The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 427 Eating is a blessing

Chapter 427 Eating is a blessing (3)
Duan Yunsu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he responded happily.

After the reaction of morning sickness passed, Duan Yunsu suddenly fell in love with eating.Zhao Hechen saw that she gnawed the roast chicken clean, but didn't think much about it.

The dinner was very good, and Duan Yunsu ate two more bowls. Princess An was happy to say that it was a blessing to be able to eat.

Someone got up in the middle of the night and found the porridge simmering in the kitchen. Zhao Hechen sat with her and watched her eat it up.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Hechen hadn't even left for the morning, so the housekeeper and his wife had breakfast leisurely.This breakfast is really early enough, Zhao Hechen calculated the time, he just ate it last night, how could he really be hungry so quickly?
Seeing that Duan Yunsu was about to wipe out the plate of pastries, Zhao Hechen finally lost his composure: "My lady, are you not going to hold on?"

Duan Yunsu glanced at the small dish and small bowl, and said with disgust: "Such a little bit, how can I eat enough. Ziyue, didn't the kitchen say that there is still mixed porridge, why didn't the spicy cabbage come up today?"


Zhao Hechen came over to touch her stomach, but was slapped away by someone: "What are you doing, the baby is eating, don't move around."

"Baby... grows so fast." Zhao Hechen squinted at the swollen belly.

"Of course, otherwise it's all in vain." Duan Yunsu touched the baby in his belly who was growing faster and faster, thinking to himself that he would take his pulse carefully today.But before feeling the pulse, I still want to eat enough: "Sui Er, this princess suddenly wants to eat pork knuckle, let the kitchen prepare it at noon."

Think of pork knuckle early in the morning?The corner of Zhao Hechen's mouth twitched: "Lady, didn't you say that eating that food would make you lose your image?"

Duan Yunsu glared at him: "Your baby wants to eat, how dare you despise this concubine's lack of image?"

Well, it would be wrong to say too much.Zhao Hechen adjusted his clothes and went to court early.

Duan Yunsu in the room was full and planned to go out for a walk.The sky was dim, and many autumn insects were heard singing softly in the grass, and they were startled by Duan Yunsu's footsteps, and they all stopped when they walked by.

Ziyue carefully supported Duan Yunsu, fortunately there was no dew this morning, otherwise the wetland would be slippery, and it would be bad if there was a mistake.

"Ziyue, is that Shuisheng?" Duan Yunsu asked suddenly.

Ziyue looked over, and saw a small figure dancing with a sword: "It's Young Master Shui Sheng. I heard that Young Master Shui Sheng practices here every day."

Duan Yunsu was a little worried when he saw that he was only wearing a thin piece of clothing, and he didn't wear an extra one when it was cold.In the past, I heard that Shuisheng got up early to practice swords, but I didn't expect it to be so early. Chenchen had just gone to the morning court. A child couldn't stand it for a long time.

She walked over, and Shuisheng was surprised to see Duan Yunsu, and turned his wrist to hold the sword.He happily ran over, smiling a little shyly: "Aunt Su, did you get up so early today?"

Duan Yunsu took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "You don't wear too much, be careful of catching a cold."

"Shuisheng practiced sword fever, so I took it off." He looked at the place where his clothes were piled up with some embarrassment.

"You need to put it on immediately after practice, you know?" Duan Yunsu picked up a small piece of dead leaf stuck in his hair, and said softly: "I can't stand it when I wake up so early, and I have to go to private school later. "

"The master said that the stupid bird flies first." The child's eyes had a strange attachment: "You have to be very good at water, and then you can protect the person you want to protect."

Duan Yunsu was moved by his firmness, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Shuisheng is not stupid, my aunt saw just now that Shuisheng danced the sword very well."

After all, Shuisheng was just a child, and when he heard someone praise him, he was very excited, the light in his eyes flickered, and he grinned and saw a missing front tooth.

Duan Yunsu almost laughed out loud when he saw it, Shuisheng had reached the age to change his teeth.

Shuisheng was a little embarrassed, and shut his mouth immediately after reacting, but the smile in his eyes did not diminish: "Aunt Su needs to rest well, and the younger siblings in her stomach need to sleep."

"Okay, Aunt Su will go back now, Shui Sheng practice sword carefully, don't hurt yourself." Duan Yunsu explained, and stopped disturbing his homework, and walked back with Ziyue.

After walking about ten steps, she turned her head and saw that Shui Sheng had already started dancing with his sword in his hand, his small face was full of seriousness.

"Ziyue, tell the kitchen to stew some bone soup later, and send those sweets to the aquatic house instead."

"Yes, Crown Princess."

After eating and sitting in the room for a while, Duan Yunsu began to feel sleepy, his upper eyelids covered his lower eyelids, and he was so heavy that he couldn't open them.Duan Yunsu sighed secretly, is this life like a pig?She lay down on the bed crookedly, and soon lost consciousness.

Ziyue came in softly and covered her with the quilt, then turned around and went to the kitchen to explain the food.

Xu Shi woke up once last night, and got up early this morning. Duan Yunsu slept very deeply this time. When he woke up, the sun was high, and the sound of chirping birds rang out in the courtyard.

"Concubine Shi Zi woke up? Do you want some snacks?" Sui'er lifted the bed curtain and hung it up, helping her to get dressed.

"What time is it?"

"It's time to return to the princess concubine."

Duan Yunsu sat quietly for a while and said, "Bring my silver needle here."

Sui'er went to find the silver needle, but Duan Yunsu had already gone out, so she hurriedly followed.

Duan Yunsu is going to the guest room where the old lady lives. Her legs and feet are already healed, and she can walk on the ground logically, but she likes to lie down for some reason. She is not in a hurry, so she can do nothing.I went over today to see if my mother-in-law still wouldn't let her get rid of the poison on her face.

Just as he was walking to the door, the door opened by itself, and it turned out that Shui Sheng came out of it.

Duan Yunsu was a little surprised to see him: "Shui Sheng, are you not going to the private school today?"

"Aunt Su, Mr. is sick and asked for leave today." Seeing that Duan Yunsu was going in, Shui Sheng turned his body to get out of the way.

"What is it in your hand?" Duan Yunsu saw something pinched by Shui Sheng's two fingers with his sharp eyes, and he was still twisting his body and struggling desperately.

Shuisheng raised his hand, it turned out to be a black centipede, Sui'er next to him trembled, and timidly hid: "Master Shuisheng, this thing is poisonous, how can you grab it."

"Grandma taught me, don't be afraid." Shui Sheng pursed his lips and smiled.

Duan Yunsu on the side was staring at the centipede, not saying a word for a long time, Sui'er thought that the concubine was frightened: "Concubine, what's wrong with you?"

"Sui'er." After a long time, Duan Yunsu said something.

"The servant is here."

Duan Yunsu said quietly: "Tell me, can the centipede be eaten after being fried?"

Sui'er's jaw dropped in shock, this... Shi Zifei was thinking about eating? !It's all her fault, it's all her fault that she didn't bring some cakes into the house just now, you see, the imperial concubine is so hungry that she wants to play with this thing!
There was cooing laughter from the room. Although it was daytime, the windows were tightly closed, and a curtain was hung on the place where the light was transmitted, making the sound a little dark and gloomy.The old lady inside spoke, her voice hoarse like a broken gong: "Miss Yunsu, help me find the five poisons and give them to the boy outside."

(End of this chapter)

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