The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 450 The Grand Finale

Chapter 450 The Grand Finale (13)
Seeing Princess An's attire, Xiao Bao cleverly ran up to her grandma's leg, raised her head and blinked her eyes, her black eyes were bright.

Princess An was almost captured by his cute little eyes, and resisted the urge to hug him: "Xiaobao played for a long time just now, and I'm afraid I'll catch a cold if I go out again. The prince will be back soon. If I don't see Xiaobao, don't I feel anxious?" ?”

Duan Yunsu heard the words and had no choice but to ask Qin Niang to take care of Xiaobao, and it was okay not to go, since there was no food or drink there, so what would her baby do if she was hungry.Flower viewing?Uh, let's wait until he's older before learning this elegant thing.

She looked at the lazy female rabbit on the ground, and asked Ziyue to hug her and go there together.Hua'er, I'm worried that the white rabbit's food has been monotonous these two days. Although it's still plum blossom, it's a different variety, isn't it?

Duan Yunsu blushed slightly, just now he was talking about elegant things, and in a blink of an eye he took a rabbit to eat flowers, forgiving her for being a layman.

The end of the East Street, in fact, is also because of the short distance, so the princess is relieved that Duan Yunsu will go there. She is pregnant with two, and walking more is good for the fetus.

However, no matter how close the road is, the sedan chair must be prepared.The sedan chair is clean and soft, the thick mattress is not afraid of being bumped, and the drawn curtains are not afraid of the cold wind blowing in.

The sedan chair deliberately slowed down and moved forward steadily. Duan Yunsu was in the slightly swaying sedan chair, and the sleepy person just got up, and the bearer said that the ground had arrived.

She rubbed her eyebrows, and for the first time felt that the East Street was not that long.

The red plums bloomed overnight, and upon hearing the news, many people came to see the freshness. When Duan Yunsu and the princess got off the sedan chair, sharp-eyed officials' wives came to say hello.

"Princess An, it's a coincidence to see you here." The lady's gorgeous cloak almost dazzled Duan Yunsu's eyes.The makeup on her face was exquisite, but the slender eyebrows and the slightly raised corners of the eyes gave people a feeling of being difficult to get along with.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Qin." Princess An replied with a decent smile, "Why are you still standing here, come here alone?"

"All the family members in the mansion are here." Mrs. Qin did not expect that she would be so lucky to meet Princess An.He made up his mind to speak well, hoping to make a good impression on her.

Who doesn't know that the emperor respects Prince An the most, and if he doesn't please the people in Prince An's mansion, who should he please?

When Duan Yunsu heard Mrs. Qin's voice, his eyes widened.This person is the head mother of the Qin family, Huo Ying's mother-in-law?

"Hey, this is your daughter-in-law? She looks so pretty. I heard that she is pregnant. Princess, you are so blessed."

When Princess An heard this, she found it very pleasing to the ear, so she exchanged a few more words with her: "Yes, today I specially took her out for a walk, so as not to get bored."

"Princess, you are really interested." Mrs. Qin glanced at Duan Yunsu's belly enviously, and sighed: "Yes, the concubine is virtuous and generous, and you are naturally easygoing, concubine. Neither of my two daughters-in-law is good. You will only be angry with my old lady all day long."

Princess An smiled, Mrs. Qin is notoriously harsh, I'm afraid she is the only one who is uncomfortable looking for her daughter-in-law: "It's good to have more places, Mrs. Qin, this princess wants to walk slowly with Yunsu, you The family members should also find them."

With such an obvious refusal, no matter how stupid people are, they know that Princess An is not willing to swim with others. Mrs. Qin regrets not being able to continue to say a few good words to her husband Jun Erlang, so she has to leave first with a blessing.

The fragrance of plum blossoms comes with the wind, and Princess An leads Duan Yunsu to a place where there are few people, watching some red plums fluttering with the wind on the snowy ground, and even falling on her shoulders.

Duan Yunsu saw that there were petals stuck to Princess An's bun, he reached out and gently picked them off, and said, "Mother is pretty, this red plum loves to make up your makeup."

"Where did you learn to be slick, you are a grandma." Princess An gave her a look, and saw her handing flowers to the rabbit's mouth, and she was happy: "If the literati see it, you must say that you have ruined this place." An elegant view."

"Sooner or later, what falls on the ground will become dust. It's more meaningful than fattening rabbits." Duan Yunsu said with a smile.

"As long as you have a lot of nonsense, let's go, there are fewer people in the remote place, and the scenery is just right."

The two walked in slowly. Although Duan Yunsu said that, he was also immersed in the snow and flowers all over the sky.Seeing the snow on the branches piled up into white stripes, the red plum blossoms gently blooming on the branches, white and red jumping into the eyes, the broad vision makes people feel happy.

Of course, the beauties who come to enjoy the flowers are more pleasing to the eye.Duan Yunsu looked at the man and woman standing opposite behind the plum blossom tree on the left, pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

At that time, the red plum forest was planted here, and pavilions and chairs were built for people to watch and repair.It's just that maybe that person also thought that the red plum grove never bloomed.After decades of wind and rain, the pavilion is slightly mottled, and the patterns carved by the craftsmen can be vaguely recognized.

Princess An loves hibiscus the most, and she also enjoys seeing the red plums today.Duan Yunsu casually plucked a flower from the top of the branch and handed it to the rabbit. Watching the movement of its three-petal lips was very amusing.

Maybe only when it meets a lazy rabbit that eats, it is willing to move. It sniffs Duan Yunsu's slender nails left and right. If it can't find any flowers, it shakes its ears and looks up at Duan Yunsu.

She took it from Ziyue's arms, stroked the soft rabbit fur, and saw that Princess An had walked a few feet away.Duan Yunsu stood under the plum blossom tree and said: "My concubine is here to enjoy the scenery, how many people do you send to follow the concubine?"

The string of guards around him quickly separated several people to follow.Princess An over there turned around and nodded slightly at her, Duan Yunsu smiled back.

Duan Yunsu was glad that this was not a flower appreciation banquet hosted by Mrs. Hou Men, otherwise the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting would definitely be served together. At that time, I didn't know whether it was flower appreciation or a literary competition.

But reciting poems is the favorite of wits, no, not far away, I saw a man muttering.Duan Yunsu watched all kinds of living beings wantonly, and picked a flower from time to time to feed the rabbit.

After three or five flowers, Duan Yunsu was afraid of destroying this beautiful tree, so he changed direction and continued to destroy the flowers.

She turned her back and lowered her head to feed the rabbit, when suddenly there was a sound of obscenities behind her, only a woman's voice was particularly ear-piercing.

"Mother is in a good mood to let you come to enjoy the flowers. I didn't expect you to flirt with each other as soon as you came out. It's really embarrassing to the Qin family!"

"Second brother and sister, please don't bully others, I didn't say a word to that man!"

"What do you say when people hug you directly? The prostitutes who come out of the Goulan courtyard want to show their loyalty!"

When Ziyue heard it, she recognized Huo Ying's voice, and Ma Ruolan, a daughter-in-law whom she heard should be the second son of Qin. There were so many people coming and going, why did these two people have a quarrel here without any scruples?She looked at Duan Yunsu and saw that she was listening calmly.

Huo Ying's experience of living in a brothel should have been known to the Qin family, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the pain, so Ma Ruolan scolded: "It's really bad luck that you, a bitch, have climbed up to the eldest son! You still want to host the middle class ? Don’t look at your own skills!”

(End of this chapter)

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