The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 441 The Grand Finale

Chapter 441 The Grand Finale (4)
Xue Shaochen kept looking at the crowd on the first floor, but did not find the minister.Zhao Hechen got up straight away, and said: "Let's go, no one with dignity is on the first floor, I'll follow you to the other private rooms."

After inquiring about these news, the people in the Red Chamber will send the list within two days.It's just that he wanted to see today, how Xue Shaochen would handle this matter.

"Maybe there are no private rooms, so I went directly to the wing room to do business." Xue Shaochen rubbed his chin, his eyes sparkled.

The doors of the private room were tightly closed, and occasionally an ambiguous sound could be heard from inside.Xue Shaochen dug left and right, found out some money, and asked Gui Gong directly for news.

Money can turn ghosts around, but the Xue family has the most money.After inquiring, it turned out that the private rooms were full of rich businessmen, so Xue Shaochen directly sent his idea to the back room.

The two went around, during this time, Qing Shu had come back to report that the matter was over, and then hid in a blink of an eye.Xue Shaochen was envious when he saw it, what kind of feeling does it feel to have a master behind him.

"Brother Chen, don't you feel tired from walking around like this? Why don't you go back, the prince will give you the list found in two days." Zhao Hechen saw that it was late, and he didn't want to stay any longer.

Xue Shaochen looked at the rooms in the opposite corridor, unwilling to return empty-handed.He also wanted to fulfill the emperor's confession, and not let his father look down on him: "After exploring those rooms, I will go back with you."

The two walked over there, Xue Shaochen blushed because of the lewd moans coming from the room.Zhao Hechen walked indifferently, pretending he didn't hear anything.

"Little bitch, why are you pretending to be chaste when you come to this place? Only after you serve my uncle well will you reward me."

"Brother, what are you talking about, just go straight up, didn't you hear what the person said before?"

Just as the two rude voices fell, there was the sound of ping-pong objects falling in the room.

Outside the house, Xue Shaochen paused as he passed by, and looked back at Zhao Hechen.

"Why don't you leave?" Zhao Hechen raised his eyebrows.

There was a woman's scream coming from the room, the "hissing" sound of cloth being torn apart, and the man's obscene laughter.

"Brother, come first, it doesn't cost money anyway. I think this bitch offended someone, and the three of us just picked up a bargain."

"Hahaha, look at this thin-skinned and tender-skinned girl who is leaning on the Zuilou building, she is really ecstatic."

"You ugly bastards, do you know who I am! My elder brother is the young master of Huo's mansion, a celebrity in front of the emperor. I will let him put you to death!"

The woman yelled in panic, and suddenly yelled "Ah", only to hear an evil sound.

"Huo Mansion? I'm still the emperor's old man. Pretend to be Miss Qianjin! It's really noisy!" The man who was comfortable slapped him down, picked up his bellyband from the ground and stuffed his mouth hard.

Xue Shaochen's face outside the house changed. Could it be that the person inside is the Huo family's young lady?Seeing that Zhao Hechen was about to go far away, he hurried to catch up, and looked back at the wing from time to time.

"Brother Chen, this..." Xue Shaochen didn't know how to ask, just now Brother Chen said that that person offended his sister-in-law, but that person is from the Huo family, so it's not good to do so?
"What's wrong with Brother Chen?" Zhao Hechen glanced sideways at him.

"'s nothing, I'm just curious, isn't the relationship between Brother Chen and Young Master Huo good?" Xue Shaochen planned to ask from the side.

Zhao Hechen stopped in his tracks, and smiled calmly: "Brother Chen, even if he is the emperor's father, he will not let anyone offend my wife."

Emperor Lao Tzu?Xue Shaochen was startled by his wanton words and the cold killing intent in his eyes, shrank his head and asked cautiously: "Brother Chen, my younger brother shouldn't have offended my sister-in-law, right?"

"You?" Zhao Hechen smirked: "The imperial concubine hates this land of smoke and willows the most, and you want to bring this eldest son in, do you think you offended?"

"How can this be counted!" Xue Shaochen was shocked, and hurriedly entangled him: "We are brothers, I beg Brother Chen to be merciful!"

"Okay." Zhao Hechen responded readily, saw someone heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to say leisurely: "Brother Chen, how can you make Brother Chen suffer? Later, I will ask the princess to help Mrs. Xue find a good marriage for you, and then I will ask the emperor for help." Please ask a good gentleman to relieve Mr. Xue's worries."

Xue Shaochen yelled, "Brother Chen, why don't you just give me a break!"
It was already pitch black outside, and there was no starlight in the night sky. Liu Xiangzi was still full of lights, shadows, and fragrance. At the fork in the road, the two separated and went home.

Two lanterns were hung high outside the palace, and the shadows of the lanterns swayed with the cold wind.When the gatekeeper saw that Shizi had come back, he rushed in to welcome him in.

The lights in Chaojin Courtyard were still on. Seeing the soft and dim candlelight in the room, Zhao Hechen relaxed his whole body and stepped in.

Duan Yunsu was sitting in front of the candlestick doing needlework, and the candlelight reflected on his delicate face was extraordinarily soft.When she heard the sound, she looked up and smiled sweetly, "You're back?"

Zhao Hechen looked at the little clothes formed in her hands, his heart warmed up, and he stepped forward to cut off the things and put them on the sewing basket: "Doing needlework hurts your eyes when it's dark, why don't you go to bed early."

"I just ate some snacks, I can't go to sleep right away." Duan Yunsu stood up with his waist supported, and smelled his body as soon as he leaned over, frowned and said, "Where did my husband go? He smells like powder all over his body."

"Brother Chen insists on going to the Yizui Tower." Seeing Duan Yunsu's darkened face, Zhao Hechen explained: "I didn't do anything for my husband, I got the smell after staying in the building for a long time."

Duan Yunsu gritted his teeth, wishing he could pull Xue Shaochen in front of him and give him a good beating. Forget about visiting the brothel by himself, but also wanted to spoil her husband: "Hurry up and wash up, otherwise you won't even think about going to bed."

"Is that why you believe in your husband?" Zhao Hechen was very happy in his heart.

Duan Yunsu gave him a sideways look, and Shi Shiran said: "If you dare to attract bees and butterflies, I will dare to get out of the wall, at worst, take the child to live alone."

Zhao Hechen's face turned black in an instant, he lowered his head and kissed the cherry red lips fiercely, but was pushed away by Duan Yunsu in disgust: "Ziyue, prepare bathing soup for the son."

"Yes, Crown Princess."

Warm water was brought in, and Zhao Hechen had no choice but to take a bath by himself, seeing Duan Yunsu who was already undressed and resting on the bed.The smell on her body is indeed choking, and it can't compare to the natural fragrance of the lady.

When he came back from the bath, Duan Yunsu closed his eyes and breathed lightly. He must have fallen asleep. Zhao Hechen blew out the candle and lay down carefully so as not to disturb her.

Duan Yunsu turned over uncomfortably, Zhao Hechen looked at the swollen belly, reached out to touch it, and felt the little guy inside seem to kick his legs: "The little guy is still not asleep, disturbing your mother's sleep."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, the movement felt by the palm of his hand became even bigger. Seeing Duan Yunsu stretch out his hand to cover his big hand, Zhao Hechen said distressedly: "The lady is not asleep yet? But the child is too heavy to sleep comfortably?"

(End of this chapter)

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