The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 422 Morning sickness

Chapter 422 Morning sickness (1)
"My husband won't kill me." Duan Yunsu was full of confidence.

Zhao Hechen chuckled, and kissed her tenderly on the lips: "Of course, my husband may not tell you."

Duan Yunsu pinched the soft flesh in his waist angrily.

Zhao Hechen grabbed her troublesome hand, hugged her and lay down: "Wang Cheng, Huo Qi, Queen, Emperor Jing, my husband didn't say that I killed them, so where did my lady go?"

"King Cheng is under the hands of Mr. Xianggong."

"Intending to rebel deserves death." King Cheng couldn't make him say what he hadn't said.

"Wen Yuanyuan?"

"It's just a chess piece of Cheng Wang."

Zhao Hechen's face was calm, but Duan Yunsu clearly felt the surging waves in his eyes.Leaning on the people around her, she said, "That's fine if Mr. Xiang doesn't want to say it, Yunsu will always be your wife."

Zhao Hechen hugged her tightly, remained silent for a long time, and said: "Lady, what do you know that your husband is most afraid of hearing now?"

"Father said, the truth back then?"







"The lady should be confused."

"Don't be afraid, it will take three years to be stupid after giving birth to a child."

In the night, Duan Yunsu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhao Hechen's muffled laugh, she may not be very smart.Zhao Hechen did not know when he had become suspicious, but finding out the truth now is another kind of complicated feeling.

In the middle of the night, Duan Yunsu wanted to go to the bathroom, but saw Zhao Hechen still staring at the top of the bed with his eyes open, the hazy moonlight seeping into his black jade eyes, there was a trace of unpredictable light.

Duan Yunsu's pregnancy was a bit of a toss, and morning sickness was normal, but Duan Yunsu's reaction became more and more violent day by day, and he would vomit up all the way to his mouth.

Princess An was in a hurry and couldn't eat any more. Both adults and children suffered.

"Ziyue, let the cook make some fresh dishes today, have they been delivered yet?" Princess An asked with a frown as she hugged Xiaobao.

Xiaobao didn't understand what was wrong with his mother, and the ugly expression on his mother's face scared him.With tears in his little Taohua's eyes, he twisted his body in Wangfei's arms uneasily and wanted to pass, Nuomuo called out: "Mother—"

Duan Yunsu took the handkerchief Sui'er handed over and wiped it, seeing the food on the table churning in his stomach again, turned his face away, and reached out to hug Xiaobao: "Mother is fine, Xiaobao is good. "

"Be careful that Xiaobao kicks his stomach." Prince An was worried.

Xiao Bao was hugged tightly by the princess, struggling to get over: "Xiao Bao doesn't move, I want mother."

"Okay, okay, really stubborn." Princess An couldn't help it, so she had to put Xiaobao down.The older Xiaobao is, the more he can't hold back him, and it's just a little bit that he has started to have his own opinions.

As soon as Xiaobao got down, he ran to Duan Yunsu's side in twos and threes, hugging her legs and climbing up.Duan Yunsu picked him up and put him in his arms, wiped a pitiful tear from the corner of his eye, and said softly: "Xiaobao is so good, he doesn't torment mother like younger brothers and sisters."

"Brother and sister?"

"Yes, mother has a baby in her womb, does Xiao Bao want a younger brother or a younger sister?" Duan Yunsu saw his lovely round eyes, and couldn't help but kissed his pink and tender cheek.

Princess An became excited when she heard it. I heard that the child's statement is the most accurate at this time. Why don't you try: "Xiaobao, do you think the baby in mother's belly is a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Xiaobao fiddled with his little finger, what happened to grandma and mother, why did he keep talking about younger siblings, is younger siblings fun?

"Brother and sister." Xiaobao grinned so that his white baby teeth were exposed, and turned around and nestled into Duan Yunsu's arms: "Everything."

"Greedy little guy." Duan Yunsu couldn't help laughing, and patted his little head.

The two of them were joking. Princess An frowned and looked at the food on the table. Seeing that Duan Yunsu didn't eat much today, she said helplessly, "Is there anything Yunsu didn't want to eat? You've lost weight by eating so little." .”

Duan Yunsu touched his face, and said with a smile: "How can you lose weight so quickly, Yunsu doesn't know, when it's time to swallow, I always feel nauseous."

"Remember that you liked to eat pork knuckles when you were pregnant with Xiaobao?" Princess An looked forward to it, as long as there was something she wanted to eat, the palace would definitely make it.

Duan Yunsu blushed slightly, remembering the bold action of gnawing his elbow before, and smiled dryly: "I don't want to eat it, it's too greasy."

Soups and dishes with meat are said to be greasy, and Princess An has no choice.The kitchen has already been taken care of, so where is the oiliness coming from? Is it possible that I want every day green vegetables and white porridge?
Qian Momo has also returned to the palace to serve in the past two days, she is busy and happy at the moment.The last time the concubine was pregnant, she was the one who waited on her. She never expected that after going through so many things in a circle, she could return to the palace. The concubine is really blessed, and now she is pregnant again.

She brought up a plate of sweet and sour brocade, and said, "Try it, Princess Concubine? This is the way of slaves' hometown. Sweet and sour should suit your taste."

The dish that was served was very good in appearance, it should be carefully cooked by Qian Momo.Duan Yunsu didn't want to waste Mammy Qian's thought, so he picked up a piece and tried it. A lot of shredded meat was wrapped in it, and the sour taste was really appetizing.

Seeing that she didn't vomit again, Princess An was overjoyed: "Mommy Qian still has a solution."

"Princess, the princess has been eating sour these past two days. Could it be that she is pregnant with a boy?"

"I can't say for sure, I don't eat the sour plums that were delivered a few days ago, I only like sweet candied fruit." Although Princess An said so, she weighed it in her heart. Could it be that she is really a boy?So noisy, maybe it's a kid.

Seeing that his mother was eating happily, Xiao Bao's eyes were shining, and he said anxiously "ahhh" twice, and wanted to take a bite with his small mouth open.Duan Yunsu snickered, and stuck the sauce with chopsticks and sent it to Xiaobao's mouth.

Xiao Bao tapped his small mouth, and instantly wrinkled his face.

Princess An, who was watching from the side, laughed happily: "Little greedy cat, you are so sore!"

"Princess." At this time, Cailian came in softly, and reported to Princess An, "Master Song of the Song Manor is here and is waiting in the flower hall."

"Lord Song? Song Ping or Song Cheng?" Princess An asked when she saw Duan Yunsu's instantly brightened face.

"It's Master Song, the imperial censor of the Song Dynasty."

Second uncle is here?Duan Yunsu looked out happily, since he left Pingzhou, he hasn't seen him for a long time.Before, my grandfather said that my second uncle would come back soon, but I didn't expect to wait for a long time. As soon as I came back, my second uncle went to the palace to meet the saint and got busy. I didn't find a chance to meet him.

Duan Yunsu took a look, but saw Zhao Hechen coming in. He glanced at the food on the table, frowned, stepped forward and hugged her and said, "The baby is making trouble again, how much did you eat today?"

"My lord, my concubine has only eaten half a bowl of porridge." Ziyue said worriedly. The concubine could not eat three meals a day. When she was hungry, the kitchen would send all the dishes, soups and cakes. Very few.

(End of this chapter)

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