The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 452 The Grand Finale

Chapter 452 The Grand Finale (15)
Duan Yunsu turned around and was pleasantly surprised to see Zhao Hechen coming towards her, standing in front of her with a few red plums in his hands, only her figure was reflected in his bright black eyes, and his smile was as moving as a stream of light: "My lady, Chen I want to eat red plum cake."

Duan Yunsu was taken aback for a moment, and realized that he was embarrassed and annoyed by his lack of focus. He landed his fist on his chest and said angrily, "I can only eat!"

The smile in Zhao Hechen's eyes gradually brightened, he hugged her lightly, stretched out his hand to caress the baby in his belly, and said affectionately: "If you don't eat, then I will accompany you and the child to see all the beautiful scenery in the world, what does the lady think?"

Red plum petals fell on the lovers, Ziyue and Sui'er silently turned and waited elsewhere.

There are too many people with bad intentions, so the true feelings are more precious.

When the group returned to the palace, Duan Yunsu found out after listening to the girl next to him. It turned out that Zhao Hechen had heard that she and the concubine had gone out to admire flowers when he came back from the palace. Hong Meilin looked for her, but she didn't expect to see the scene before.

Duan Yunsu was very moved, she was thousands of times happier than the women here, every move of Zhao Hechen touched her heartstrings.

Just as Duan Yunsu was about to separate from the concubine and go back to his own yard, Cailian hurried over, her exhaled breath froze into white mist, and she gasped and said, "Princess, concubine, you are back. There's someone from China."

"What's the matter?" asked the princess.

"The imperial concubine is born!"

Cailian's words directly startled Duan Yunsu, and she stepped forward with her stomach shy and asked anxiously: "Isn't there still more than ten days to give birth? Has the baby been born yet?"

"The slaves don't know either. When the eunuch sent the message, it said that the imperial concubine was giving birth."

"Mother, Yunsu wants to go to the palace to have a look." Duan Yunsu looked at Princess An worriedly. Having a baby means walking through the gates of hell, and she is really worried.

Princess An knew that she and Duan Yunrong had a good relationship, and was about to nod her head in response, but Cai Lian who looked anxious said first: "Concubine Shizi, the little eunuch said that the emperor told Concubine Shizi that you don't have to make this trip in person. , both the imperial doctor and Wenpo said that the imperial concubine's fetal position is very upright, and her body is good, so the baby will come out safely."

The emperor valued this child very much, so he should not be negligent, and the woman who delivered the baby in the palace must be very good.Duan Yunsu withdrew his feet hesitantly, frowning, still a little worried: "I'm just afraid that something might happen, that's why I'm so anxious. I've spent a lot of time in Hongmeilin. I wonder if the child has come out yet?"

"As soon as there is news, the emperor will pass it to the palace. Yunsu, go back to your room and rest first, don't get tired." Princess An advised.

Duan Yunsu could only nod his head, he was exhausted after giving birth, and even if she went there, he would not be able to talk to her, so it is better to wait for the news first.

She returned to the courtyard, sent Ziyue out to wait for the news, and looked up to the direction of the palace from time to time.The child in her womb seemed to feel her tension. She didn't know whether it was stretching out her hand or kicking her foot, and it moved again and again.Duan Yunsu touched it soothingly a few times, and the little guy seemed to sense it, and slowly calmed down.

Until the end of the Xu Dynasty, when it got dark, lights were lit in the surrounding courtyards, and finally the eunuchs in the palace came to announce the good news that the mother and child were safe.

Duan Yunsu loosened his nerves, but was a little worried about the word "mother and child".Forget it, no matter what, I have to go to the palace tomorrow, and she and the third sister have not seen each other for a while.

The emperor was delighted to have Lin'er, and the dragon's heart was overjoyed, and the morning court was canceled for three consecutive days.The folks associated the birth of the little prince with the red plum that suddenly bloomed.It is said that this is auspiciousness from the sky, and the red plums all over the sky are just the congratulations from the gods in the sky to the little prince.

Duan Yunsu rubbed his eyebrows when he heard this, not knowing who brought up this topic in a hurry.Auspiciousness from heaven?Duan Yunrong once told her that she would rather take the child to live a peaceful life and quietly accompany the one she loves.Now that such a big name is covered, it may not be a good thing.

When she and Zhao Hechen entered the palace, Eunuch Liu came to greet her personally and led them into the palace.

The two stepped in and saw that Zhao Huanzhen was clumsily holding the child, his face was full of joy, and he wanted to tease the sleeping baby.

"I have seen the emperor." The two saluted.

"Hurry up, there are no outsiders, what kind of courtesy are you doing?" Zhao Huanzhen glanced at them, then returned to the child, and suddenly said with emotion: "No wonder Brother Chen said all day long that he would go back home early to accompany the child, and now I am clear."

"It's good that the emperor understands." Zhao Hechen smiled: "Since the emperor has a deep understanding, it is better to approve the lie of the humble minister and let the humble minister return to the mansion to accompany the lady."

Zhao Huanzhen looked at Duan Yunsu's stomach, calculated the time, and directly vetoed it: "No, the siblings are not born yet, let's talk about it in a month or two."

"Have you chosen a name for the little prince?" Duan Yunsu stepped forward and took a look. The little baby was sleeping quietly with his eyes closed. The newborn baby still couldn't tell who he looked like.

"Never, I'm not in a hurry, I'm going to let Rong'er take my baby name." Zhao Huanzhen's voice softened, full of the joy of being a new father, and said: "Siblings, why don't you go talk to Rong'er first?"

Duan Yunsu nodded, and a palace maid beside her came and brought her in.

Duan Yunrong was lying on the bed with her hair wrapped, and when she heard the sound, she turned her head and sat up in surprise: "Big sister is here."

Duan Yunsu nodded with a chuckle, sat on the edge of the bed, and said: "The days go by so fast, and my sister will become a mother in a blink of an eye."

"Has sister seen the child?"

Duan Yunsu smiled and said: "I've seen it, the emperor is holding him in his arms like a treasure. Is Sanmei okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Rong'er is fine." Duan Yunrong's eyebrows became more tender, thinking that the child was finally born safely in October, so the crimes she suffered were nothing: "Many people said that looking at the pregnancy portrait should be a good thing during pregnancy." As for the little princess, I didn't expect it to be a boy."

If you don't want to fight, there will be more disputes after giving birth to a prince.Duan Yunsu understood the reason, and said: "The emperor understands my sister's intentions, you should take care of your body first, and don't think too much about other things in advance."

"That's right." Duan Yunrong smiled: "It's useless to think too much, isn't there a sister to help?"

"You, you have learned to rely on elder sister. The second brother should be very happy at home, why don't you find a chance for him to come and have a look?"

"Rong'er thinks the same way, and my aunt has never been in the palace. I want her to come in and have a look."

Duan Yunrong's eyes were full of happiness and contentment. Looking at such soft eyes, Duan Yunsu really didn't want to think of another thing.

At that time, Zhao Huanzhen said that if a child is not born, the harem will be empty for a day.In the current situation, this man who originally belonged to Duan Yunrong will also be snatched away by reality?

The nanny had already prepared it, and the servants around Duan Yunrong also called a lot from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Duan Yunsu saw that she was all right, so he personally checked her pulse, gave her careful instructions, and was reluctantly dragged away by Zhao Hechen. up.

(End of this chapter)

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