The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 423 Morning sickness

Chapter 423 Morning sickness (2)
"Zuixianglou has a new style, I'll buy it for you to try." Zhao Hechen touched Duan Yunsu's face with distress, as if he had lost weight.

"it is good."

The little treasure in the middle protested with a "Yiya" and stretched out his hand to push Zhao Hechen away. Dad walked away, and Xiaobao was squeezing!A small force fell on Zhao Hechen's chest like a tickle. Zhao Hechen hugged the little guy who loved to disturb his intimacy with his wife and put him on the ground, saying: "Second uncle is not an outsider, let me invite him to come to Chaojin Courtyard. Don't run around."

Princess An was watching the two of them, but she didn't expect that she would become an eyesore here.

Song Cheng came over after a while, followed by Fu Xianqing. The two of them were smiling and looked very good. They should be doing well.

As soon as Song Cheng came in, he saw the little guy who was standing and grabbing Zhao Hechen for a hug. He couldn't help but take a step forward to look carefully. Xiaobao blinked and looked at the person curiously.

"Father is right, this little guy is really not afraid of life." Song Cheng looked at his dark eyes, loved him, took out a small brocade box, shook it in front of Xiaobao, and coaxed: "Xiaobao, come here!" , a gift to Xiaobao."

Duan Yunsu burst out laughing, remembering that the last time his grandfather came over, Xiaobao clung to him to beg for a gift, it seems that the second uncle was already prepared.

Xiaobao blinked, and suddenly hid behind Zhao Hechen with an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh""

When Princess An heard this, she burst into tears with laughter, and even the little maid who was serving her lowered her head and covered her mouth and snickered.

"How old is he, still teasing Xiaobao." Fu Xianqing held back her trembling shoulders from laughter, took the brocade box and handed it to Duan Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu came to take a look, it turned out to be a long life lock with Xiaobao's name engraved on it, and the workmanship was extremely exquisite: "Second aunt, I gave you black pearls last time, how dare I let you spend more money."

"It didn't cost any money to get the pearl, just keep it, Xiaobao won't bring it to Xiaohei this time, right?" Fu Xianqing joked.

A few people sat down, Duan Yunsu held Changshou in his palm, looked at it and couldn't help but be overjoyed, and when the baby in her belly came out, she would also go to get a pair.

Duan Yunsu was watching intently, and didn't see Xiao Hei who was sneaking out from the foot of the table. At this moment, the little red eyeballs were wandering around, and his ears were pricked forward.

Seeing the white shadow flickering in front of him, Duan Yunsu withdrew his hand subconsciously, Zhao Hechen quickly grabbed the white thing with quick eyesight and took a closer look, it was indeed Xiao Hei again.

I saw it was biting the chain of the longevity lock with its rabbit's mouth, and its body was struggling violently in Zhao Hechen's hand.Duan Yunsu tugged, but Xiao Hei bit his tongue tightly and refused to let go.

"I didn't expect there was a snitch hiding in the house." Duan Yunsu squeezed the rabbit's mouth, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"When did you hide under the table? Didn't you go out with Awu?" Even Princess An was surprised and couldn't help but look under the table.

This longevity lock is no different than others, Duan Yunsu can't just let Xiao Hei play with it.But why did the good Xiao Hei suddenly want to snatch it?
She looked at the longevity lock made of silver, and remembered that when she went down to Hecun, Xiao Hei used to lie on a pile of copper coins and refused to get up.Duan Yunsu was overwhelmed by his conjecture, with a black thread hanging on his forehead, he said, "Sir, do you have money on you?"

Zhao Hechen took out the broken silver, Xiao Hei rolled his eyes and twisted his body contemptuously.

Hey, still too little?Duan Yunsu was angry and funny: "Ziyue, go and get my two ingots of silver."

After a while, the two gleaming silver ingots swayed back and forth in front of Xiao Hei's eyes, and Xiao Hei's ears trembled as if he was about to move.

Xiao Bao felt strange, why did Dad grab Xiao Hei, what was in Mother's hand?Xiao Bao stretched out his small hand to take away the silver from Duan Yunsu's hand, Xiao Hei finally got anxious, and let go and followed Xiao Bao closely.

It turned out to be a rabbit who only loves money!
"Yunsu, the little thing you raise is really weird." Song Cheng sighed.

It's not that she raises it strangely, it's that the little things sent by Ji Su are too individual!Duan Yunsu was also stunned by Xiao Hei. He only knew after raising him. It seems that the things at home are about to be put away!

"What's the second uncle doing here today?" Zhao Hechen was the first to return to the topic, asking Song Cheng who was still looking at Xiao Hei.

"It's nothing. I heard that girl Yunsu is pregnant. Come and have a look, so as not to worry the elderly at home."

Princess An said with a smile: "The palace will not neglect Yunsu, you can rest assured Mr. Song."

"That's good. Is the prince in the mansion? Song Cheng still wants to go to see him." Song Cheng got up and bowed to Princess An.

"Chen'er, it's better to go there together, and the few of us left can talk about ourselves." Princess An suggested.

Prince An is in the study, and I heard that he is busy with supplying the army.As autumn passed and winter came, the emperor was afraid that the soldiers on the frontier would not be warm enough to wear enough food, so he deliberately explained the matter and asked Prince An to supervise and investigate.Zhao Hechen led Song Cheng away, and several people in the room smiled knowingly and started talking.

In the back door of the palace, Ziyue went outside to buy some candied snacks for the concubine according to the instructions of the son.As soon as he left the door, he saw Yuan Dalang, who delivered food every day, still waiting outside.

Ziyue looked up at the sky, it was getting late, shouldn't Yuan Dalang go home after delivering the dishes?She stepped forward and asked, "Brother Yuan, what's the matter?"

"Miss Ziyue." Yuan Dalang's eyes lit up when he saw the person approaching, he rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, and said, "Before I delivered food to the palace, it was Miss Ziyue who paid for me every day, but why? In the past few days...Miss Ziyue didn't come, and the little brother who picked up the food didn't pay the bill every day..."

Ziyue slapped her head: "Look at me, I forgot to explain. The concubine Shizi is pregnant, and now the concubine is in charge, so I may not have made it clear. Brother Yuan, I'm really sorry, I'll make it up for you right now."

"The imperial concubine is pregnant? That's really a happy event." Yuan Dalang smiled honestly, his dark face flushed slightly: "I didn't come here on purpose to ask for money, it's just my mother's illness... I need money every day."

"I understand, I was negligent, here it is." Ziyue handed over the change: "Is this enough for today? I don't have much money on me, so I will tell Shi Zifei later, and I will pay you what I owe you."

"Enough is enough." Yuan Dalang counted, returned the extra copper coins, and said in embarrassment: "The people in the kitchen said that Shi Zifei vomited badly. I have some pickled spicy cabbage at home. Everyone who is pregnant nearby loves to eat it, why don't you give it to Shi Zifei?"

He looked awkwardly at the load and the vegetable basket beside him, and picked up a small jar from it: "The concubine is noble...but without the concubine, I don't know where to send the vegetables...these are rough food , Miss Ziyue, look..."

Ziyue took it with a smile, opened it and smelt it, the smell was even better than the ones bought outside, and said: "Brother Xie Yuan is interested, I will give it to Shi Zifei to taste. If you like it, I will have to trouble Brother Yuan in the future. This is money for pickles."

(End of this chapter)

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