The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 439 The Grand Finale

Chapter 439 The Grand Finale (2)
Zhao Hechen doesn't care so much, the lady has worked hard enough to carry the child, and she can't even eat what she wants, what a grievance!
He raised his foot to leave, but Shui Sheng grabbed his clothes.He looked back at Shuisheng suspiciously, only to see him smiling shyly, showing a missing front tooth: "Uncle Zhao, Shuisheng can roast sweet potatoes."

Shui Sheng was afraid that he would not believe him, so he ran directly to the place where Xiao Hei was wandering.Another pile of fallen leaves accumulated over there, all piled up high in one place, Shui Sheng took it to the fire and lit it, the sweet potatoes were directly stuffed in, and when the fallen leaves were burnt out, they continued to bake with the residual heat .

In the Muqing Courtyard, Prince An was walking comfortably with his wife and grandson, when he saw a puff of smoke rising from the Chaojin Courtyard, he was so frightened that he thought it was a fire.When the two big ones passed by, they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw several people digging out the sweet potatoes.

"You brat, you want to scare me to death!" Prince An said with a beard and a stare.

"Father can't blame the child, it's your grandson who wants to eat it." Zhao Hechen would not be intimidated by him, he took out a sweet potato and held it in his hand, smelled it, and it tasted really good.

Xiao Hei's "toy" was ignited, so he had to lie on the sidelines and watch the excitement.As soon as it saw the sweet potato coming out, it tentatively stretched out its paws with its small red nose and pawed it.The scalding temperature burned it instantly, and it shrank back suddenly with a gurgling sound.

Zhao Hechen handed the peeled sweet potato to Duan Yunsu, seeing how contented she was sipping it, he felt satisfied.

Xiaobao stayed beside Zhao Hechen curiously, and clams came out after smelling the fragrance: "Daddy, Xiaobao wants it."

Shuisheng on the side blows the freshly made sweet potatoes to cool down and stretches them out to Xiaobao. Xiaobao giggles happily, runs to Shuisheng's side with his short legs, and bites down.

"Shuisheng can still roast sweet potatoes?" Zhao Hechen prepared the remaining few and handed them to Prince An.

"When Shuisheng has nothing to eat, I go to the field to dig sweet potatoes and bake them."

Thinking of the past, Shui Sheng lowered his head slightly until a big palm landed on his head and rubbed it, he pursed his lips and smiled.

After Duan Yunsu was satisfied, she started to feel drowsy again. Zhao Hechen accompanied her into the room to rest. He originally wanted to sleep together, but he didn't expect that someone from the palace had something to talk to, so he had to go out to entertain her.

Not long after Zhao Hechen left, Ziyue came over with something in her hand, seeing that the concubine Shizi was asleep, she hesitated and waited outside.

Duan Yunsu's stomach was getting heavier and heavier, and Duan Yunsu couldn't sleep well, and he didn't dare to sleep in a casual position, fearing that the fetal position would be wrong, so he woke up after lying on the bed for half an hour.

"Concubine Shizi, a post from the Xue family." Ziyue took the opportunity to hand over the things.

The Xue family?Duan Yunsu opened it and saw that it was sent by Xue Shaochen, who probably meant to invite Zhao Hechen out for a get-together.

The Xue family is different from other families in Zhao Hechen's eyes, and she has no reason to refuse this invitation.Duan Yunsu supported his waist and got up slowly: "This thing is for the son of the world. If you hand it to me, it should be handed over to him."

Ziyue waited for her to put on her clothes and said: "The person who sent the post meant to give it to the concubine Shi Zi. This servant thought that the Xue family was looking for you for something."

Duan Yunsu wakes up full of energy, and doesn't care about it. He plans to tell Chenchen later: "Follow me to Muqingyuan, the princess is busy, I don't want to be lazy all the time."

Ziyue smiled when she heard the words: "The concubine is filial, the concubine knows it. I heard that there are many rewards from the palace, and they are all for the young master and young lady."

