The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 434 Two babies in belly?

Chapter 434 Two babies in belly? (4)
"It's good, but it's a bit boring." Duan Yunrong complained: "When you take a step, the maids and nurses follow closely, and you can't even walk alone. The soup is brought every day, elder sister, look, is Rong'er growing fat? gone?"

Duan Yunrong pointed at his own face, very annoyed.

Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was really rounded. It seems that Zhao Huanzhen really cared about the third sister.But which woman doesn't love beauty, no wonder Duan Yunrong is upset.Seeing that her temperament seems to be more cheerful than before, life should be going well.

"Eldest sister hasn't congratulated second brother herself yet, it's really good to be ranked second." Duan Yunsu said.

"Second brother won't be afraid of big sister's jokes if he says it." Duan Yufang smiled embarrassedly: "At first, I thought that I would win the first prize. If the second brother is better, then both the younger sister and the eldest sister will have a backer, and life will be smoother in the future. .”

Duan Yunsu smiled reassuringly: "It's good that the second brother has this kind of heart, the eldest sister lives happily in the palace, and the third sister... the situation in Duan's mansion is just right."

Several people are well aware that Duan Yunrong is favored now, firstly because the emperor loves it in his heart, and secondly because Duan Yufang is the second best in the Duan family, who has just come out of office and has no power, so the emperor will not worry too much.

Duan Yunrong saw that the atmosphere became gloomy, and said with a smile: "Brother, do you know why that man won the first prize?"

Sure enough, Duan Yufang raised his head curiously.

"The emperor said that the number one scholar has a lot of talent, but it's more fun to play dumb."

Duan Yunsu's eyes widened. To choose the No. [-] scholar, you still have to choose a showy one?Thinking of Tang Yuan calling her girl again and again, Duan Yunsu was also speechless.

Duan Yufang also remembered Tang Yuan's speech and expression in the palace examination, and said bitterly: "So the emperor thinks I'm not funny enough?"

Duan Yunrong burst out laughing.

The number one scholar will be the emperor's right-hand man in the future, and Zhao Huanzhen deliberately chooses someone who has no background and no backing, so he will be more at ease in using him.If you choose Duan Yufang from the General's Mansion, it will be too eye-catching, not to mention Duan Yunrong who is the champion of the Sixth Palace.

It was rare for a few people to get together, and they sent away the servant girl Shannanhaibei to say it happily, the emperor should have issued an order, and there was no court lady on the way to urge Duan Yunrong to return to the palace.

It's just that as the time passed, the few people still had to leave eventually, Duan Yunrong couldn't help but think about what method to use next time before leaving the palace.

Duan Yunsu got into the carriage, but instead of going back, he wanted to turn to the Renhe Hall.

The carriage made a detour and arrived at the market. Duan Yunsu couldn't help getting out of the carriage to take a stroll while watching the lively scene.

Duan Yunsu saw the little porcelain figurine given to Xiaobao by the prince. It turned out to be the handicraft of an old grandfather.She stepped forward, looked left and right, liked it very much, made a copy just like A Wu and Xiao Hei, told a maid to stay and wait, and walked forward again.

The smell of meat coming from the cage brightened Duan Yunsu's eyes, and when he was about to go there, Ziyue held him back: "Concubine Shizi, I have told you, concubine Shizi can't eat things on the side of the road. If you are hungry, go directly Zuixiang Building."

Duan Yunsu rubbed his stomach, but he was just greedy, so he just didn't want to eat.But... Zuixianglou?Didn't Chenchen say he has a crystal elbow?Duan Yunsu's eyes were bright and dim, and Ziyue who was next to her was taken aback by those eyes.

Could it be that the crown prince is really hungry? !

Now Duan Yunsu has a legitimate reason even if she is greedy to go to the sky. She supported her waist and walked towards Zuixianglou with a smile.

"Shi Zifei really wants to go to the Zuixiang Building?" Ziyue glanced at the direction she was going, and said, "There are too many people over there, why don't you go back to the mansion first, and the slaves will buy it for you?"

"Your young master and young lady said that they want to eat something fresh and hot."

Ziyue stared straight at her eyes, she was so excited to take back the palace!
The East Street is lively, with many restaurants and beggars.Duan Yunsu just saw a man being entangled to beg for money not far away, and he took two steps forward, unexpectedly seeing one on his side.

The beggar stretched out the broken bowl, his eyes casually glanced at the purses of Ziyue and Duan Yunsu, before he could speak, the guard behind him stepped forward to block the beggar, making the beggar back a few meters in fright.Seeing that the guard was wearing a sword, the beggar turned around and ran away.

"Run away now? Originally, I wanted to give him some coins." Ziyue shook her head.

Duan Yunsu smiled without saying a word.

"Why are there more beggars on the street?" Ziyue frowned, logically speaking, now that she has settled down, there should be fewer beggars.

A guard behind him seemed to know, and said, "Miss Ziyue hasn't heard of it yet? It is rumored among the people that the emperor intends to rectify it by letting the homeless people dig canals, saying that they will do it with labor, starting from the capital first, and even beggars with some strength want to Come and see if there is a way out."

Work instead?Duan Yun Su Qing coughed, this... It seems that he talked about it with Zhao Hechen one night.

"So that's how it is." Ziyue suddenly realized, looked to her side and said: "Male beggars are okay, but women have no strength?"

It turned out that there was a beggar with disheveled hair coming over. Looking at those small feet, it should be a woman.Ziyue was still looking at her, but she didn't expect the beggar to rush towards Duan Yunsu like crazy, frightening her so that she directly blocked Shi Zifei.

"You bitch, I finally let me see you!" The beggar's voice was cracked and hoarse, under the mess of hair, a pair of poisonous eyes fixed on Duan Yunsu.

"Where is the crazy woman! Pull her away quickly, don't scare the concubine Shizi." Ziyue said loudly.

Several guards were about to step forward, but were stopped by Duan Yunsu.She pulled away Ziyue who was standing in front of her, and said, "Duan Yunshang, so you are still alive."

Ziyue was taken aback, this crazy woman is Duan Yunshang who was once incomparably beautiful? !It was repaired so ruthlessly before, but it is still alive until now, what a fate!

Duan Yunshang laughed crazily, and the people on the side of the road looked back when they passed by, and shook their heads regretfully, what's so interesting about a lunatic, maybe he's hungry and crazy.

"Of course I want to live. How can I die if you're not dead?" Duan Yunshang muttered, looking like a lunatic, she rushed up: "Why why! Didn't you hurt me enough? , now showing off in front of me? Bah!"

"Concubine Shizi, is this person insane?" Ziyue frowned, watching the guards stop her.

Duan Yunsu laughed, when did he harm her?There is only one road, so why does she have to fight with a beggar?She walked forward, looked at the restrained woman, turned her wrist under the wide sleeve lightly, pinched a pill, and said with a smile: "Duan Yunshang, is this enough? , have you thought about today?"

"You!" Duan Yunshang opened his eyes angrily: "I should have worked harder at the beginning, but I didn't expect to let you breathe a sigh of relief!"

(End of this chapter)

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