Chapter 428
Duan Yunsu was startled: "Okay, mother-in-law."

"Boy, don't close the door yet."

When Shuisheng was called, he closed the door immediately by reflex, only to realize later that Aunt Su came to find his mother-in-law, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Duan Yunsu heard her mother-in-law's words, and knew that her mother-in-law was unwilling to detoxify, so she stopped forcing her. She touched Shuisheng's head and said, "Shuisheng will go back to rest, and he will practice martial arts in the afternoon."

Shuisheng pursed his smile, and Duan Yunsu knocked on his forehead. Could it be that he still planned to smile without showing his teeth for a day without teeth growing?
Shuisheng obediently went back to his small yard. Duan Yunsu just woke up, full of energy, remembering Awu and Xiaohei who hadn't been around for a long time, and decided to go to the garden to see if they were there.

Since Awu went to Huo's mansion to protect Xiaohei, Xiaohei seems to have a better impression of Awu, and likes to cling to it and make trouble. When he sees Awu having fun with Xiaobao, he will get involved no matter what.

Xiao Bao was picked up by the prince to visit her. A Wu and Xiao Hei liked to hang around her, but also liked to hide in the garden.

Duan Yunsu walked forward, watching the chrysanthemums slowly wither, and the colder the chrysanthemums would not be able to bloom.

Looking around, Duan Yunsu didn't see A Wu's figure, and was thinking whether to shout, when he saw Ziyue coming from the other side of the path, her footsteps hurried, not knowing what to do.

Duan Yunsu called her, Ziyue stopped in her tracks, turned around and saw that it was Shizi Concubine, and hurriedly saluted her.

"Where are you going, in such a hurry?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"Concubine Shizi, Yuan Dalang, do you still remember that the mountain goods that I sent to Concubine Shizi two days ago agreed to be paid today." Ziyue replied politely: "The steward and servant girl who were supposed to pay the bill can talk about it. I'm sick today, so let the slaves help."

Yuan Dalang?Duan Yunsu remembered this person, and now besides delivering vegetables, if he got any other ingredients, he would bring them to the palace for a try. He was the one who sent the dried mushrooms the day before yesterday.

"I'll go with you."

I remember that when I first met this man, he was very simple and honest, but I didn't expect him to have a flexible mind. I heard that the spicy cabbage was pickled by him himself. He is a big man with skillful hands.

"Ah?" Ziyue was startled for a moment, and then felt that she had lost her manners, so she quickly closed her mouth and followed Duan Yunsu's footsteps.

Outside the back door, Yuan Dalang was standing still, when the door opened, he saw a beautiful little woman, he was stunned for a moment before he realized it.

"See... see the princess."

The concubine Shizi's face was fortunate to have seen once before, and with her belly upright, she would definitely not recognize the wrong person.

"Get up, where is Ziyue, why don't you come to pay the bill?" Duan Yunsu stood aside and watched with a smile.

Ziyue was a little puzzled, how could Shi Zifei be interested in this today and even come here to watch?She took out the half penny she had prepared, handed it over and said, "Brother Yuan, let's see if it's enough? Is it because your mother is sick again, so you're in such a hurry?"

Yuan Dalang didn't count the money after receiving it, he held it tightly in his hands, with a downcast expression: "My mother passed away a month ago."

"Ah, I'm so sorry." Ziyue covered her mouth and accidentally asked about his sadness.

Yuan Dalang raised his head and forced a smile: "Miss Xie Ziyue is concerned, and my mother... will be more relaxed after she is gone."

He was tortured by illness every day. Two years ago, the doctor said it was hopeless. It was because he was unwilling to give up and had to survive.It was only later that I found out that my mother had secretly stopped taking the medicine recently.

Yuan Dalang looked at the money and silver in his hands, hesitant in his sadness, looking very tangled.

"Brother Yuan, do you still have any difficulties?" Ziyue caught the hesitation in his eyes.

Yuan Dalang hesitated for a while, and thought for a long time before he dared to speak: "Miss Ziyue, can you lend me some more money? I will pay you back immediately after I sell the vegetables, and I will definitely not owe you forever!"

Ziyue frowned puzzledly: "The money just now wasn't enough?" Now that his mother is gone, he doesn't need to spend money on medicine every day, so how could it be enough to live on?

"I'm not afraid of Miss Ziyue's jokes after I said it." Yuan Dalang's dark face turned red with embarrassment: "I picked up a girl in the vegetable field outside my house two days ago... that girl is weak, I I want to buy some tonics to go back..."

girl? !Gossip flashed in Ziyue's eyes instantly, Yuan Dalang's family hid a girl, what a rarity!It has been a long time for this person to deliver food to the palace, she knows more or less, originally thought that Yuan Dalang was going to pass by alone, but she didn't expect to pick up a girl!

"How much do you want to borrow? Which family does that girl belong to? How old is she? What does she look like? Why is she on your vegetable patch?" Ziyue opened her mouth and asked a quick question, directly making Yuan Dalang angry.

"Cough." Duan Yunsu cleared his cough, and finally Ziyue stopped talking.

Ziyue smiled dryly, and took out the broken silver on her body: "I only have so much on me, do you see enough? This is what I saved up little by little. If I didn't see that you are serious, I wouldn't take it out."

Seeing that he could really borrow money, Yuan Dalang thanked him again and again.

I don't know which family the girl is from. Could it be that she was injured and passed out on the ground of Yuan Dalang?Duan Yunsu looked at the man in front of him leisurely, and saw that he took out a handkerchief from his bosom and stuffed the broken silver and the half wallet into his bosom.The pattern on the handkerchief made Duan Yunsu narrow his eyes. This handkerchief...

"Wait a minute." Duan Yunsu said with a smile: "Brother Yuan, I'm afraid that the silver is not enough, I'm giving you some. And this hairpin, you give it to that girl. If you like someone, you have to speak up. Just giving medicine is useless."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Dalang rubbed his hands in embarrassment when his thoughts were seen through.

Sui'er took out the broken silver, and saw that Shi Zifei had pulled out a hairpin from her head, she was a little anxious.This hairpin is often worn by the crown prince, is it really going to be given away?
Duan Yunsu raised an eyebrow at Sui'er, who had no choice but to follow Shi Zifei's wishes.When Shizi finds out that Shizi concubine gave the hairpin to a man casually, he will definitely be angry.

Everyone left, Duan Yunsu saw that there was nothing to see, so he walked back leisurely.Back in the house, Duan Yunsu sent two maids out: "Duanchen, are you there?"

Duan Chen holding his sword appeared a few steps away.

"Did you see that man just now? Follow him to his house to see who is that girl." Duan Yunsu said calmly.

"Yes." With a flash of black shadow, Duanchen disappeared in the same place.

After seeing the handkerchief and hearing Yuan Dalang's words, Duan Yunsu hoped that she was overthinking, because this is not a very good guess, and she would rather be overthinking.

It's just that the news that Duanchen brought back made her heart sink again and again.

"Does the Concubine Shizi want my subordinates to investigate the matter?" Duan Chen remained expressionless, as if there was nothing he could care about.

"No need, if she is willing to say it then, I'll ask again."

Hearing what Duan Yunsu said, Duanchen knew that his mission had been completed.Just as he was about to dodge and hide in the dark, he keenly sensed that something was being grabbed at him. Just as he was about to make a move, he discovered that it was the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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