"Then I really want to see it."

After Zhao Hechen finished dealing with the man who came from the palace, he looked at the post sent by the maid sent by Duan Yunsu, looked at the date and time, secretly thought that Xue Shaochen had become impatient, and told the maid to take care of the concubine carefully, and then went I have an appointment.

In Juxian Building, someone has been waiting inside.He doesn't know what Xue Shaochen's temperament is, but he would choose such a place.Zhao Hechen looked at the scenery in the building, and said with a teasing smile: "Brother Chen has changed his sex? Ask me to come over and recite poems?"

Xue Shaochen immediately put on a bitter face: "Brother Chen, if you are not the one who made the appointment, and the place you chose is not here, how could father let me out."

"Lord Xue is mad at you. He didn't take the imperial examinations well, and his temper is becoming more and more casual." Zhao Hechen pushed his head away from him, and sat down casually: "I don't know if Brother Chen asked me to come out, what's the matter?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Xue Shaochen sat down with a faceless face, and complained exaggeratedly: "Brother Chen, you don't know that my father locked me in the courtyard, and I have a lot of homework every day. My mother kept talking about which girl is better in front of me all day long."

"Brother Chen doesn't want to start a family, so what do you want to do?"

"Don't think about such deep things when you are young. Come, come, you will go to a place with me to have fun." Xue Shaochen smiled slyly: "It's almost time, it must be lively tonight, I have sent a servant It used to occupy a good position.”

Zhao Hechen narrowed his eyes slightly, this guy laughed so hard, what was his idea?
Zhao Hechen soon knew that when he stood in front of Willow Alley, looking at the colorful lanterns hanging all over the street, the girls making poses, and the smell of makeup and powder that rushed into his nostrils, someone finally turned pale.

The old bustard in Yizui Building saw the handsome young masters in front of him, their luxurious clothes, his eyes lit up instantly, and stepped forward with a flick of his handkerchief: "Oh, the two young masters are new here? They look very familiar. The girls , Hurry up and come out to welcome the guests."

When the girl inside saw the two, she was as eager as a wolf seeing meat to pounce on them and snatch them away.Which family's young master is so handsome, if you have a spring breeze with him, you are really lucky!
A girl in blue clothes was fast enough, she came to the front in no time, and she was about to fall into the arms of Young Master Qiao.Zhao Hechen's eyes were slightly cold, and he stretched out his hand to push. The girl was pushed onto the doorpost suddenly, her back hurt and she fell to the ground.

The rest of the girls stopped in fright, took a small step forward tentatively, and were stared back by the man's cold gaze.

"Daughter, do you feel any pain from the fall?" The bustard came to her senses and hurriedly asked the girl who fell.

Zhao Hechen looked at Xue Shaochen dangerously: "It seems that Master Xue is too kind to Brother Chen."

"Brother Chen, don't be angry." Xue Shaochen stepped forward with a smile, and put his hand on Zhao Hechen's shoulder: "Come here today to watch the fun, how could these vulgar fans get into Brother Chen's eyes."

Seeing that Zhao Hechen's face turned colder, Xue Shaochen hurriedly changed his words: "No, no, everyone is vulgar except sister-in-law. Let's just come in for a drink and do nothing!"

Seeing that Zhao Hechen didn't respond, Xue Shaochen was so pitiful that he almost had tears in his eyes: "Brother Chen, my father watches me closely. I'm so old that I haven't even seen the building before. I finally came out. You can accompany me." Accompany little brother?"

He gritted his teeth and directly pulled the person in, and read: "Little brother, I have prepared a private room, and I will definitely not let annoying flies disturb people. Brother Chen, you don't know, it is very lively when a new girl is added in the building. Brother Chen Didn’t you want the medicine pestle and white jade chess made of sapphire to give to your sister-in-law, and I will send it to your house when I turn back.”

(End of this chapter)

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