Chapter 436 Choice (2)
"No, you can't do this!" Duan Yunjin struggled fiercely in Qingshu's hands, where in Yizuilou, it would be better to kill her directly!

"Tell the bustard, if this person dies within two days, don't even think about opening her building." Zhao Hechen turned around and walked back with his hands behind his hands, as if looking at an ant.

Qingshu got the order, and took the man directly to Liuxiang.

Zhao Hechen's face was calm, as if nothing happened just now.However, when he turned around and saw the situation in front of the mansion, Zhao Hechen's expression, which had just stopped, instantly turned dark again.

It turned out that Duan Yunsu had also returned, standing outside the door and taking two steps back from time to time, the one who entangled his wife was actually the number one scholar Tang Yuan!
"You nerd, this is the eldest concubine of my palace, what kind of girl!"

I only heard Ziyue yelling, spraying at the nerd.

"Yes... Xiaosheng misunderstood, girl, I came back today to..." Tang Yuanbaijing's face was slightly red, and he lowered his head slightly, not daring to look directly into Duan Yunsu's eyes.

"Return the girl!" Ziyue almost kicked her past, Shizi Concubine's stomach is full, is this woman's hair combed in white, and she is the number one scholar, ah!

"Yes... I'm sorry." Tang Yuan was frightened by such a fierce maid, and he said to Ziyue: "Girl, women should behave properly, you are really..."

Ziyue didn't wait for him to finish speaking, she glared angrily: "What's wrong, this girl is aggressive by nature, I'm hindering you!"

"Ziyue." Duan Yunsu called softly, Ziyue could only snort and stop talking.

"Young Master Tang, what's the point of calling this concubine to stop?" Duan Yunsu was not annoyed by this man anyway.

Tang Yuan approached Duan Yunsu, and finally saw the angel in his heart, his mind was filled with uncontrollable excitement, just as he stretched out his hand to Duan Yunsu, unexpectedly, the figure in front of him flickered, and his left eye socket was suddenly punched middle.

Tang Yuan yelled: "In broad daylight, someone beats you wantonly. There is no law. Xiaosheng... Xiaosheng must go to the audiovisual..."

"Young Master Tang, do you mean that you want to go to see the emperor with this son?"

Tang Yuan paused, looked at Zhao Hechen with one intact eye, and murmured brokenly: "A gentleman speaks but doesn't move, the son's way of doing this is really insulting to the gentleman, Gu Yun said..."

A vein twitched on Zhao Hechen's forehead, and he hugged Duan Yunsu directly: "Lady, let's go in."

"Girl, stay!" Seeing that Duan Yunsu was about to leave, Tang Yuan hurriedly followed, but Zhao Hechen stared back at the sound of a girl who was about to speak again, and his voice trembled: "Shi... Princess Concubine, Xiaosheng is To pay you back the silver."

silver?Duan Yunsu turned around.

"When I went to Beijing to catch the exam, thank you for your kind help. Xiaosheng finally met you today, so I want to return the money."

As soon as Tang Yuan finished speaking, he raised his head and saw Zhao Hechen's half-smile expression, and unconsciously took a step back.

"Mr. Tang really has a heart. It's just that you and I meet in the palace every day. Why don't you give the money and silver to this prince to bring back?" Zhao Hechen gritted his teeth and looked at a certain nerd.

"Ah! This..." Tang Yuan blushed slightly, and stammered, "It's only when you come in person that you show your sincerity."

Zhao Hechen snorted and signaled Ziyue to bring the things over: "Since there is nothing else, Mr. Tang should disappear quickly, otherwise..."

"Xiaosheng, I'll go now, I'll go now." Tang Yuan seemed a little afraid of Zhao Hechen, so he turned around and walked back.

Duan Yunsu was carried into the mansion by his arms, and went directly to the Chaojin Courtyard. Thinking of Tang Yuan's amused appearance, Duan Yunsu couldn't help asking: "Master, is this person really the number one scholar?"

Zhao Hechen chuckled lightly and scratched her nose: "You can't judge a person by his appearance. When this person talks about the affairs of the court, his whole person changes. He talks eloquently and elegantly, but he usually looks like this when you see him."

"So strange?" Duan Yunsu was very surprised: "No wonder the emperor said he was funny. People who don't know the truth must be wondering why the emperor chose such a champion."

Outside Chaojin Courtyard, without warning, Zhao Hechen bowed his head and kissed her, watching the servants coming and going, Duan Yunsu pinched him in embarrassment.

Zhao Hechen's eyes were full of tenderness, and he whispered in his ears: "My lady, go back to the house first, and I will go to the study for my husband."

Duan Yunsu's ears were extremely sensitive, and they turned red all at once, he gave him a look and walked in, Ziyue, who was still looking down and pretending to be wooden, raised her feet to catch up.

Sui'er stayed in the courtyard all the time, and was overjoyed to see the imperial concubine come back, but when she thought of the people in the house, she was a little bit embarrassed, tugging at her sleeves, not knowing what to say.

Seeing her tangled expression, Duan Yunsu asked in confusion, "Sui'er have something to say?"

"Consort Shi Zi." Sui'er paused, stomped her feet and said, "Concubine Shi Zi, you will know when you go in and have a look, even slaves can't stop you."

Duan Yunsu, who didn't know why, approached the house, and saw Tinghe inside at a glance.I saw that she was wiping the decorations on the shelf with a handkerchief, her face was slightly flushed, it was going to be cold, and there was sweat on her forehead.

"Listen, what are you doing?" Duan Yunsu stepped forward and took the handkerchief from her hand.

"Miss is back?" Ting He turned around with a smile, went to the table again and was handed warm water: "Miss, take a rest quickly, are you thirsty, drink a glass of water first?"

Duan Yunsu was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that Ting He, who had a silly smile back then, had returned.She regained her senses, took the cup and said, "I'll let you have a good rest, why come out to work, you're not a maid now."

"Miss, Ting He would rather be your maid." Ting He smiled, but anyone with a discerning eye could see the far-fetchedness in it: "My waist is sore from lying down all the time, maybe it will heal faster if you move more."

Duan Yunsu shook his head: "Did you think wildly again while lying down? Your slave status has long since disappeared. This is not what you should do."

"Ting He doesn't want to be an idler. Those who eat in the palace and live in the palace, how can they get by without doing something." Ting He knew the current situation, and when he lay down, he would think of the past and the child who had no fate.Her heart was sour and she almost cried, she suppressed her smile and said, "What's wrong with Miss's house? Ting He went over to help."

Duan Yunsu sighed softly, knowing that she also wanted to do something to divert her attention, and said, "It's better to take care of Xiao Hei, that little thing won't let others take care of it."

"Xiao Hei is already that big, and with Awu by his side, I'm afraid it won't be suitable." Ting He refused, she knew that the Shi Zifei wanted her to do something easy, but Xiao Hei no longer needed to be like a child when he grew up. Take care like before.

Seeing that Duan Yunsu was in trouble, Ziyue rolled her eyes, remembered something, and said, "Concubine Shizi, you don't care about the house now, so I'm afraid you didn't pay attention. Isn't the steward in the kitchen sick? Why don't you let Sister Tinghe go and replace her?" How many days? Wait until Shi Zifei finds something more suitable before asking Sister Tinghe to do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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