The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 438 The Grand Finale

Chapter 438 The Grand Finale (1)
Zhao Fang lowered his head in shame.

"Are you really regretting and want to take Tinghe back?"

Duan Yunsu's words brightened Zhao Fang's eyes: "It's natural, as long as Ting He is willing to go back, I can do anything."

"Then listen carefully." Duan Yunsu smiled softly: "Tinghe doesn't want to be the mistress of the Huo family, but only wants the two of them to grow old together. Are you willing to get rid of all the concubines in the family and give up everything in the Huo family? In exchange for Ting He's heart?"

The room was quiet, and Ziyue quietly turned her head to look behind the screen, but she didn't see any movement.

Duan Yunsu stared into his eyes, and slightly parted his thin lips: "You hesitated, go back."

"Concubine Shizi, I..." Zhao Fang wanted to defend himself.

"Ziyue, see off the guests."

"Concubine Shizi, is Tinghe here? Did she ask you to ask these questions?" Zhao Fang shook off Ziyue who invited him out, looked around, his gaze fell behind the screen, and walked inside.

"Mr. Huo, you are not allowed to enter the dormitory of the princess!" Ziyue stepped forward to block it.

Zhao Fang's eyes sank, and he tore the person away.

"Mr. Huo, you can't go in!" Zi Yue continued to stop him, frowning.

At this time, Zhao Fang would not listen to her words, he rushed in in two or three steps, and when he looked around, he didn't see half a person.His heart sank to the bottom, and a sense of powerlessness and sadness slowly came to his heart.

"How could this concubine lie to you, Mr. Huo, please go back." Duan Yunsu put down the tea cup and stood up calmly.

Zhao Fang clenched his fists tightly, turned his head to look around, and reluctantly lifted his foot to leave, went out the door, and almost bumped into the oncoming boy.

"The young master is not well, Miss is gone!" The servant plopped on his knees and complained.

"Why are you missing, aren't you staying in Yuzhou to observe filial piety!" Zhao Fang was in a very bad mood at the moment, and when he heard that Huo Ying, who had been sent off all the way, had an accident again, he became very irritable.

"People from Yuzhou sent a letter back, saying that the young lady ran away halfway."

"Then don't look for it yet!"

Zhao Fang flicked his sleeves and left angrily.Duan Yunsu saw his disappearing back, turned back to the house, and said to the inside: "Ting He, come out."

I saw Ting He appearing from the bed between the heavy curtains, with tears already on his face.

Duan Yunsu stepped forward: "This is your choice? Since you don't want to turn back, then stay with Sister Su in the palace. If you don't want to, no one can take you away."

Days passed by, Zhao Fang never came again, Ting He also slowly came out of his sad mood.She followed her advice and went to the kitchen to take care of the man who was in charge. Those who knew the matter kept silent about her past, and it was normal to get along with each other happily.

Duan Yunsu's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and he eats more.Princess An was afraid that the future grandson or granddaughter would compete for food in her stomach, so she found a lot of good things for the kitchen to get.

Ziyue went to the kitchen and took away the cakes made for the concubine Shizi, and she did not forget to explain: "Sister He, today is the day to pay the bill, should the money be in your hands? You can go to the back door to deliver it there. Those who sell wild goods settle the money."

Hearing He's answer, he carefully bypassed A Wu who was quietly staring at the live chicken in the kitchen, took the money and walked out.

After going to the back door to listen to the lotus, I found out that the person Ziyue said was delivering wild goods was actually Yuan Dalang who delivered vegetables on weekdays.With a wry smile, she stepped forward and handed over the money.

Yuan Dalang put down the shoulder pole, scratched his head with a naive smile: "Is Miss He in good health? Why don't you keep the money for yourself."

How could Ting He agree, she stuffed the money and silver, and said: "Ting He hasn't thanked Brother Yuan for taking care of me in those few days, but now I'm in good health, I'll thank you for your attention."

"That's good, that's good." Yuan Dalang stood where he was, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, He heard He said: "Since there is nothing wrong, I'll go back first, Brother Yuan, please go."

The back door was closed with a "squeak", and Yuan Dalang outside patted his forehead, annoyed that he was stupid and couldn't even say a word.

Ting He walked back, looked back at the closed back door, and shook his head gently.She understands what Ziyue means, but she also knows that she really doesn't have the energy to respond to someone's love with such a self.

"Sister Tinghe." Ziyue ran out from nowhere. Seeing her coming back so quickly, she pursed her lips and smiled again: "Sister Tinghe came back so soon? Sister Tinghe has a handkerchief on her body." I don’t have any, let’s embroider one together?”

Listening to He looked at her bright eyes, she smiled: "Ziyue, don't have any wrong thoughts, be careful, I will tell Shi Zifei to match you out, didn't you mean to send cakes to the young lady?"

"Sui'er took it." Ziyue smiled: "If Shi Zifei orders, then I will marry immediately."

"I didn't expect Ziyue to be at an age when she hated to marry." Ting Hediao laughed and walked back.

Seeing her figure, Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief.It's good to hear that Sister He is willing to make fun of her, but I'm afraid that she will keep silent about the marriage.

get married?Maybe the concubine Shi Zi will find her a servant soon, but after seeing the experience of sister Ting He, she really dare not expect much.

In a blink of an eye, it was cold again, and the branches and leaves all over the yard were gone, and there were even a lot of branches and leaves in the forest behind the mansion.Xiao Hei found something interesting again.The dead leaves that the maid had just swept into a pile were piled high in one place, and Xiao Hei walked through the middle with a sneer, and the fallen leaves were instantly messed up and scattered by the north wind.The sweeping maid had a headache, and the rabbit couldn't be driven away or beaten, so she could only pick up the broom and continue to work pitifully.

Duan Yunsu in Chaojin Courtyard suddenly wanted to eat roasted sweet potatoes, but there were really no such sweet potatoes in the palace. Ziyue sent a little maid to buy them and throw them in the stove to simmer, but now Duan Yunsu has no choice but to say no. This smell.Unable to eat what he wanted, Duan Yunsu looked at Ziyue with watery eyes and almost shed tears, and immediately made Ziyue so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

When Zhao Hechen came back, he saw her pitiful appearance, his heart softened and he planned to go out to look for her.He put his hand on his belly that was a little bigger, and suddenly the palm of his hand was bumped lightly, which made him withdraw his hand suddenly: "Lady, child..."

Duan Yunsu saw his eyes wide open in surprise, and smiled through tears: "The child is saying hello to Daddy."

She took Zhao Hechen's hand and put it back on her stomach, the little guy kicked him twice again in a face-saving manner, instantly making Zhao Hechen smile with joy.

"The two little guys inside want to eat roasted sweet potatoes?" Zhao Hechen stood up happily, forgetting that he had just come back: "I'll go right away and find an old man who can roast sweet potatoes."

"Sister, don't be so troublesome, maybe you'll be hungry for other things in a while." Duan Yunsu couldn't laugh or cry. He wanted to eat soup dumplings from Jiangzhou before, but Zhao Hechen directly brought the cook back to the mansion. It is too exaggerated to collect them all.

(End of this chapter)

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