Chapter 435 Choice (1)
"No, no, no." Duan Yunsu corrected, and approached her regardless of her dirty appearance, smiled wantonly, and said quietly: "I really died at the beginning, second sister, your hands are strong enough."

Duan Yunshang's eyes widened.

"To this day, you still don't know how to repent. The King of Hades said that you should go and pay for Duan Yunsu..."

Duan Yunsu's cold voice rang in her ears, and Duan Yunshang trembled in horror: "You are not human!"

"Why is this concubine not a human being? You can see that there are people everywhere." Duan Yunsu leisurely pointed at the shadow on the ground, seeing her opening her mouth to shout, she narrowed her eyes, and flicked her fingers to put something into her mouth.

Duan Yunshang coughed fiercely, and wanted to shout out, but found that her throat seemed to be choked, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.She looked at the person in front of her in fear, unable to utter a single sound.

"Have you realized it now? That's what I felt when Duan Yunsu's neck was strangled." After she backed away, her smiling face was stained with frost, and she said softly, "Just like this little by little struggle, the lung cavity was squeezed." oppressed, suffocated."

The guards and maids behind all looked at the beggar in front of him, obviously there was nothing around, but suddenly struggled like crazy, and said worriedly: "Concubine Shizi, let's go back to the mansion, why does this beggar feel like he is stained with something dirty? "

Duan Yunsu smiled, nodded and walked back.

More than a hundred steps away, the beggar behind him suddenly fell silent and fell to the ground, hitting the wooden frame behind him, leaning on it quietly, motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.

On a street full of people coming and going, who would pay attention to a beggar who is so ordinary.

Outside the gate of Prince An's mansion, Prince An was leading Xiaobao out of the mansion, and Zhao Hechen just came back from the palace, accompanied by Master Qi Miaoqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

Mr. Qi was a little surprised to see Prince An. People in the court said that Prince An now has a grandson who has everything to do. He takes his grandson out to visit from time to time, and his life is very uncomfortable.

"My lord, long time no see, are you going out for a walk?" Lord Qi bowed his hands.

Prince An smiled: "I have an appointment with Lord Yang today, is Lord Qi free? Why don't we go and sit together?"

"That's not good, I'm afraid it would be presumptuous for Weichen to come over so suddenly."

"No problem, no problem. In the past, it was just drinking and composing poems, with many people having fun."

"This..." Mr. Qi hesitated a little: "There are still some matters that have not been dealt with in the mansion, and I have to go over and explain them in person."

The two of them were polite, and seeing Lord Qi's hesitant expression, Prince An wanted to invite him over together.Xiao Bao watched the two of you come and talk to each other, and broke away from Prince An's hand and went to play by himself.

Prince An took a look at Xiaobao and saw that he was touching the stone lion in front of the door curiously, and Zhao Hechen was also watching not far away, so he relaxed and played with him.

"Lord Qi, your son has been promoted as Tanhualang, you should learn from me. Sooner or later, this will be a matter for the next generation, and you should relax earlier." Prince An was very relieved, look, his son is It's different, how comfortable I am living this day.

Master Qi laughed: "My lord is joking, the dog is just fledgling, and he is not good enough to take on great responsibilities."

Zhao Hechen stood quietly on the side, looking at Xiaobao from time to time, seeing that he was actually climbing up the stone lion, he was afraid that he would fall down.

He took a few steps forward to hold Xiaobao back, when suddenly a figure flashed by the wall of the palace.Zhao Hechen narrowed his eyes dangerously, who in the palace is so sneaky?

Qing Shu appeared out of thin air, knelt down and saluted: "My lord."

"The people who are arranged to patrol the palace, why don't they report the changes?" Zhao Hechen lowered his face.

Qing Shu glanced in that direction quietly, and replied: "Return to the Lord, there have been many beggars in the capital recently, and more and more people are walking around the edge of the palace. This person is not like other beggars. Come back quietly, the subordinates are thinking about the purpose of secretly observing this person."

Purpose?What good can come of being sneaky.Zhao Hechen was about to ask Qingshu to deal with that person, when he heard Anqin Dynasty say: "Chen'er, Father and Lord Qi have to go first, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to bring Xiaobao, you take him back."

Zhao Hechen turned around and responded, watching Prince An and Master Qi leave.

Zhao Hechen's guess was not wrong, the person who hid was really not playing with any good ideas.Seeing that Prince An was gone, Zhao Hechen turned his back, feeling that it would be difficult to have such an opportunity again, and regardless of his haste, he made up his mind to rush to Xiaobao's side with all his might.

How could it be that Zhao Hechen didn't see it, he just waited for that person to rush to the front, stepped in front of Xiaobao and stretched out his foot to kick that person's heart.The man rolled directly to the ground, obviously without a single bit of martial arts.

Looking for death to find him, and want to touch his son?Zhao Hechen's eyes were filled with chills, and he paced and stood in front of the man.

With a sound of "Hey", Xiao Bao ran over and grabbed his father's sleeve, looking curiously at the people on the ground.

Seeing this, the servant at the door hurried forward: "My lord, this man..."

"Take the young master to the princess." Zhao Hechen ordered.

"Yes." The servant stepped forward to ask his little master to go back to the mansion, and Xiao Bao pursed his lips in dissatisfaction and wanted to stay.The little servant stretched out his hand to pull, but seeing Zhao Hechen was beside him, he didn't dare to make a move. When he was crying, Zhao Hechen gave him a cold look, and hurriedly took the little ancestor away.

"I really didn't expect that a fool would turn over one day." The man on the ground spoke while clutching his chest, the voice was still female.

Under the messy hair, the raised face of the man made Zhao Hechen narrow his eyes slightly. It was actually Duan Yunjin?Wasn't this person dealt with by Zhao Huanzhen together with his former concubine? How could he still appear here?
"Zhao Huanyi died in prison, logically speaking, you should be buried with him." Zhao Hechen said quietly, seeing the man's movements froze.

She raised her head abruptly, and the eyes exposed in the hair were spitting poison: "I am in such a mess, are you satisfied? What are you winning and losing? I'm sorry!"

"Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with me." Zhao Hechen snorted coldly: "Is it too long to take the idea on my head today?" It is still such a clumsy method, it is simply courting death.No wonder the lady doesn't care about this person at all, even if she doesn't do anything, the mud in this person's mind is enough to kill herself.

Too long?Duan Yunjin laughed suddenly, his voice was sharp and piercing.She is not reconciled!Both her aunt and elder brother passed away, and the second sister, who made her extremely jealous, is now in a state of desperation.The former glory and wealth are now cast aside by everyone, and it is these people who have driven her to a dead end!
"Kill me if you have the guts. I dared to come here without thinking of going back alive!" Duan Yunjin said sharply.

"I want to die, but this son is not as good as you want." Zhao Hechen smiled, and suddenly his whole face turned cold, with an uncontrollable chill all over his body: "Qingshu, send this person to Yizuilou, as an inferior The hard work of a maid. Aren’t you superior, this son will let you taste the taste of a lowly person!”

(End of this chapter)

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