The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 451 The Grand Finale

Chapter 451 The Grand Finale (14)
"What Miss Huo, she's just Mr. Huo's cousin, and she really thinks she's the legitimate daughter of the Huo family? She's just a sojourner living in a shabby household!"

Huo Ying was choked by her crackling meal, her face flushed, and she finally waited for the gap in the voice to push back: "You dare to say that about me? When my brother comes back, I must look good to you!"

"Oh, I'm so scared." Ma Ruolan patted her chest in fear, and suddenly put on a mocking face: "I didn't even come to see you when I went to war, because I thought you were so favored! You want status, status, and so on." Power, what do you have? Maybe your brother died on the battlefield, and you are just an unwanted person!"

Ma Ruolan's words can be described as vicious, Huo Ying said she was no good, picked up the broken branch on the ground and whipped her directly, even Duan Yunsu heard a grin: "You bitch, see if I don't beat you to death! How dare you scold Mrs. Ben !"

Ma Ruolan stretched out her hand to block it, and the branch fell on the back of her hand, which immediately became red and swollen.Seeing the passers-by who slowly cast their eyes on them, she directly pretended to be bullied, and Lihua was so pitiful with tears in her eyes: "Sister-in-law, don't hit me, I know I made a mistake..."

Passers-by immediately cast their sharp eyes on Huo Ying.

Huo Ying was so ashamed that she slammed down the branch and walked forward, but she didn't expect to see Duan Yunsu behind the tree.Looking at the many guards and maids around her, Huo Ying's complexion suddenly changed, turning blue, turning white, turning red, which was very exciting.

"Miss Huo, are you married?" Duan Yunsu caressed the rabbit leisurely.

Seeing that Huo Ying was standing still, Ma Ruolan on the one side followed her and wanted to teach her a lesson, but she didn't expect to see Duan Yunsu, she stepped forward to flatter her and said, "It turns out that the concubine of Prince An's Mansion is here, Ruolan Salute to the Crown Princess."

Duan Yunsu looked at the person in front of him with a smile, and said, "It seemed quite lively just now, the relationship between your sisters-in-law is really good."

I don't know if Ma Ruolan did it on purpose or if she was so sincere that she couldn't rub the sand in her eyes, she just sneered: "What kind of relationship can I have with her? My mother said that if we divorce, she will remarry the eldest son."

Huo Ying's face was pale, the nasty old thief, she still had such an idea!
"Your Qin family proposed to marry her, why don't you just divorce?" Duan Yunsu saw Ma Ruolan's slightly changed expression, and said slowly, "But Miss Huo has always been virtuous, and she wanted to find an equal wife for his brother back then. Such a magnanimous person is not as good as your Qin family marrying the eldest son another wife, Miss Huo will not stop her, will she?"

Huo Ying was severely stopped by her cold eyes and sarcastic words, and said loudly with a pale face: "That's because Ting He's identity is not worthy of my brother!"

Ma Ruolan understood Duan Yunsu's meaning a long time ago, she immediately understood, and said to Huo Ying with a cold snort, "What is your identity? You are a flamboyant and chaste person, I will let my mother think about it when I go back!"

"You bitch, I'll fight with you!" Huo Ying rushed towards Ma Ruolan with red eyes, but before she could get close, the man fell to the ground.Before Huo Ying could react, someone kicked her waist hard, hit the red plum tree directly, and fell to the ground with a scream of "ah".

It turned out that the eldest son of the Qin family came over, and this kick was his masterpiece.Without even looking at Huo Ying, he directly helped Ma Ruolan up, and asked nervously, "Sister and sister, are you injured?"

Ma Ruolan smiled provocatively at Huo Ying, and stood up holding the hand of Mr. Qin, with tears welling up in her eyes, she said softly, "Ruolan is fine..."

Duan Yunsu, who was on the sidelines, saw the two of them flirting secretly, and instantly smelled the smell of adultery.This Qin Mansion is really wonderful, no wonder Qin Zhen can't wait to leave these people, stay in Duan Mansion and never want to go back.

When everyone focused on Ma Ruolan, Huo Ying, who was kicked, suddenly screamed in horror: "Blood, blood...Master, come and save me!"

Duan Yunsu looked sideways, and saw a stream of blood slowly flowing out from the bottom of her skirt on the snowy ground. The bright red blood stained against the white snow was particularly dazzling.

She clutched her stomach in panic, the pain of peeling off her stomach made her face pale with tears in her eyes: "My child... my child, Mr. Xianggong, come and save our child..."

Ziyue took a step forward, blocking Duan Yunsu's sight, and Sui'er silently supported Duan Yunsu.She knew that the concubine Shi Zi was proficient in medical skills, but she really didn't want the concubine Shi Zi to go for diagnosis and treatment.

Everyone thought that Mr. Qin would pick him up to find a doctor, but they didn't expect him to ignore the presence of others and scolded angrily: "What is my child, you bastard, who knows whose seed is in your belly! "

The bride's wedding night didn't turn red, which made Mr. Qin lose face.The thing in my belly might be a wild species, and I want him to save it!
More and more people came to watch, and they all cried out in shock when they heard the words, pointing and pointing one after another.

Huo Ying's lips were completely pale, and she looked at the person in front of her in disbelief.

"Brother Qin, is this your concubine Ji?" A man beside Young Master Qin asked in a low voice. , the child is aborted, don't waste this beauty."

"Brother Zhang has taken a fancy to it? This is my son, so don't be fooled!" Mr. Qin said in a deep voice.

It's just that Mr. Zhang didn't seem to give up, and said with an obscene smile: "This figure is really good, Mr. Qin, why don't you give it to my brother and me for fun, anyway, I'm a concubine. I'll give you the storefront you fancy!"

Mr. Qin's heart moved, Ma Ruolan beside him heard the words clearly, her eyes flashed, she leaned against him softly, and said weakly: "Mother has already said that she will find a new relative for Da Lang. One time, eight sedan chairs must have been carried through the door happily."

What Ma Ruolan said meant that, firstly, her mother didn't like that Huo Ying would drive out sooner or later, and secondly, there was no banquet at the wedding, so many people thought that the eldest son Qin was not married.

Mr. Qin came to his senses and knew that the surname Zhang had some special hobbies, so he just waved his hand and changed the shop he liked: "Brother Zhang, if you like it, take it, this woman is very cheap, you can play with it as you like!"

Mr. Zhang chuckled: "Then put it in brother Qin's house first, and I will go there personally in two days..."

Duan Yunsu watched coldly, in the eyes of these people, concubines are just playthings.The eldest son of the Qin family is definitely a useless dude, to put it simply, he is a scum.If it was this person she met when she traveled back then, Duan Yunsu wondered if she would just cut off his roots and see how flirtatious he is.

Ziyue saw that the son of the Qin family called a servant to carry him back, and the people who watched the show slowly dispersed.Princess An had noticed the movement here a long time ago. Seeing that Yunsu was fine, she didn't care about the rest, so she came over and said, "Is Yunsu tired? Mother sent someone to break a few plum blossom branches and go back."

"As long as mother likes it." Duan Yunsu said.

With the north wind blowing, bursts of red plum rain fell, and the bright red petals fell on the pool of blood, leaving a bit of desolation.

(End of this chapter)

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