao Huanzhen is not satisfied, you will come back. Who cares about passing early in the morning."

Zhao Hechen turned around and sat on the edge of the bed helplessly, scratched her straight nose, and said with a smile: "My lady is still playing with a temper."

Duan Yunsu proudly raised his chin, got up and hugged Zhao Hechen, took off his clothes and dragged him into the bed: "Let's quit, it's not a job for the husband." There is no such thing as saying that the prince goes to pilgrimage every day to see him.

As soon as Zhao Hechen moved, Duan Yunsu hugged him tightly, Zhao Hechen was afraid of hurting the baby in his belly, so he kissed her between the eyebrows lightly as she wanted.

The two lay down for a while, Duan Yunsu sniffed his breath, feeling extra at ease, she murmured: "Sir, why don't I tell you about the news you found in Yuzhou?"

"It's nothing, the lady should rest earlier."

"It's really nothing? Didn't I go to check your identity?"

Zhao Hechen's body tensed up.

Duan Yunsu felt his stiffness, raised his head from his arms, looked into his dark and deep eyes, reached out his hand to dig on the clothes he had not taken off, took out a piece of letter paper and handed it over: "This is Xue Fu's It was delivered, but you had already gone to Yuzhou at that time, so I opened it and read it."

Zhao Hechen glanced at it by the candlelight, and crumpled the letter paper into a ball.

"This is from Xue's house with the letter. Take it, Mr. Xiang." Duan Yunsu also took out the jade lock: "I just want to know if my guess is true. If Mr. Xiang doesn't say anything, what is it?" concern?"

Zhao Hechen rubbed the little jade lock, looked at a red rope above it, got up and hung the jade lock on Duan Yunsu's neck, and straightened the front of his clothes to cover it.

"My lady, there are only two people left who know this secret." Zhao Hechen said softly.

Duan Yunsu opened his eyes wide and waited for the next article.

"One is your husband-in-law, and the other is the person who participated in it back then." Seeing her reaction, Zhao Hechen reached out to ruffle her hair, perhaps he didn't even realize that his smile couldn't reach his eyes: "The rest... They're all dead."

(End of this chapter)

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