The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 442 The Grand Finale

Chapter 442 The Grand Finale (5)
"It's not a big deal. After seven or eight months, the belly will get bigger, and then I will be called Shen."

"Thank you, lady." Zhao Hechen lay down and hugged her and kissed her.

"What are you two doing in the brothel? You came back so late."

Hearing Duan Yunsu's muffled voice, Zhao Hechen pursed his lips and chuckled, thinking that the lady really doesn't care, it feels really good to be taken care of like this: "The emperor asked Brother Chen to watch secretly, and find out all the ministers who are going to be romantic. .”

Duan Yunsu was stunned: "Rich people have a lot of concubines, and they also have concubines and domestic prostitutes. These can't satisfy them? If you really obey that sentence, concubines are worse than stealing."

Zhao Hechen said in a low voice: "Now that the national treasury is not full, the emperor probably wants to grab their painful feet and make a good fortune. If you have money to have fun, it is better to fund the rear of the army."

Duan Yunsu also laughed, this practice must have caused those people pain.Zhao Huanzhen did a lot of things for the sake of the people when he ascended the throne.Only when they meet Mingjun can they live a comfortable life.

"Miss, do you know who did my husband see in Yizui Tower today?"

Duan Yunsu turned around curiously, facing Zhao Hechen, and said, "Who? It shouldn't be those ministers?"

Zhao Hechen touched her delicate and smooth face, and said casually: "Huo Ying, was arrested and taken to Yizuilou, and sold for the first time tonight."

"Ah!" Duan Yunsu was astonished: "When Zhao Fang came before, his servants told him that Huo Ying was not in Yuzhou, how did he get there?"

Zhao Hechen sneered disdainfully: "Yuzhou keeps filial piety and lives in a hut in front of the grave to eat dregs. She can bear that kind of life? She should have sneaked out and been caught and sold."

Duan Yunsu said silently: "Huo Ying is really annoying. I won't talk about the matter of being entangled with you in Yuzhou. If it wasn't for her, Tinghe's life might not be so miserable."

Huo Ying deliberately found that Ting He was not pleasing to the eye, and stumbled everywhere to disturb Zhao Fang and Ting He's life, and still wanted to find a wife?She really thought she was the mistress of the Huo family.After all, she is just Zhao Fang's cousin, and there is still a blood relationship between her.

"Then she won't be bought as a prostitute? You didn't make a move, Mr. Duan Yunsu?" Duan Yunsu asked.

Of course he made a move, and the experience tonight will definitely make her unforgettable for the rest of her life.A dark light flashed in Zhao Hechen's eyes, and he followed Duan Yunsu's hair once in a while: "The person who provokes the wife is not pleasing to the husband, and he was bought by the benefactor when he came out."

Of course, I wouldn't tell my wife about those dirty pictures.

Duan Yunsu looked suspiciously at the man beside him. He couldn't see anything clearly in the dark night, so he pouted and said, "At first, I wanted to repay him with the same way, and let her experience everything Tinghe has experienced. See There is no way out."

Zhao Hechen heard the helplessness in her tone, and pinched her cheek.The little problem of the lady's short-term protection, I damn like it: "How can I be willing to let the lady down for my husband, the son of the Qin family is looking for relatives, and intends to climb up to the new rich and powerful, and the Huo family is just right for him."

The Qin family was nothing more than a piece of grass, when the second prince came to the throne, he bowed his knees; when Zhao Huanzhen came up, he wished to clean himself up and make a new plan.Duan Yunsu recalled that Qin Zhen had chosen relatives for Duan Yufang before, and there were portraits of the Qin family in it, but Qin Zhen eliminated them all, so he couldn't climb into Duan's mansion.

"Will the Qin family agree to Huo Ying's situation?"

Zhao Hechen smiled indifferently: "Let Zhao Fang take him back in a few days, no one will tell about such a scandal. The Qin family is not a good thing, if you disgust him, the emperor will be very happy."

As for these few days, let Huo Ying have a good taste of the most humble taste.

When he woke up the next day, Duan Yunsu looked out the window at the slightly gloomy weather and yawned lazily.The bigger the stomach, the more restless the sleep. Duan Yunsu fell asleep only in the middle of the night, and when he woke up, Zhao Hechen had already gone to bed early.

"Concubine Shizi, are you awake? Why don't you wash and wash first, Master Concubine Shizi told the kitchen to make some eight-treasure porridge for Concubine Shizi early in the morning." Ziyue came in softly, holding the toilet utensils in her hands.

"Eight-treasure porridge?" Duan Yunsu blinked his eyes, this... why did he start making eight-treasure porridge all of a sudden?

Seeing her puzzled look, Ziyue pursed her lips and smiled: "Concubine Shizi, maybe you were talking in your sleep at night? One time, my servant woke up to close the outside window and heard that you kept asking for plum cakes."

It's a pity that the plum blossoms haven't bloomed at that time, otherwise the Shizi must have ordered it down.

Duan Yunsu was embarrassed, he really became a glutton.

She put on her shoes and stood up casually. When Ziyue saw her thin clothes, she seemed to be facing an enemy, and waited for her to put them on, while muttering: "Concubine Shizi, look at this day, maybe it will snow. , you have to take care of yourself and be careful not to catch a cold."

"Forget it, my little housekeeper." Duan Yunsu smiled: "Look at you thinking about it all day long, have you ever taken a fancy to any young man, this concubine will be your master?"

"Concubine Shizi, don't make fun of Ziyue. If there is someone you like, I will tell you first. I just ask Concubine Shizi to give you more dowry so that Ziyue won't starve." Yunsu teased.

"Tsk tsk, whose girl is this, the dowry is not annoying." Duan Yunsu pinched her slightly round face deliberately, and said with a smile.

"It's not from Shi Zifei's house." Ziyue helped her sit in front of the vanity mirror, and slowly combed her hair into a bun.

What are they asking for as slaves? Isn't the final marriage also a word from the master.The palace is alright, if the eldest son doesn't take concubines, the maids in the mansion don't need to be jealous, and work hard, the master will never betroth them to a worthless person.

After breakfast, Duan Yunsu walked around the garden as usual.Watching Xiao Hei and A Wu making fun is also a special feeling.Prince An's Mansion is now the only royal mansion, and many wives come to deal with them with gifts.Duan Yunsu saw that the princess was busy with this and that, so she wanted to step forward to help, but the princess became more nervous after knowing that she was pregnant with two. It seemed that the servant girl among the guests was afraid that someone who didn't know would bump into her.

Now she is a key protection target, and she follows a bunch of people every time she goes out.I heard that many pregnant twins here suffer during childbirth, and some have dystocia.Duan Yunsu touched his stomach and sighed, don't worry about other things, take good care of your body, and let's talk about other things after giving birth to this couple safely.

"Awu, why didn't you follow Xiaobao?" Duan Yunsu saw Awu coming out from behind the tree and pacing in front of her, bent down slightly and touched its jaw.

Seeing Awu squinting his eyes comfortably, Ziyue almost thought it was just a docile wolfhound.She supported Duan Yunsu's body, and said: "The prince took the young master away early in the morning, and he is now in the study."

Awu has grown taller now, his teeth are cold and sharp, and his claws are extremely sharp, except for the young master and the son and concubine, even the prince dare not touch it in the house.I heard that there was a girl who teased with a fire stick before, and she was thrown to the ground and almost bitten.Ziyue continued to walk with Duan Yunsu, and glanced at Awu who was following him from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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